Tuesday, July 8, 2008

20 year tag

20 Years ago:
1. I was 8 years old and I got baptized.
2. I wasn't playing with barbies and dolls. I was outside building tree huts and playing truth or dare in the field behind my friends house.
3. I loved to go river rafting with my family. We did it every year. My family was so adventurous.
10 Years ago:
1. I was going to Salt Lake Community College.
2. I was dating a guy pretty serious and he asked me to marry him. I was too young to get married so luckily that relationship didn't work.
3. I moved down to Provo to go to college at UVSC. I had the best time there. Amber and I were roommates and Jenny moved in with us and we have been good friends with her ever since.
5 Years ago:
1. Tyler and I got married! We moved twice that year. We were deciding when we wanted to have kids. I wanted them pretty much right away but Tyler wanted to wait a little while. We compromised and waited a year.
2. I was working at First Franklin Financial as an administrative assistant and I loved that job. It was a great company to work for. After I had Sadie I quit because they didn't have part time and I didn't want to work full time. To be honest, I was glad they didn't have part time because I don't think I could have left Sadie at all.
3. Tyler was going to school and I should have been. I stopped going to school so that I could work full time. That is one thing that I regret. I wish that I would have stayed and finished college. One day I will!
3 Years ago:
1. Tyler was in his first year of dental school and we were living in Utah. We were happy that we could do our first year in Utah and spend more time with our families and friends.
2. We had Sadie and she was a perfect little baby. We were loving where we were at in life.
3. Our car was stolen and we had just moved into an apartment so we had a ton of stuff in the trunk and Tyler had his pay stub with his social security # on it and his wallet in the car. We have payed big time for having that info in the car. They found my car, but it was totaled. The insurance gave us money for the car. The funny thing about that is...I had a bag of maternity clothes in the trunk with maternity garments in the bag too. I bet they about died when they saw those things!
4. We went to Cancun with Tyler's family and it was so much fun!!
1Year ago:
1. We were living in Omaha. Tyler was in his junior year of dental school and I had just had Parker. He wasn't a perfect little baby by any means. He was quite the opposite. We were just trying to survive having two kids and that whole transition.
2. Tyler got offered a great job in Utah to work with an amazing dentist and a great office staff. We were really excited because that is what we were hoping for.
So far this year:
1. Tyler is in his senior year of dental school and can't wait to be done!!
2. I am pregnant yet again and we are excited to have another rug rat in our family. I will admit that we are pretty dang nervous to have 3 though.
3. We took Sadie and Parker to Disneyland and Sadie was at a perfect age. It was so fun to watch her with all the princess's and disney characters. Good times!!
1. It was so hot and humid outside!! I tried to go outside for a walk with Sadie and Parker and it didn't last long at all.
2. We got together with some of our good friends and had pizza and dessert. The girls watched the Bachelorette (I couldn't understand why she picked him?!) and the guys watched Arrested Development.
1. I am getting together with my friend Natalie because she has the day off.
2. I am going to put my kids down for a nap later and get some me time and try to get the house cleaned. I wish that my life were more exciting.
1. I need to get some stuff done like: start packing for our trip, clean the house again (if I even get to it today), do laundry.
2. Maybe go swimming because it is supposed to be a really good day.
3. I need to go the the mall and get a present for my friend and some stuff for me. I have a gift certificate that I need to use.
In the Next Year:
1. We will have a new baby in December.
2. Hopefully we will be living in Utah, in a house, and buy a new car. We really need one, but we are holding out until we get done with school.
3. Sadie will start pre-k.
4. We are going to Disneyland again in October.
5. Hopefully we can go to the Carribbean with Tanya and Erik in June and Hawaii with Amber and JP in December.
I tag: Debbie, Stephanie, Tanya, and Heidi!

Monday, July 7, 2008

some cute pictures

This is Sadie's friend Kael. He lives next door to us. They were getting comfy on the swing all snuggled in a blanket. (thanks for the pictures Stephanie!)

They are becoming really good friends.

Friday, July 4, 2008

**haPpy fouRth oF jUly**

Thursday, July 3, 2008

crazy omaha weather

I am way behind on posting things on my blog, but at least I do get around to doing it. Omaha has the craziest weather!! And apparently this year has been the worst in like 15 years...the worst winter and the most tornadoes and storms. This storm happened Friday and it was the worst storm that I have ever been in. It was scary and kind of exciting at the same time. We were all taking a nap in the Rasmussen house (that doesn't happen ever!) and actually it was kind of frustrating because we had just gotten Parker to sleep, which took an hour because for some reason he just didn't want to go to sleep, but he was tired. Then about 10 minutes later the storm hit. The hail was pounding on the windows and it was so loud. It scared Sadie pretty bad and woke her up and of course Parker woke up scared too. Tyler and I had just fallen asleep on the couch when all of a sudden we heard the hail and everything, we jumped up and we looked out our window and all of a sudden our patio swing flies through the air right in front of us and crashes into our neighbors window...shattering it. That is when I realized that this was going to be more serious than "just' a storm. A few minutes later it stopped and as I looked around, I saw huge trees that had fallen everywhere. I really could not believe it. Everyone went outside to asses the damage and it was pretty bad. Big old trees were uprooted and had fallen onto some of the townhouses and the power lines, leaving holes in the ground and making our power go out for a couple days. Our power came back on the next afternoon, but some people didn't have power until Monday.
The next morning after the storm, Parker and Tyler were throwing up and there was throw up all over Parkers sheets and then he threw up on the floor downstairs and we had no power to do laundry or to carpet clean, so our house smelled like a big throw up bowl. I am so glad our power came on that day!! I got sick later that day and I was sick for 2 days. Sadie never got it. I think we got food poisoning because a bunch of people went out to eat because we had no power and Sadie was the only one that didn't eat. That is the only time I was glad that Sadie would rather play than eat! This week has been a crazy one and a lot has happened, but I am glad that everyone is safe and we all have our houses. There is so much to be grateful for everyday of our lives...even in Omaha!! :)