
My craft blog was morphing into a book blog. So I started this blog to primarily include book reviews and related challenges in which I participate. I review young adult and adult fiction, but I mention kids books here and there.

Showing posts with label read-a-thon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label read-a-thon. Show all posts

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday Salon & Read-a-thon Wrap Up

Can you say utter failure? They say that failure to plan is a plan for failure. Well, I am proof of it. While I looked forward to this read-a-thon, I didn't take time to set books aside or find things to distract my children. So I didn't get to actively participate like I wanted to.

I woke up an hour late. I did start on a book, but I had to stop to make sure kids were getting dressed and ready for our scout meeting. Since I'm the leader, I had to gather everything together for our activity. I ended up conversing with parents afterward, so I didn't get back home and to my book as quickly as I had wanted. I neglecting to plan for lunch, so I had to stop and do that.

This list of excuses goes on, but in the end, I was a flop this time out. I'll have to try again in 6 months.  I did visit some blogs and ponder some interesting mini-challenges. But I was too late to participate in many by the time I saw them. I still might do a big post with all of the ones that I liked.
In summary, here are my stats.
Total number of books read: 0
Total time spent reading: 2ish hours
Total mini-challenges completed: 0
Prize you’ve won: 0
Total number of participants visited: 15

The Sunday Salon.com
The books I have read in the past week: 
Haven't finished anything

Books I am currently reading:
The Map, Raising Financially Fit Kids, Just in Case, Urban Homesteader

Books I plan on reading this week:
In addition to completing some of the books on my in progress list, I plan to start on Plan B.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Read-a-thon: Update #2

Title of book(s) read since last update:
Time spent reading since last update: 30 minutes
Mini-challenges completed since last update:

As you can see from my stats, today didn't go as planned. Kids take priority and they took over my day today. I'm hoping to join back in now, but I'm tired, so I'm not sure how much I will accomplish.

Total number of books read:
Total number of pages read: 60
Total time spent reading: 30 minutes
Total mini-challenges completed:
Prizes won:
Total number of participants visited: 5

Read-a-thon: Hour 1 Update

I'm awake! I over slept and missed hour 1. I doubt that I will update every hour. I have to leave the house for a few hours to run a girl scout meeting. I think I'll update before I go, when I get back and may be a couple more times before my Wrap Up post.

I have a book that I need to read and review. So I'll do that now and participate in a couple of challenges. I'll check back in after hour 3.

Happy reading!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Read-a-thon is coming!

 This weekend is the 24-hour read-a-thon. In my time zone, we start at 7:00 am Saturday, April 10. Because of things I need to get done with my kids, I won't likely get the entire 24 hours in, but I'm going to give it my best. It's not too late to sign up.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sunday Salon - Mystery Read-A-Thon Wrap Up

I realize that it's Tuesday, but my weekend was busy and I just got around to posting this.

The Sunday Salon.com
The books I have read in the past week:
Between sick children and preparation for return to classes, I didn't complete any books this week.

Books I am currently reading:
 I started Bookman's Last Fling and Six Easy Pieces.

Books I plan on reading this week:
This is the first week of class, so I just want to finish what I started. I won't add to the list.

My weekend was busier than I had anticipated, so I barely eked out 6 hours for this read-a-thon even with the holiday. But I enjoyed both books that I started, so I will read mystery this week. I hoe to do better next time around.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Sunday Salon - New Year Read-a-Thon Wrap up

Yes, I know that it's Monday.
The Sunday Salon.com

I made a weak showing in the New Year's Read-a-thon. My weekend was more hectic than expected, so I only managed to get in about 10 hours.
The books I have read in the past week: I finished My Life as a Rhombus.

Books I am currently reading: I got a good start on Ask Me No Questions. I will probably finish it today.

Books I plan on reading this week: I'll probably select some short stories and kid's books to read for various challenges this week.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year Read-A-Thon

Kristen at Bookworming in the 21st Century is hosting a New Year Read-a-thon.

I'm going to give this a try, although I don't know how much I'll get read. Even though it has already begun, I probably won't get started until tomorrow afternoon. I probably will just do a wrap up post.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday Salon: ReadAThon Wrap Up

The Sunday Salon.com
I have participated in my first 24 hour read-a-thon. I didn't catch up on nearly as much reading as I wanted. But I had a good time. I was awake until hour 21, but I stepped away for several hours because of various commitments.

I managed to complete a book from my in progress list, complete 2.5 short stories, and start a book in my to be read pile. I participated in 5 challenges, and I hosted one of my own. I also visited some blogs along the way. I guess that's pretty decent for a rookie.

ReadAThon Update: Hours 18, 19 & 20

At hour 18 I decided to switch to short stories. I had a few queued up electronically at DailyLit. I completed A Doctor's Visit by Anton Chekhov but fell asleep shortly thereafter (shame on me!). I woke up towards the end of hour 19 and decided to dive into another short story, The Lady With the Dog.

