Author: Kate SeRine
Publisher: Kensington Books
Published: August 1, 2013
Along came a spider…
When Trish Muffet is attacked at a grisly crime scene, the last person she expects to come to her rescue is Nicky “Little Boy” Blue. But since walking away from everything two years before, Nicky’s been doling out vigilante justice as “The Spider,” taking on the vicious predators of the night in hopes it’ll lead him to his ultimate target – Vlad Dracula. And he needs Trish’s help.
Although Nicky’s renegade style goes against everything Trish stands for, she’ll do what she must to bring Dracula down. With danger stalking her, Trish knows the only person she can count on is the one man who has the power to leave her breathless. There’s no way she’s letting this spider frighten her away…
Trish OMG you are finally here! I am so excited that you were able to stop by on your way to your next case. Especially, since I am kinda far away from your office and all. Can I get you anything? Maybe some sweet tea? Sugar cookies? Red Velvet Cake?
Trish: (Smiling) My pleasure. And if you have any coffee, that’d be great. I know, I know—it’s probably 100 degrees outside or something. But my coffee habit is almost as bad as Red’s. Oh, but wait! Sweet tea. That stuff is awesome! I had some at Mama Hubbard’s when I was staying at The Refuge with Lavender and Seth for a while, but it’s hard to get decent sweet tea in Chicago.
I just have a few questions to ask, rather simple really. Nothing too personal, I mean you are in the Deep South now. That means well, there is nothing too personal down here. We are all family right?
Trish: (Chuckling as she sips her sweet tea) Absolutely! I feel like I’ve known you for ages! I mean, you’ve been such a great friend to us Tales. Go ahead and fire away.
Tess Little aka Red is your bestie. Was it difficult to see her with the man you were crushing on? And what a crush that was- how long has it lasted?
Trish: Oh, wow. You’re getting right into it. Yeah, it was tough. I mean, when Red and Nicky were dating it was way back in the day—the 1920s and 30s, on and off. Back then, Red and I were friendly, but we weren’t really friends yet, so it was definitely hard. I tried to keep my mind on other thing, date other guys. But… Well, most of them were good guys (with one recent, obvious exception), but they all had a common flaw. They weren’t Nicky. I mean, I fell for him the very first time I saw him when we came over from Make Believe, which was around one hundred fifty years ago. I knew then there’d really never be anyone else for me. I could pretend, go through the motions, but he was the one, you know?
You know honey, with your talent, umm how to put this delicately….Dating must have been really hard. How did you overcome the drawback of how special you are?
Trish: Fortunately, most of the time I don’t get a reading off the living that easily. Ordinaries and Tales alike are always on their guard, trying to hide their thoughts and feelings as a general rule. It’s rare that someone lets me in. But it does complicate dating because who are you most likely to you let your guard down with if not the person you’re attracted to, maybe even in love with? I’ve found out some really nasty truths about people in those kinds of situations. For that reason, I tend to avoid looking anyone in the eyes for too long.
Now, I know that you are crushing pretty hard on Nicky, BUT… Gideon was completely there for you in Along Came A Spider. Are you sure that Nicky is the one for you?
Trish: (laughs) Ahh, Gideon. He’s an incredible guy and has become a really good friend to both Nicky and me. If I’d never met Nicky…well, who knows? But, no, it’s always been Nicky and always will be. That man has a hold on my heart that can’t be shaken.
So, do you think Gideon will ever find that special someone? He had his heart broken pretty badly once upon a time, but it doesn’t sound like he’s been living like a monk or anything.
Trish: (wags her finger at me) Oh, no… You won’t get that out of me. Sorry—no spoilers! I’ll let Gideon tell his own story when the time’s right.
So, back to Nicky. How are things going with the big guy anyway? I mean, you two went through some intense stuff in Along Came A Spider.
Trish: (flushing with happiness) Amazing! I honestly never imagined that I could be so happy. And I love him more and more each day. I knew he had a generous, loving soul when I looked into his eyes on that first day in the Here and Now, but I didn’t realize the true depth of his kindness and loyalty until we came together while hunting down Dracula. And, yeah, we went through some really crazy stuff together—life and death situations together—but I think our relationship is stronger for it. After facing down vampires, phantoms, and dickhead government agents, marriage is a piece of cake. I’ve never felt so loved and adored.
Trish, I know that you are super busy with work and Nicky. Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by. Anytime you are in the neighborhood, my house is your house.
Trish: Thanks so much for having me by for a visit, Angela! I’d certainly much rather sit here chatting with you than go work on the case down in New Orleans. Next time I’m down south, I’ll make sure to bring Nicky with me. I’m sure he’d love to meet you! And make sure you give us a call if you’re up in the Windy City.
OMG! That was the best thing ever! I mean she was here... at my house. WOW!