Ratianda travels the entertainment buzz!
Showing posts with label Snowman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snowman. Show all posts

20 December 2009

Christmas with Ratianda Travel

Well what do you know... It's finally here! Christmas is here! In just a few hours we're counting down to Christmas of 2009! Then a week later it's the New Year! Believe me as I say this, we have lots of updates coming to you in 2010! But let's back-track a lil'... 

As the main blog editor of Ratianda, Inc aka Sabrina; I would cordially love to wish you a very Merry X'mas and a warm hug to you from the heart! Do keep in touch with us more often, that'll be the best gift we could have from all of you! 

For now, our Columnist of Ratianda would like to share some interesting experience with you guys out there! Especially to those (like me-unfortunately) who would luuurrrve the idea of SNOW for Christmas.

Columnist of Ratianda : Hey guys, I'm going to write something over the snow here. You see, for us in Alphen aan den Rijn, Holland; This will be the first "White Christmas" in 5 years. Today we had a heavy snow fall. There are some pictures taken in front of my house. 

Some of the neighbors are busy making snowman with buckets of snow for kids that seems to have some mischief's up their sleeves (like trying to cover up the main door with snow!)

There's also a picture of me with a Mr. Snowman dressed in Amsterdam shawl and in our backyard, notice the snow on our garden table, its about 12 inches high/thick (either ways)

Don't miss another view of "Snowman" at our neighbors drive-in. Its 4.40pm and its getting dark, yet, it's really absolutely and amazingly beautiful outside, white all over!

However, having about 12 inches of snow since this morning definitely caused all the trains and buses to stop running and yes, when people go to the alps for skiing, they need chains for their vehicle to get there (the alps) but to go to town and on the highway our kind City Council sprinkle salt over the road. Sometimes it doesn't help because the snow fall is too heavy but it's the thought that counts. 

And Christmas is all about giving and receiving and to celebrate love with families and friends. It is also the day we celebrate baby 'Jesus' in our hearts; Our creator and our forgiver. 

And with this, I wish all of you out there a very merry and blessed Christmas! Take care and do catch up with us for more. See ya!

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