Showing posts with label raw vegan babies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label raw vegan babies. Show all posts

Friday, 3 July 2009

Food Independence Day ;)

Ooooo, looks like there’s some interesting research afoot down at Gabriel Cousen’s Tree of Life Centre... They’re studying the health of vegan, live food babies and they’d love for you to participate in the survey if you have a child aged from birth to five years who is eating a vegan live food diet. The researchers intend to share the results to help support other parents who’d love to raise their children this way.
You can access the survey and read the full participant requirements list by clicking HERE. Please feel free to also pass this info on to anyone else you think may be willing/able to participate – they’re looking for another 100–200 participants at present ;)
I look forward to seeing the results ;)

on July the 1st I had:

1 quart water
3 cups watermelon orange juice
2 tbsp bee pollen
2 cups greeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, parsley, spinach, ginger
2 cups energy soup, with 5 freeze–dried macadamia nuts
3 cups water
2 cups energy soup, followed by a little ‘yumpot’ of almond butter mixed with carob peppermint maca powder, cinnamon, stevia and water
1 cup reddrox tea
3 cups water

LOVE this high–energy video below from the uber–cool, a capella, amazing singing group from Israel called ‘Voca People’ – big gratitude to the lovely Ricki for sending this link in – with nearly 2.2 million views already, they seem to be a YouTube sensation ;) ENJOY :)

on July the 2nd I had:

1 quart water
3 cups watermelon/orange juice
2 cups greeeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, spinach, parsley, zucchini, ginger, lime
2 cups coconut water, 2 cups coconut smoothie: coconut meat, a little coconut water, maca, stevia, vanilla, reddrox water, cardamom = yummmmmmmmmm :)
2 cups greeeeeen juice: celery, cucumber, fennel, spinach, parsley, zucchini, ginger, lime
2 Tbsp bee pollen
couple of spoonfuls of Mr. M’s outrageous maca ice cream concoction, a whole cup of subliiiiiiiiiiime ‘Green Potion’ ice cream from Truth Calkins’ elixir bar in Erewhon – LOVE it
2 cups water

on July the 3rd I had:

1 quart water
shot of orange juice
3 cups coconut water mixed with Greener Grasses powder and aloe vera
2 cups coconut water
2 Tbsp bee pollen
2 cups greeeeen veggie juice
2 cups coconut water blended with Greener Grasses powder, MSM and Marine Phytoplankton
1 Tbsp be pollen
2 cups water

Soooo…happy Independence Day tomorrow to all those in the USA ;) I am excited to see that over at the Kitchen Gardeners site, they’ve declared Food Independence Day. The idea is to declare ‘food independence’, by sourcing the ingredients for any holiday meals as ‘locally, sustainably and deliciously as possible’…love it ;)
You can check out the site at, where you can even stick a pin in the map to mark out where YOU will be sourcing local foods tomorrow ;) They also have a cool–looking ‘Why I’m a Victory Grower’ video contest you can enter – YUMMY :)

All brightest blessings to you and those everywhere who are growing food, foraging and connecting directly with gaia :)
All love,
Ms. Sto–Mo. xxx