Showing posts with label food as fuel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food as fuel. Show all posts

Saturday, 13 September 2008

Gorilla Food for All ;) recent trip to the totally abundant ‘Two EEs’ organic farm here in BC led my thought patterns down some interesting musings went smthg like this (bear with me ;):
My impression is that most people seem to have very strong emotional connections to food (as you’ll know if you’ve read my book ‘Raw Emotions’ ;) and many people seem to eat far in excess of their PHYSICAL body’s need for fuel. Visiting Two EEs farm helped to open a different perspective on all this for me, as I imagined how it would be if organic, loved-up, healthy food was available like this ALL OVER the place (inexpensively like here, or indeed, at no financial cost). I get the sense that if food was this abundantly available everywhere, people may relax a LOT more about where their food is coming from and ultimately may start also eating less, as there would be less of an underlying sense of ‘scarcity’ and much more of a connection to the food source.
My impression is that most humans are SO disconnected from their food supply chain at this point that this has created some kind of EXPECTATION that food comes from ‘somewhere else’ – i.e. it's grown by someone else, somewhere else. I sense that this ‘un-natural distancing’ of peoples’ relationship to their food source actually creates a feeling of stress for humans, that is unprecedented among the other animals (albeit at a subtle level perhaps, rather than smthg that is discussed or even recognised ;).
This ‘stress’ also seems SO widespread with humans as to be considered ‘normal’. It is ‘normal’ for people to work in jobs they don’t really enjoy, to be given pieces of paper (money), to take to a brightly-lit place where foodstuff has been collected together in various forms, where they exchange the pieces of paper for this ‘food’ and scurry on in the cycle, perhaps simultaneously fretting about the current cost of beans or smthg similar... ;)
I also sense that this ‘stress’ can contribute greatly to overeating issues for some, as any simple connection to food as readily available fuel has faded away. Rather than feeling surrounded by easy choices and abundance, there seems to be more of an underlying, subtle notion in the collective consciousness that food is in some way ‘scarce’ and something one is required to work in a system for, rather than simply collect and enjoy. I sense that part of the overeating patterns we can commonly see in humans is a response to this feeling that food is in some way 'restricted'/hard to come by...
Economics plays a huge part in over-eating too I believe. Most humans seem to be SO identified with money and if we PAY something for some food, there is often the feeling that we MUST then eat it. Whereas, if we were living surrounded by all kinds of edibles for free/very cheap all the time, we might well relax a lot more, plus let more food go back to the Earth without first passing it through our bodies. We would perhaps then feel released from any nagging feeling that we NEED to eat it...

When there is the possibility that this distant source of food from 'somewhere else' is dwindling (as with the current ‘food crisis’), people seem even more concerned abt who/where their food is coming from and the energy tightens even more. It is as if people don’t fully realise, or are unwilling to embody the reality, that they CAN feed themselves – they can grow their own food and eat it. The overbearing assumption seems to be that ‘food comes from somewhere else, it is smthg I BUY’...yet, doesn’t that seem odd, when viewed this way? No other animal approaches the basic need of taking in fuel for the physical body in this way...

Compare this way of life/relationship to food with the scenes described in the Anastasia books (if you’ve read them…;) In those books, we can read how people in the Siberian forest live simply, straight from nature, on nuts, berries and so on...There appears to be VERY little or no emotional attachment to food...then there are the fascinating sections outlining life on ‘kins domains’, where each family, settled on a hectare of land, is growing their own food. Imagine how much more relaxed EVERYTHING can be in that context, when people are happily living on a plot of land big enough to provide for themselves, while all around, they’re surrounded in all directions by other people who are living in equally abundant, lush garden properties...imagine going out for a walk and not feeling the need to bring a cooler bag of raw foods with you, because you KNOW there is fresh food everywhere, that you might be able to share ;) lol... We could contrast that with a ‘modern’ scene of two people living on the 30th floor of an apartment block eating tinned food and watching a news story on TV about the ‘food crisis’...hmmmmmm...which would YOU rather be living...? ;) I know where I’d like to be...and of course, even if you ARE in that 30th floor apartment right now, there are ALWAYS choices – sprout, grow sunflower/buckwheat greens, find an allotment/community garden to work in and so on...grow your own freedom and step away from any lingering paradigm of ‘scarcity’... ;)
Hmmmm, well, I hope that outpouring made sense/resonated for some of you, or jingled some jangles for someone out there... ;) LOL - feel free to leave comments/musings of your own... ;)

on September the 10th I had:

