Sunday, December 6, 2015


A few months ago, we heard Garth Brooks was coming to town. I'd heard he was an amazing performer, and Todd talked about how fun it would be to go, but we decided it just wasn't in the budget. Plus, I figured I'd be working when tickets went on sale, and we heard they go FAST!

Well, it turned out that I had the day off the day tix went on sale, so I hopped on, and there WERE tickets! So we ended up with floor seats, and Todd came home the Wednesday before Thanksgiving to news about his early Christmas present :)

We bundled up, hopped on the shuttle last Thursday night, and headed into Intrust. This is a pic of Todd in our special line for our floor seats :) There was really no bad seat in the house!

Selfies must be taken :)

Garth did a great job of personalizing the tour for Wichita. It was cool to hear how many of his crew are from Kansas (like, 6 or 7!)

I didn't grow up on country like Todd did, but I was impressed by Garth. He gets around the stage like a much younger person! He and Trisha sounded great, the band was great!

 He moved around so much all we could get are these blurry shots of the Jumbotron :)

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