What a difference a week makes! Last week we were excited about Rebekah's eating and saw a definite improvement in the amount she was taking at each feeding. Since this weekend, we have seen a significant difference as well.....just not in the right direction! Rebekah has been eating less at each feeding and has been very agitated during most of her feedings - a sign that appears to indicate that her reflux medications are not controlling her reflux adequately.

Yep! That's our sister! Justin and Aaron love to help take care of Rebekah.
Rebekah has also been more lethargic this week and has been sleeping more than she was last week. We decided to blame that on the less frequent doses of Lasix that Rebekah has been getting since last week's cardiologist visit. Rebekah's doctors today decided to go back to the original dose and frequency to see if that can get us back to where we were last week before we made the changes. Of course, it doesn't help at all when Rebekah spits up immediately following her medications!

Sleeping in spite of my brothers!
The official weight check numbers for this week were consistent....consistently low! In the previous week, Rebekah had only gained three ounces, and this week she decided to make a repeat performance. Rebekah gained three ounces this week to bring her up to seven pounds and three ounces. We didn't measure length today, but one or two of her little outfits are getting snug in the length, so she may be adding a little growth in that direction.

Silly monkeys!
In developmental news, Rebekah has started to smile just a little bit in response to Drew or I. It is fast and fleeting, so I haven't really been able to capture it on camera yet. I'm still trying, though! Rebekah is also getting better at holding her head up for a few seconds at a time. Because of her reflux, we haven't had much tummy time at all, but she does lift her head when Drew or I put her up to our shoulders.

Almost everyone! Caleb bailed out at the last minute. :)
We will have another weight check next Wednesday at our pediatrician's office. In the meantime, we are being referred to a gastroenterologist (GI doctor) to figure out what the next plan for feeding Rebekah will be. Some days it feels like we are swinging on a pendulum between good days and bad, plan A and plan Z, but it is comforting to know that God has a plan for Rebekah. He has had that plan since before she was born, before we even knew she existed. And we are so thankful for the doctors that He included in that plan to help us care for Rebekah. We have been blessed by a truly amazing team of doctors and medical personnel, and we are grateful for them!

Zachary bought this outfit for Rebekah. She looks so cute in it!
Please continue to keep Rebekah in your prayers in the next few weeks. The feeding tube is definitely on the table as an option again, and we are willing to pursue that option if it will be best for Rebekah. Please pray for wisdom for all of the doctors involved, for Drew and I as we care for Rebekah, and for Rebekah. Pray specifically for Rebekah that her tummy issues will be resolved and she will be able to grow as she needs to.
Thank you to everyone who continues to pray for our family and especially for Rebekah. We appreciate you all more than you know!
P.S. Click on over to our family blog here for new pictures of the boys!