1 quart water
1 quart veggie juice: celery, cucumber, endive, kale, spinach, fenugreek greens, carrot, beet greens, beetroot
2 cups water
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips stirred in and powerstix on the side ;) Followed by a little bowl of almond butter and lucuma powder mixed together – yummm
1.5 quarts water
handful of blackberries
3 cups water

on September the 11th I had:

1 quart water
5 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, endive, kale, spinach, fenugreek greens, carrot, beet greens, beetroot
2 cups ‘energy soup’ with coconut chips and half a yellow bell pepper on the side, followed by a little yummy bowl of hazelnut butter mixed with lucuma powder, maca powder and carob powder
2 cups water
big handful of fresh blackberries picked straight from the bushes :))
5 cups veggie juice: celery, cucumber, endive, kale, spinach, fenugreek greens, carrot, beet greens, beetroot
big handful of fresh blackberries picked straight from the bushes :))
2 cups green smoothie: peaches and spinach
1 cup water

For those of you in the UK who are seeking some inspiration for your raw culinary journey...I would whole-heartedly recommend you trot along to enjoy the company of the divine Lara and Shell at Manna in Brighton next Saturday (20th of September), for their ‘Raw Creativity’ Workshop :) You’ll learn lots of practical, useful skills and recipes to use as a solid foundation for your raw food explorations...those gorgeous lassies will be showing you how to prepare:

Lara and Shell are truly sweetness incarnate :) They also make absolutely incredible edibles – some of you in the US may recognise Lara as the chef who provided food demos on a tour the Monarch and myself did a while back on the west coast :) Lara = hugs, glitter, turquoise things, big smiles, happiness, truth and simple, amazing raw food. I’ve honestly never eaten ONE dish made by Lara that I haven’t enjoyed – she’s amazing (she and her partner Matt ran the wonderful Funky Raw Festie in Sussex this year :)
You may also recognise Shelbel from her beautiful blog ‘therawkitchen’ and she also did a fantastic job of heading up the catering at Funky Raw this year. My summary is that Shell = more big smiles & happiness, clarity, sincerity, giggles, lush gardening and some of the most DELECTABLE raw cakes you’ll ever get your gnashers at...
So, check out their website HERE: for more details of the event on Sept the 20th, from 11am-5pm at Manna Café in Brighton and...enjoy :)

on September the 12th I had:

1 quart water
1 quart veggie juice: celery, cucumber, kale, spinach, carrot
raw ‘falafel’ and ‘peach cobbler’ at Gorilla Foods in Vancouver – YUM ;)
1 quart water
plate of raw potluck food: zucchini spaghetti lasagne, wild rice salad, fresh garden salad and some freeze-dried durian for dessert ;)
3 cups water

On September the 13th I had:

1 quart water
1 quart veggie juice: celery, cucumber, fenugreek greens, spinach, romaine, cilantro, carrot
2 cups energy soup with coconut chips stirred in and flax crackers with sunflower seed dip on the side, followed by a little bowl of hazelnut butter mixed with lucuma powder, maca powder and carob powder – yummmm ;)
3 cups water
1 quart zucchini juice
little bowl of hazelnut butter mixed with lucuma powder, maca powder and carob powder
2 cups water

WOW – we visited the new Gorilla Food raw restaurant in Vancouver, BC yesterday – YUMMMMMY :) It is AMAZING to see the beautiful space Aaron Ash has created here now...when we were visiting the area last year, Aaron was enthusiastically serving his delicious raw creations from a literal hole-in-the-wall in downtown Vancouver (see pics, courtesy of Ellen ;). From one room (probably about 4 x 6 ft), he was serving up raw pizzas, smoothies, cakes, burgers and so on, through a window onto the street ;) was very cosy and a great stepping-stone onwards to the GORGEOUS place he’s now in.
LOVE it...the new venue is just a few doors up from the last, on the same street and is a colourful basement area fitted out with beautiful wooden décor. Paintings by local artists hang on the walls, the room bustles with satisfied customers and the young, gracious staff fulfill orders with love and smiles, to a chilled soundtrack of reggae music. Yummy ;) We enjoyed the falafel and burger, along with peach cobbler and a supreme cacao/hemp pie for dessert.
It’s SO delightful to see how this business has blossomed in the last year – all blessings to Aaron and the rest of the Gorilla team for the journey onwards from here...
If you’re in the Vancouver area, Gorilla Food is actually taking orders for our talk next weekend – NICE :) If you’d love to come along to the event and have some delicious munchies to enjoy too, then please contact RawBC via EMAIL or by phone: 778-737-8852 for more info ;)
See you there...

All love,
Angela. xxx