Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Forever.... and a day

Okay, so I haven't posted in a while. Perhaps so long that no one will read this because they've forgotten all about us. But... here's some snapshots of what's happened.

Bug-a-Boo LOVES Jamba. She'll walk right up to the counter and ask where her Jamba is.

Bug-a-Boo trying to be like her sister.

Dance class for Principessa #1. She LOVED it!

With her 2 cute friends.

Party Time!! (He's not going to be happy about this... shhh! Don't tell. :)

Great times with friends, princesses and super heroes.

Big # 5!

Happiest place on earth.

Notice the sticker? This is right after Bug-a-Boo went to the first aid station for an allergic reaction to sunscreen on her face. She couldn't even open her eyes there for a while.

Rapunzel's crown. Yes, thank you.
(We have TONS of pictures with my Principessas and the Disney ones. But we'll limit ourselves...)

Other than the terrible car ride down and back (let's just say we went through a lot of bags), we had a great time! Thanks Grammie and Grandpa!

Maybe I'll post again before Bug-a-Boo's birthday. Stranger things have happened....

Monday, February 14, 2011

Welcome, Welcome

Welcome to CaP! Cute little bundle - all 6 lbs of her!

Proud Papa!

Happy Birthday to the Mama!

Girly party - eating Fondu!

Famous Mrs. Backers - check out those frosting flowers!


Old News

Old, and late news... But this is for the great and wonderful grandparental people who live not as close as we might like....
Awesome coat!!

Rupunzel (hair and all!)

Speak no evil, see no evil, hear no evil... sort of!



Grandpa's present...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Merry Christmas!

This is not the Christmas picture. But I think it shows a little personality on the part of my girls. Principessa #1 is looking at the quarter we paid her to smile. Bug-a-Boo is wondering when she can finally get up and leave. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Birthday Fun

We were so happy to have Nunny come visit for Bug-a-Boo's birthday and Halloween. We had a great time trick-or-treating (on Saturday out here), shopping and eating. Thanks for coming NUNNY!



Cake (and trick-or-treat sucker)


Tricking Nunny

Bumblebee Power

Bug-a-Boo's new bike

Seven years of marriage and I finally get a jack-o-lantern. Thanks Nunny for the encouragement! :)


Random pictures of the Principessas
A picture of Principessa #1 on her first day of school

Bug-a-Boo looking cute