Ratianda travels the entertainment buzz!

30 March 2010


An Unforgettable New Novella from International Phenomenon
Stephenie Meyer


NEW YORK, NY (March 30, 2010), announced today that it will release the first new title from Stephenie Meyer in nearly two years. The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner is a novella told from the point of view of Bree, a character originally featured in Eclipse. Approx. 192 pages! Amazing! Just imagine, first Twilight... Then the following sequels comes out which "almost" completes The Twilight Saga and now there are two sides to every story!

You'll see Bree Tanner in Eclipse this 30th June 2010.  
*Spoiler* She's a newborn vampire together with a vampire army ready to attack the Cullens and and Bella will be the ultimate prize for their victory (Not!). A pure hatred revenge from one single vampire, leads to a whole bunch of "lost" newborn vampires aiming for blood and victory. (Blah blah blah... Something like that... Go read the book!)

Best part is, every "one dollar" for each book sold in the US from the first printing will be donated to the American Red Cross International Response Fund, which supports disaster relief efforts such as those in Haiti and Chile. You can also make a donation and learn more about their relief efforts worldwide through this American Red Cross link that will be shown on the dedicated site Bree Tanner.

I have been moved by the generous outpouring of support for the recent crises in Haiti and Chile,” said Meyer. “I am glad that sales of this book will support the American Red Cross with their amazing efforts abroad.

Check this out; Stephenie Meyer mentioned this :
As a special thank you to fans, Meyer is giving them exclusive access to the novel on a dedicated website, www.breetanner.com, from June 7 to July 5, 2010 where fans from around the world will be able to read the book online in English. “I’d always considered The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner as something for the fans,” said Meyer. “They have been so supportive of all things Twilight.”

You heard that!! The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner will also be available as an ebook beginning at 6:00 a.m.EST on June 5, 2010. Yay! Extra hugs & kisses to Stephenie Meyer! She's not only talented and amazing, she has a great big huuuugggee heart that is more phenomenal than "The Twilight Saga" phenomenon!

I'm getting my cash ready to grab this at the bookstore when it's out (in Malaysia... I hope it comes out soon)

I will read for free online but I'm going to get the book too! Because I love the cover and it's best to have a copy with me everywhere I go... PC radiates major radio-waves that's poppin' my acne up-front! LOLX!!
Bree Tanner (Dedicated eBook Website)

26 March 2010

Love World Love Sloggi

My Favourite "Habit"

Yes, it's true. Common knowledge says having a "habit" is something negative most times but not necessarily. As individuals, we have our good points that can be bad points to another individual alike.
This is my motto "Never Judge A Book By It's Covers". Everyone is different and special in their own ways. But bring together a crowd and you can definitely make a difference. (Especially for the environment!)


Thanks to "Sloggi" with their brand new eco-friendly range where lingerie is made out of recycled materials It's great to have comfort, security, quality, excellence and a wide range of choice for everyone to choose. We not only satisfy our desires (on colours, type, design & etc etc...hehe), however, we get a chance to take part in saving the environment that God has blessed us with.
My favourite "habit" is... Whenever I'm driving (shhh... don't report me... =P) or whatever it is I'm am doing outdoors, I'll never miss the chance to look "up" the sky... It's true that looking out at a field that's covered in all nature greenery will help ease stress (thanks to the amount of oxygen from plants). 
Yet, for me it's slightly different; I love the clouds, the sun, when and where the sun sets, the shapes and sizes of the clouds and just about anything with these natural wonders up above us! It's like watching heaven in "full focus"! Of course, with my year long best pal "my" Nokia N85 with is amazing 5 megapixel Carl Zeiss lens and the OLED display, snapping images of those "Must Have" sceneries are the best!!
(Ps. I snap them everywhere and at anytime, with any chance I manage to find - even when driving *Warning : Not a good example*... But I can't help it.......)
Enjoy my collection! Cheerx...!

To wrap it up; These are my strong feelings of what I love most about the world "Our" world! Which is why I love Sloggi too! Their quality of the material are as silky smooth and soft as the clouds you see in the images I've capture!

Thank You Sloggi! Thank You Nuffnang!
So what are YOU waiting for?! Come on, BLOG about this! Sharing is caring! (hehe... see ya =D)

20 March 2010

Nationwide Nokia Promotion!


Models : E72, N97, N97 Mini

Puchase of any 3 models above + Activation of Free Ovi Maps will be entitled to a Premium Gift from Nokia!

Duration : 20th March - 20th April 2010

Maps Activation (FOC) worth RM 230++ a year!!!
Only Entitled for Nokia Branded Retail & Nokia Retail Outlets!

Free Gifts : *SECRET* - Wanna know? Go check out yourself! LOLX

FREE Navigation includes
Free Drive navigation
Free Walk navigation
Free maps and maps updates
Free Events guides
Free Weather
Free Lonely Planet guides
Free Michelin guides

Nokia N97 Mini RRP RM 1915

Nokia E72 RRP RM 1499

Nokia N97 RRP RM 2215

SO What are you waiting for?!?! Head to the nearest Nokia outlets near you today!

Don't believe me? Look out for The Star Newspaper on the 20th March 2010 - TODAY!

Find out more on Ovi today!

13 March 2010

Matta Fair

Matta Fair

12th - 14th March 2010
10am - 9pm

Traffic Jam! Parking Full! Lucky The Mall still has parking available!
Let the pictures speak for themselves!