I was too tired to do any challenges this time. I'm about to start one more short story, but I think I'm going to sleep soon. I know I should force myself to get through these last 4 hours, but I just don't think I can. We'll see.

ReadAThon Update: Hours 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17

I was at a banquet the past few hours, so no reading occurred. I'll likely be sleep soon, but we'll see if I can squeeze anymore reading in before the end.

Since my last update, I've read:
I participated in these mini-challenges:

And I visited a few blogs.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

ReadAThon Give Me Five Challenge

Lynn asked us to name five favorite children's books.
Here's my list:
Harold and the Purple Crayon
The Sneetches
Where the Wild Things Are
The Monster at the End of this Book
Chronicles of Narnia

ReadAThon pdate: Hours 9, 10, 11 & 12

Since my last update, I've read:
NOTHING! So sorry, but I took children to a carnival and am now off to a church banquet. Maybe this wasn't the best weekend. But I got to host a mini challenge, so that was cool! Hopefully I'll tune back in in the wee hours of the morning.

Readathon Mini Challenge

UPDATE: The randomly selected winner is Emily . You will recieve one set of Katrina's booksmarks and 2 books of your choice. Please email your book choices (you get to pick TWO books!) and address info to deweyreadathon(at)gmail. You can find your book choices on the Prizes page.

Generally, I’m not the type of person who watches movies for grown-ups more than once or reads a fiction book more than once. I have been known to watch Disney movies ad nausea because I have children. I only buy sewing, crafting or education books, since they serve as references that I can return to. I love children’s books and will read them night after night to my children. But I get my fiction from the library.

That being said, I do have one fiction book that I reread from time to time. But before I tell you about it, I’d like to know about you.

What book or books do you return to read again and again and why?

You can leave your answer or a link to your short post in the comments. This is a 2-hour challenge, so you have until 6pm CST, which I believe is hour 12. One winner will be chosen at random, but you must answer the question to be eligible.

And now for my answer. I just love The Temple of My Familiar by Alice Walker. It is so rich in plot, that I’m able to get lost in it every time. Admittedly, I space my reading out about once every 18 months or so. That’s about long enough for me to only have a vague recollection of all of the interrelatedness of the characters. They are like old friends whom I haven’t seen since that last class reunion. I’m always excited to hear about what they’ve been up to. Maybe I’m a little weird, but I love me!

ReadAThon Update: Hours 5, 6, 7, & 8

I had to leave to run a girl scout meeting, so I read nothing during hours 5, 6, or 7.

Since my last update, I've read:
Chapters 2 - 3 from Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. (pitiful, I know)
I participated in the Collection Obsession mini-challenge and visited a couple of blogs.

ReadAThon Collection Obsession Challenge

Wendy asks that we share what we collect besides books. Books are by far #1 for me. But I guess that there have been other collections along the way.

I used to collect Christmas angel ornaments. They are currently packed away, so I can't share a picture of those. I collect hobbies like sewing and jewelry making. The only related picture I could come up with is my fabric collection in my small sewing space. I apologize for the quality. I had to use my phone since I can't find my camera at the moment.

I'm behind on my reading, so I need to get back to it.

ReadAThon Update: Hours 3 & 4

I didn't do as well as I had hoped during this stretch. The kids woke up and wanted me to be a mommy! And I visited other blogs, so I got distracted.

Since my last update, I've read:
Chapter 1 of Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin.
I participated in Hey Lady's mini-challenge.

I have to go be a Girl Scout Leader for the next two hours, so there won't be reading during that time period. See you at hour 7 or so.

ReadAThon: Update for hours 1 & 2

Since my last update, I've read:
63 pages from I know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou. This was a read in progress, and I've now finished it. I plan to read Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin next.
I participated in Wordlily's mini-challenge.
I don't have a definitive list of books, so I can't give you a count. Also, I'll be reading some in electronic form since I subscribe to DailyLit.

ReadAThon: Twitter mini challenge

This first challenge is hosted by WorldLilly and is to take a screen shot when the #readathon hastag starts to trend. For full details on how to enter click here.

Start your engines!

The read-a-thon has begun! I've got some electronic and "real" books to read, and I'm ready. I'll have to take breaks to attend to other matters, but I'm excited and raring to go. My goal is to update every 2 hours or so.

Don't forget to look for my mini challenge later today!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ready to read?

The 24 Hour Read-a-Thon is this weekend! I already know that I won't be able to hang for the full 24 because I have to lead a girl scout meeting and my kids have a school carnival. But I'm going to give it my best.

I also get to be a cheerleader! Please look for my mini challenge from Hour 10 through Hour 11, which is 4pm until 6pm Central time.

And go sign up if you haven't done so already.