Cora Louise Rodino (possible AKA - Boo) was born at 12:04 p.m. on October 31, 2008. She weighed in at a whopping 7 lbs. 7 oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long. Labor and delivery was a little more intense than it was with Nona, but I guess I can't complain too much since they hooked me up to the Pitocin at about 8 and she was born 4 hours later! Cora is a very good baby... Sleeping lots! :)
So the other day, after viewing the trumpet talent on Annie and Regan's blog, Terry told me about the Star Wars Holiday Special. Now, I had not heard of this special "Special". And to tell the truth, after he described it, I was sure he was making it up. How could such a thing exist? The Star Wars movies are classics and surely they would not degrade themselves by appearing in a sort of variety show? But Youtube has proved the accuracy of Terry's claim. And here it is for your viewing pleasure... (Alas, only 5 minutes of a 2 hour SPECIAL!!)
My sister Lori had her baby October 1. Nona wasn't too sure of her at first. In fact, not only did Nona refuse to look at the camera (a rarity for her), right after we took a picture, she handed Aliya right back to me. She still isn't too interested in holding baby Aliya, but she is very willing to share. At first it was one of her Fisher Price people, but this morning she actually offered Percy (one of her precious trains) to baby Aliya. Good sharing Nona!! Here's the pictures we took.
So Nona has lately become obsessed with trains - Thomas The Train in particular. Actually, I think in her mind no train is as great and wonderful as Thomas. The title of any train book is Train Train Train, which she will always announce as she opens the book to the first page. We were in the store one day and happened to walk past the toy train aisle. Fortunately, we escaped with the cheapest Thomas they had. That Thomas has hardly left Nona's hand since. The other night, Terry showed her how her crib could be Thomas' railroad...