Affordable and Great Offers! Look out for the next Matta Fair in September 2010!!

Earth Hour 2010

Support Earth Hour 2010!

With a flick of a switch you can change our future. Just switch off for an hour and you can make a difference!

Earth Hour 2010 will take place on March 27, 2010 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., local time.

Nothing to do? You can head to Sunway Pyramid, Orange Entrance from 6pm onwards to join in the excitement of the "Battle Of The Bands" with Special Appearance by Daphne Iking, Xandria Ooi, Chermaine Poo and (probably) many more... lolx~! Enjoy! Spread the news!

Found this placed up all around Sunway Pyramid

12 March 2010

N900 and MAEMO - Get Yours Today!

 Pre-Order today!

 Yes, you heard it! "The" Nokia N900 and MAEMO (u know what is it?)! Well anough talk, here's a sneak preview image of it!

Cool and sophisticatedly designed for more than just mobile and more than just technology! For me, this is definitely the "next step" in mobile industry!
 This is a Linux-based MAEMO software that takes us into a new era of mobile computing designed with the internet at its core. (something like "Windows Mobile" but better because it is fit for mobile! If you want "windows" go get a computer instead... lolx)

 Plus, it's not a mere mobile computing device. It's the best internet solution via mobile! Great for bloggers alike and internet savvy people. Apart from the size, it is the best by far mobile computer I've ever seen and experienced before!
Applications available from MAEMO Community! At your own risk though, it's still 3rd party from "Publishers". But Ovi still has it going!

Bounce Evolution... Cool graphics! Amazing gameplay! Innovative and interactive UI!
A new feel and a new experience in gaming. (can throw PS3 away... lolx kidding haha)
Here's a brief specs found on the net @MAEMO Select.

Special recommendation : "Angry Birds" gaming really makes you get angry! Especially when the bird keeps laughing at you when you miss the hit! (lolx)
Great User Interface (UI)

4 Homescreen to be personalized to your taste! What more can you ask for?!
Here's one of the Video Promo I found via YouTube! Enjoy the excitingly cool remix of the N900 and all things technologically mobile!


WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?! Get yours today!
Nokia Malaysia Pre-Order

Lady Gaga ft. Beyonce - Telephone (MV World Premiere)

It's here! Finally!

Lady Gaga ft Beyonce - Telephone!

I love it! The music, the art, the video, the choreography, the song, the costums and practically every single detail in this video! Some might think it's weird but it's definitely unique and one of a kind! Only Lady Gaga can pull it off with major success!

By the way, the World Premiere of the "Telephone" music video of Lady Gaga ft. Beyonce was premiered on the 11th March 2010 at 1:30pm EST only on E! News! The video will also be here at LadyGaga.com at 12:00am EST / 9:00pm PST onwards!

Here's some news ripped off Lady Gaga's site :

Check out the world premiere of Gaga's epic new music video for "Telephone" feat. Beyoncé below, and click HERE to purchase it on iTunes now! You can also pick up a brand new exclusive "Telephone" merch bundle in the Lady Gaga web store!


For more info, check out :
Lady Gaga's Official Site!

11 March 2010

The Twilight Saga - Eclipse

It's coming! All twihard fans can feel it in the air! June 30th 2010, The Twilight Saga : Eclipse will mark another day in history of an epic fantasy of Vampires and Werewolves! The official trailer is finally out on YouTube! Released everywhere at 6am PT/9am ET, the day after a 10 second preview was out!

Check it out!
10th March 2010 - The Twilight Saga : Eclipse - Trailer : 10 Preview (10 sec preview)

11th March 2010 - The Twilight Saga : Eclipse - Trailer (Official Trailer)

In THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE, Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger as Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between Edward and Jacob — knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation quickly approaching, Bella is confronted with the most important decision of her life.

THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE opens on June 30, 2010.

Click to know more!
Eclipse The Movie

07 March 2010

N900 and MAEMO on the move!

Yes, you heard it! "The" Nokia N900 and MAEMO (u know what is it?)! Well anough talk, here's a sneak preview image of it!

Cool and sophisticatedly designed for more than just mobile and more than just technology! For me, this is definitely the "next step" in mobile industry!
 This is a Linux-based MAEMO software that takes us into a new era of mobile computing designed with the internet at its core. (something like "Windows Mobile" but better because it is fit for mobile! If you want "windows" go get a computer instead... lolx)

 Plus, it's not a mere mobile computing device. It's the best internet solution via mobile! Great for bloggers alike and internet savvy people. Apart from the size, it is the best by far mobile computer I've ever seen and experienced before!
Applications available from MAEMO Community! At your own risk though, it's still 3rd party from "Publishers". But Ovi still has it going!

Bounce Evolution... Cool graphics! Amazing gameplay! Innovative and interactive UI!
A new feel and a new experience in gaming. (can throw PS3 away... lolx kidding haha)
Here's a brief specs found on the net @MAEMO Select.

Special recommendation : "Angry Birds" gaming really makes you get angry! Especially when the bird keeps laughing at you when you miss the hit! (lolx)
Great User Interface (UI)

4 Homescreen to be personalized to your taste! What more can you ask for?!
Here's one of the Video Promo I found via YouTube! Enjoy the excitingly cool remix of the N900 and all things technologically mobile!


WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?! Get yours today!
Nokia Malaysia Pre-Order
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