Ratianda travels the entertainment buzz!
Showing posts with label Extreme Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Extreme Park. Show all posts

16 January 2010

Samsung Corby - Color Me Carnival!

Hey Guys! We're gonna kick-start 2010 with a special event by Samsung Corby - Color Me Carnival! In-conjunction with Samsung Fun Club, NuffNang, Square Roots, Metafilm, St. John Ambulance & Sunway Lagoon! (There's probably more involved here) Let the games begin! (more like me story-telling it... lolx)

First and foremost, "THANK YOU SAMSUNG & NUFFNANG!" I was shortlisted to be here and this my first and more amazing event that I had fun at. Although I kept to myself most times (super shy) I still made new friends along the way and there's just so much more than just fun & games!

I had to reach at 9.30am SHARP according to the invitation via email. We had to queue to register ourselves. The crowd was "W.O.W"......... 25 participants shortlisted from Samsung Fun Club & 75 NuffNang Bloggers! I won't be surprise if there's more! (it's what I've heard from my friend)

Once we're in Sunway Lagoon Extreme Park, we headed off to grab some seats and our favourite (my favourite!) "Emcee of the Day - Liang" started off with an exciting welcome and our very own Samsung Malaysia Electronics (SME) Sdn. Bhd.'s Marketing Manager, Mr. Sam Chen gave his first speech to kick-start the event!

Our 1st game! 18sg.... Not for the faint-hearted....... Called "Stomp The Yard"
The goal is to step on the other team players balloon as much as possible until the last one standing wins the team! Very brutal game but fun and exciting! (Funny too... ha ha ha)

Great game! Amazing teamwork!
Winners as follow : Orange, Pink, Yellow, White

The 2nd game! 18sx.... Try not to get wet or wear extra cover ups later.... Called "Tug-O-War"
The goal is not to slip and fall or vice versa! Pull the rope and win! Simple but tough... It's in the water!!! 

Great teamwork again! Nice strategy... 
Winners as follow : Orange, Pink, White, Yellow 
(Ps. I'm starting to lose concentration here - might've been wrong order, correctly me please... hehe...)

 The 3rd game! "Rock Climbing"... It is nooooooooottt easy!
At first, the goal is to grab as much balloons as we can (same color as team color) one team member at a time. It become almost like a handicapped match... Pink and Yellow's rock climbing walls were tougher than Orange and White...Because of this, our kind-hearted Samsung Event guy (sorry don't know the name), gave us a chance to replay the game and this time, climb anywhere we want but make sure we touch the top and shout 'Corby' before we come back down!

Very strong moral booster from each teams! Not much teamwork seen here except for extra motivations and supporters shouting at their teammates to climb, climb and climb!
Winners as follow : Yellow, White, Orange, Pink
(Oh man! I'm not sure if White and Orange has been mixed up.... Oops!)

The 4th and Final game! 18sg... Yes, brutal... "Paintball"
The goal, each team split into 2 teams of 5 members. Each team against the others must get the flag in the center without getting hit; Before, During & After - getting the flag!.... I must admit, very very tough but worth the experience!

Everyone, great sport~!
Winners as follow : Orange, Yellow, Pink, White
(Did I get this right????)

On my personal experience during the times when I was not participating... I had my other fun watching and playing 1 or 2 other games nearby... Lolx... (I missed out dearly on the sweeeeeet "flying fox"...sobs...)

The Finale Of The Day!
Fooooooooooooooooooooooooddd~! Deeeessseeerrrttsss~!.... Yum... Yum...
Time for the awards!

We had permission to play anything we want at Sunway Lagoon Extreme Park because we have the tags around our wrists. But I had to go back and I want a shower soooo bad! Plus, I had my fun and I'm remembering it my entire life!

Finally, a great big warm wonderful THANK YOU to Samsung, Samsung Fun Club, Nuffnang, Nuffnangers (you-know-who-you-are), bloggers and everyone at the event.
Thank You Samsung for making my day "Oh-So-Colorful". It has been 11years since I last went to a "Theme Park"! Thank you, thank you, thank you.......

Conclusion : Pink team probably got 3rd or 4th place but who cares! Everyone's a winner today! Look at the goodies they gave us already! Plus, we've gained friends we've never met before (I know I did) isn't that the best gift money can't buy?! Priceless!... See ya soon !
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