Monday, December 23, 2013

Real-time rendered animations with OctaneRender 1.5

OctaneRender 1.5 has some really powerful features like support for Alembic animations and a fully scriptable user interface. The Alembic file support allows for real-time rendered animations in the standalone version of Octane for scenes with both rigid and deformable animated geometry. Seeing your animations rendered in final quality in real-time with GI, glossy reflections and everything is a blast:

You may remember the actor in the following video from blockbuster movies like "Ultra high detailed dynamic character test" and "4968 daftly dancing dudes on Stanford bunny". Even in Octane, his dancing prowess remains unrivalled. The actor is made up of 66k triangles and there are 730 clones of him (48 million triangles in total). For every frame of the animation, Octane loads the animated geometry from an Alembic file, builds the scene and renders the animation sequence with a script, all in real-time. 

Some examples of rigid body animations:

With support for Alembic animations and Lua scripting, Octane has now a very solid foundation for animation rendering in place, allowing for some very cool stuff (yet to be announced) that can be done fully in real-time on a bunch of GPUs (inspired and fueled by earlier Brigade experiments). In 2014, Octane will blow minds like never before.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Lamborghini Test Drive (OctaneRender animation)

Recently I was blown away by a video posted by on the Octane forum, called "Lamborghini Test Drive" as a tribute to celebrate the 50h anniversary of Lamborghini. The realism you can achieve with Octane is just batshit crazy as evidenced by the video.

Try to spot the 7 differences with reality:

Some specs:

- the scene is 100% 3D, all rendered with Octane
- rendered on 4x GTX Titan
- render resolution 1280 x 538 Panavision format (2,39:1)
- average rendertime per frame: from 1 minute for the large shots with the cars to 15 minute for the helmet shots by night
- over 5.000.000 triangles for both cars
- instances for the landscape.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Real-time path tracing with OctaneRender 1.5

Just want to share a couple of real-time rendered videos made with the upcoming OctaneRender 1.5. The scene used in the videos is the same one that was used for the Brigade 3 launch videos. The striking thing about Octane is that you can navigate through this scene in real-time while having an instant final quality preview image. It converges in just a few seconds to a noise free image, even with camera motion blur enabled. It's both baffling and extremely fun. 

The scene geometry contains 3.4 million triangles without the Lamborghini model, and 7.4 million triangles with (the Lamborghini alone has over 4 million triangles). All videos below were rendered in real-time on 4 GTX 680 GPUs. Because of the 1080p video capture, the framerate you see in the videos is less than half the framerate you get in real life, it's incredibly smooth. 

There are a bunch more real-time rendered videos and screenshots of the upcoming OctaneRender 1.5 in this thread on the Octane forum (e.g. on page 7).