Hello all! I
promise that I will post shower pictures as soon as I have them! Being that our shower was a complete surprise, I didn't have my camera with me (for obvious reasons!), so I have to rely on getting some pictures from friends who were there. They will be posted as soon as I can get them on here! :)
We are working hard on organizing/cleaning out/getting Rebekah Grace's room ready. We received some beautiful gifts at the shower, and I am so excited about getting things all ready and then sharing pictures with you all. A very good friend (who is an incredible artist!) made an absolutely stunning print with the words from one of my favorite songs "You formed me in my mother's womb/according to Your plan/You made each little finger/and You made each tiny hand." The words are so appropriate for Rebekah Grace especially, and I am so grateful for Sarah's work to put it in print. Also, Aunt Aimee made a beautiful keepsake shadowbox that I can't wait to display! Rebekah Grace was named for Drew's grandmother, Grace Ellis, who went home to be with the Lord several years ago. Aimee used one of Grandma's very delicate hankies to form a butterfly in the shadowbox, and I know it is something that we will cherish for Rebekah. Aunt Aimee also made a beautiful hairbow/ribbon hanger that is just incredible! She is so talented! :) Pictures will be coming, I promise!
We also received some gift cards which I used to order a small three-drawer organizer and some baskets to put some of Rebekah's clothes and other things in. Hopefully they will lend a bit of organization to what is right now a very cluttered room! :)
Our shower was so much fun, and I am so thankful for the friends we have who put it all together and those who came. We received so many sweet, girly things! From curtains, to a lamp, blankets, bedding, a boppy cover in girl colors (!!) burp cloths, bibs, pacifiers, toys and lots and lots of clothes, we truly felt "showered" with things for Rebekah!
Rebekah and I have two doctor's visits this week. Tuesday morning we will have another ultrasound and our final meeting with the cardiologist before going to Charleston (providing everything looks the same). We are praying that Rebekah's growth will continue to be stable. Then on Thursday we have a routine OB visit with Mommy's doctor. We will update with any new information after our visits!
Thanks to all of you who keep up with the blog and are praying for us. It means so much to know that there are people literally all over the world who are praying for Rebekah Grace!