Showing posts with label Magnum PIg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magnum PIg. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

That Was Fast!

Thanks so much to everyone who entered my pig-naming contest. I love all of the names! It was hard for me to decide on a winner. Initially, I thought "Porkchop" has to be it. Then I changed my mind to "Magnum PIg." It seems to fit my pig perfectly, as he likes to do so many things and dress up in different outfits, just like a private investigator. The winner is Karen from Runs With Scissors!  Check out her shop when you have a chance. She chose the Hawaiian PIg as her prize.

I'm hoping to list Magnum PIg in my shop soon. I'll let everyone know through facebook, so if you're not linked to me there, you can do so here.

In the meantime, I'd love to hear what you want to see Magnum PIg doing next. My kids have come up with a bunch of things already, and I'd love to hear from you too!