Showing posts with label shea lynn baird. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shea lynn baird. Show all posts

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Three Creative Raw Goddesses... :)

I have three gorgeous raw goddess creative flows to share with you today...

Firstly, our dear friend in California, Shea Lynn Baird, has an absolutely fabulous offer to share with you all...
Some of you will know Shea already, as a superb colon hydrotherapist, long-time raw foodie and host of the free "Monday Night LIVE!" raw food talk sessions at Cafe Gratitude in N. California.
In 2009, Shea and her husband Stephen hosted a free live talk at Cafe Gratitude in Healdsburg EVERY Monday night...and now they're doing it again, all through 2010 ;O That's dedication...
They have hosted many oustanding speakers already and the line-up just keeps on going - this is such a wonderful way to share the raw message.
Shea and Stephen were also kind enough to FILM every single talk that has been shared so far, which equates to over 100 hours of footage already, from speakers such as:

Elaina Love, Laura Fox, Kevin and Annmarie Gianni, Cherie Soria, Dr.Rick Dina, John Kohler, Dr. Doug Graham, Paul Nison, Steve Adler, Jennifer Cornbleet, Bunny Berry, our very selves aaaaaaaand they even hosted four q&a panels with raw chefs, raw doctors and raw athletes...

...and NOW, they are offering "Access All Areas" online passes to anyone who did not make the talks in person, or would LOVE to see them again, so you can view all the footage online - cool :)
They have three options for you, all at extremely reasonable prices, IMO, considering the WEALTH of information these passes will give you access to:

To see more details and to access all these areas, you can visit Shea and Stephen's site HERE - enjoy :)))

on June the 1st I enjoyed:

1 quart water
3 cups watermelon/pineapple juice
water of a young coconut, 20 chlorella tablets
2 cups greeeeeen smoothie, topped with a little handful of black/white mulberries
3 cups water
2 cups greeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
little bowl of avocado mushed together with sauerkraut and dulse, stuffed into nori sheet squares, followed by 4 slices of dried pineapple
mug of reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
1 cup water

Next up: the upbeat, smiley fun 'Affirmation Song' from raw goddess Cassendre Xavier, called "Absolutely LOVE My Life" :)
LOVE this song :) Keep those positive vibes flowing - everything does get better ALL the time :))))

on June the 2nd I loved:

1 quart water
water of a young coconut
bowl of granadilla seeds and papaya chunks
3 tbsp bee pollen, 2 cups water, while out hiking
2 cups greeeeeeen/pineapple juice
cucumber salad meal stuffed into nori sheets, followed by two halva 'cookies'
mug of reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
2 cups water

Another yummy raw diva friend, Joyce Oliveto, would also love to let y'all know about the upcoming Third Annual Raw Living Health Festival that she is hosting again this year in Brighton, Michigan.
You may recall the lovely Joyce from the series of "Ann Wigmore Retrospective" videos we filmed with her last year - Joyce has been in this movement for decades and has a huge amount to share ;)
The festival this year will be held on Saturday September the 18th, from 10am to 8pm and will feature live raw food demos and sample, live music, wild edible walks, booths, live blood cell analysis, body workers and more - full deets can be found over HERE.

...and remember, a few weeks back I did a whole write-up of the upcoming raw-friendly festies this summer, worldwide - you can check that out some extras HERE too - enjoy :)

All blessings and abundant flow to you and through you,
Ms. S-M. xxx

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Sleeping Outside...

Some of you have been emailing with confusions and questions about herbal elixirs – what they are, how to make them, why to consume them and so on...I realised that I forgot to post for y'all here the videos of Daniel Vitalis actually MAKING an elixir, when I was writing abt his ElixirCraft Program recently. So, here are the videos below – check out Daniel making a delicious, nutrient–packed, power–punching, easily assimilated beverage...

I hope that helps make things a bit clearer for y'all...and remember that you can also always check out my elixir ice cream video HERE, if you never tried that amazing concoction out too... ;)
YUmmmmmMmMmMMmmmmmmmm... ENJOY...

on August the 17th I loved:

1 quart water
2 cups coconut water with green powder and Merlin's Elixir
lettuce wraps stuffed with avo, dulse, sauerkrauts and sprouts with a red bell pepper and crackers on the side, followed by a few apple cinnamon snappers from Aimee's ;)
1 quart water
big bunch of green grapes
2 cups coconut water with green powder and Merlin's Elixir
1 quart water

on August the 18th I enjoyed:

1 quart water
2 cups goji juice with Marine Phytoplankton
1 Tbsp bee pollen, 25 chlorella 'nuts'
feast of durian and fresh figs with Shazzie and Philip
1 quart water
water of 2 young coconuts with green powder and Merlin's Elixir
3 cups water

Dear ones, I would value your sage guidance, please, on the matter of sleeping outside. Here's the situation: Mr. M and I live on the road and mostly travel from raw food host to raw food host, to motel, to host and so on...and we'd be very excited in all this flow to be sleeping outside more. We'd love to be connecting more intimately with the energies straight from the stars, planets and so on...AND we have some desires about how this would be put together, which include the following:

*We'd like to have a 2-person sleeping bag/cover to keep us warm.
*We'd like to have some kind of netting over us to stop people such as mosquitos biting us. We do NOT want to be enclosed inside a tent.
*We'd probably love to have something under us for some level of comfort/preventing creeping cold/wetness etc from the ground...
*We travel all over the place to warmer and cooler climes, so equipment that is user–friendly in lots of different environments would be nice.
*It would also be great to have things that are easy to put together and not very bulky ;)

SO, those are the identified preferences so far and we'd LOVE to hear your suggestions on these themes/recommended equipment and so far I have liked the look of THIS netting structure (please overlook the classic '70s catalogue posing ;) ...and have also seen quite a few different 2-person sleeping bags...any further suggestions excitedly welcomed ;) Please email us at – thank you :)

on August the 19th I loved:

1 quart water
shotglass of orange juice
2 cups goji juice with Marine Phytoplankton
lettuce wraps stuffed with a mixture of avo/sauerkraut/dulse with crackers, a red bell pepper and sun–dried tomatoes on the side, followed by a few lucuma slices – yummmmmmmm ;)
1 quart water
2 cups greeeen juice: celery, cucumber, spinach, parsley, ginger
bowl of persimmon ice cream with Noniland coconut chips on the side – WOW, LOVE them :)
3 cups water

on August the 20th I had:

1 quart water
double shotglass of orange juice
1 Tbsp bee pollen
water of 2 young coconuts with Greener Grasses and Merlin's Elixir
a gorgeous little cantaloupe melon
3 cups water
30 chlorella 'nuts'
2 cups goji juice with Marine Phytoplankton
water of 2 young coconuts with Greener Grasses and Merlin's Elixir
3 cups water

We're on the last leg of our current tour right now. We're back in California again and just arrived to the Living Light Festie in Fort Bragg this weekend – YAY :)
Then on Monday the 24th we'll be doing a talk at CafĂ© Gratitude in Healdsburg, organised by the lovely Shea Lynn Baird. Wednesday 26th is our last date for this tour and we'll be found at the Natural Foods Co–op in Sacramento. You can see ALL the details for these talks AND our upcoming autumn/winter talk dates HERE.
Yes, we'll be on tour again from mid–September to December and this may very well be the LAST tour we do here in the US, depending on how things, catch us while you can – lol ;) If you'd love to help us set up a talk in YOUR area in that time frame, just drop us an email to and let us know ;)

All love,
Ms. StoM. xxx