Showing posts with label flavour extracts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flavour extracts. Show all posts

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Ask *Your* Qs - LIVE Raw Food World TV Show Tomorrow Night :)

OoOoooo lala, we have an exciting new interactive TV show to tell you about ;) Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 24th, Mr. M and I intend to do a LIVE, free intscreen shot
2010-03-22 at 1.17.37 pm.pngernet broadcast of The Raw Food World TV Show, at 6pm Pacific time, 9pm Eastern.
Everyone is welcome and you will be able to post your questions/comments/suggestions/musings in a text box right below the video screen :)
We intend to broadcast for at least 20 mins to answer questions and all being well, this will be a WEEKLY event from now on, each Wednesday evening...there will be some yummy little surprises too, including maybe even some giveaways...FUN ;)
So, if you are drawn, please join us this Wednesday evening at 6pm Pacific time, 9pm Eastern at THIS LINK - bring your questions, friends :)

on March the 21st I enjoyed:

1 quart water
2 shots wheatgrass/green juice at the Vilcabamba farmers' market
1tbsp bee pollen
3 cups coconut water with Marine Phytoplankton
glass of green smoothie: mango, lettuces, cilantro, wild greens
3 cups water
2 cups greeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple and lime juices
chunk of watermelon, chunk of pineapple
mug of reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
2 cups water

Yummy raw diva Terilynn Epperson over at The Daily Raw Cafe (whose amazing food pics were used in my book "Raw Emotions"), today posted a fun little feature titled '10 Thoughts from Angela Stokes-Monarch' - every Tuesday, Terilynn shares 10 cool little-known brain blips from various raw foodie yumsters - you wanna know which kind of factory the Stokes-Monarch used to work in? My biggest achievement so far? Favourite superfood? What I'd like to be remembered for? Hop on over HERE to Madame Epperson's site and tune into the yummies ;)


on March the 22nd I loved:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeeeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
raw 'pizza' stacks: flax crackers topped with avocado mush (avo, cumin, lime juice, dulse) and chopped tomatoes, followed by a chunk of home-made lucuma 'dry-ies' (rather than cookies ;)
mug of reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
2 cups water
chunk of fresh pineapple
chunk of handmade raw 'dry-ies' with mug of reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
2 cups water

on March the 23rd I was blissed with:

1 quart water
2 cups greeeeeeen juice mixed with pineapple juice
2 cups pineapple/watermelon juice
raw 'pizza' stacks: flax crackers topped with avocado mush (avo, cumin, lime juice, dulse) and chopped tomatoes, followed by a chunk of home-made lucuma 'dry-ies' (rather than cookies ;)
mug of reishi/shilajit/ormus tea
3 cups water
2 cups greeeeen juice mixed with carrot juice
2 cups watermelon/pineapple juice
1.5 cups carrot juice
1 cup water

WOW...we have some new products at that Mr. Monarch and I are silly-excited about ;) This new line of *potent*, cold-extracted flavour extracts is like nothing else we've ever seen. Remember those little bottles of unpleasant synthetic vanilla extracts you might have used to make cakes in the '80s, well, imagine a new line of extracts that can be used for cakes, cookies, smoothies, teas and so on that are 100% pure, cold-extracted, wildcrafted or organically grown, made with love, stored in dark glass and absolutely BURSTING with flavour... ;) That's what we've got our sticky little hands on and we *LOVE* them :)
The creator of these amazing extracts was at our wedding last June in Oregon, where her business is based and she gave us some of her amazing products, which we loved...then recently she expanded the line even more to include a *dark chocolate* extract with NO stimulating caffeine or theobromine and that was the tipping point - we loved this new extract SO much that we decided to pick up a whole selection of these profound extracts for the store...we now carry the following five delicious flavours:

*Dark Chocolate*Coconut*Vanilla*Coffee*Strawberry*

I took a pudding made with coconut, honey and just four drops of the chocolate extract to a women's gathering recently and all the gathered goddesses went *CRAZY* for this stuff...Mr. M and I have been using it in teas, cookie mixtures, puddings and other dishes too - absolutely outstanding :) You can see us discussing the extracts in this video here:

...and you can get some of these extracts to play with for yourself, from HERE - ENJOOOOYYY :)

All love and cascading yumminess,
Ms. Angela S-M. xxx