Ok, so I have been tagged by Janel. This is all about the man that I call.....T Dog.
-What is his full name? Jay Tyler Rasmussen.
-How long have you been married? 5 years.
How long did you date? 7 months.
-Who eats more sweets? For sure me...with out a doubt. He is a very healthy eater. I try to be, but I have to have my sweets!
-Who said I love you first? He did.
-How old is he? 27.
-Who is taller? He is, even if I wear my tallest heels.
-Who is smarter? He definitely is smarter.
-Who can sing better? Sorry babe, but I would have to say I sing a little bit better. More on tune.
-Who does the laundry? Usually me. Occasionally we will watch tv and fold it together. If I let it go too long, he will throw a load in and so by default I have to do it.
-Who pays the bills? I pay the bills.
-Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do. Even if we are traveling...we keep our sides.
-Who mows the lawn? When we have a house and a lawn (can't wait!) I am almost positive that Tyler will mow the lawn every time...until our kids are old enough to do it.
-Who cooks dinner? I cook dinner...usually. If it is pizza, Tyler does it. He makes the best pizza ever!
-Who drives? He does. I drive only when I make him go with us somewhere when he needs to study for a test...so we make a deal that he can study in the car while I drive.
-Who is more stubborn? haha...we can both be pretty stubborn at times.
-Who kissed who first? He kissed me first!
-Who asked who out? He asked me out first. He called to see if I wanted to go to the Hansen Planetarium with him. I had other plans and so he ended up coming with me to what I was doing.
-Who proposed? For sure Tyler....do girl's propose?
-Who has more siblings? Tyler has 6 siblings and I have 5. Tyler wins this one.
-Who wears the pants? Umm...I would say that it is pretty even. Kind of boring, I know.
And I tag...Missy Taylor, Danielle, Tanya, Katherine, Jaymi, Kristin and anyone else that wants to do this. I actually think these are fun. Some people don't, but I love to read other people's.