WELL...as I write this, there are just 10 days until Christmas...looks like we’ll be enjoying a MeXican–shaped X–mas this year...we don’t have a Christmas tree or any decorations...we do have a lot of cacti though and a semi–adopted puppy called Barbados who likes to ‘decorate’ our floor with gifts of her own and chew the cacti ;) I’ve never toilet–trained a puppy before – hmmmm, it’s quite some task, eh? ...it’s SO rewarding though to see how she’s starting to get the hang of it more and more ;) I somehow hadn’t envisioned myself spending quite so much time here in Mexico clapping and cooing at the excretions of a canine...well, the Universe has its own peculiar games to unfold of course ;)
Incidentally, did you know that in Iceland there are 13 ‘Santas’? They come down from the mountains one per day during the days preceding Christmas Eve and they have rather unusual habits...today for example was the day for ‘spoon–licker’ santa to make his appearance...I think you can guess what his passion is...his other compadres include sausage snatcher, window peeper, door sniffer, candle beggar, pot scraper and door slammer...hmmmmm...who would YOU invite to your Holiday parties...? (btw, the mother of the 13 santas is called ‘GrĂ½la’ and apparently she eats babies...) You can read all about the exploits of the unconventional Icelandic santa crew HERE.
on December the 13th I had:
1 quart water
2 apples with 3 tbsp Sproutein powder
2 cups energy soup with okra and kale chips on the side, followed by an almond crunch bar
mug of spicy tea
2 cups water
1 quart greeeen juice: celery, cucumber, broccoli, kale, romaine, asparagus, dandelion, ginger, lime
an apple and a pomegranate with 2 tbsp Sproutein powder
2 cups water
I would like to share here a very simple, beautiful little concept that I received in an email recently:
LOVE that...sooo beautiful...how might YOU help to multiply the community happiness factor today? Smile at a stranger? ‘Random’ act of kindness? Gift to a loved one? There are so many ways we can share...and everything positive we share like this is radiated back to us manifold over – we are SO blessed...
on December the 14th I had:
1 quart water
little cup of spicy tea
2 tbsp sproutein powder
2 cups energy soup with okra and kale chips on the side, followed by an almond crunch bar
mug of spicy tea
2 cups water
3 cups green juice: celery, cucumber, kale, fennel, romaine, dandelion, ginger, lime
1 tbsp bee pollen
2 cups energy soup with kale chips on the side, followed by a little yumm bowl of hand–mixed almond butter/lucuma powder/maca/carob powder/dried pomegranate seeds
little mug of spicy tea
2 cups water
on December the 15th I had:
1 quart water
3 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, dill, kale, carrot
2 tbsp Sproutein, 2 tbsp bee pollen
2 cups energy soup with kale chips on the side, followed by a little bowl of hand–blended yum: almond butter/lucuma powder/carob powder/goji berries
little cup of spicy tea
2 cups water
15 chlorella tablets
2 cups greeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, romaine, ginger, lime
1.5 cups energy soup with kale chips on the side, followed by a mixture of chia pudding and leftover blended sweet yummy stuff from lunch
2 cups water
Here’s a juicy question that came in recently from Kelly...
“Hi Angela, when you juice, do you use a juicer? Or do you make it like on juicefeasting.com using the vitamix and nutmilk bag? do you think you lose significantly more nutrients when using the vitamix/nutmilk compared to juicing with a juicer?”

Thanks for your Q Kelly :). Well, at this point in time, we are in Mexico and we're using a Breville Juice Fountain juicer - we make the juice, then also squeeeeeeeze the pulp through a nut milk bag, to get LOTS more juice (we tend to get at LEAST another 16oz that way we find ;O... )
When we're in the UK, we have a little twin gear Kempo, Mr. M also has a Norwalk juicer in

Yes, the juice definitely oxidises a lot faster when using a vitamix/nut milk bag combo OR when using a centrifugal juicer too - twin gear juicers or Norwalk juicers are the best choices, if you're looking for nutrient value and the potential to make juice ahead of time and store it in a fridge ;) The Vitamix/nut milk bag combo is GREAT though for ease and if you're going to drink the juice quickly ;)
Hope that helps...
All love,
Angelalalalalaaaaaaaaaa. xxx