Wednesday, February 27, 2008

a little gratitude

The weather was so nice today! I love it when it is warm enough to go outside. On Wednesday's we go to singing time which Sadie looks forward to all week. It really is so much fun. I love watching Sadie and all the kids sing and dance. This is one thing that I will miss when we move from here. It is good times! We went to Sadie's favorite place today, the Children's Museum and I let Parker crawl around and play for the first time since it wasn't that busy...he loved it. For some reason, Sadie loves the pizza room so much. I find it to be a bore, but as long as she is having fun that is all that matters. Parker just likes to put everything in his mouth. It is kind of gross! When we got home from the CM, Sadie's friends were out riding their bikes and so she rode her bike for a while and then played with Riley her best friend. We had somewhat of a busy day, but these are a few of the many reason that I love living in Omaha, particularly the place where we live. I am excited for summer and to see everyone that I haven't seen all winter, since (one reason I really hate living in Omaha :)) the weather is so bitter cold in the winter.
Now I am off to watch Ame
rican Idol. Who is everybody liking this season? Who is your favorite boy? Girl?

Monday, February 25, 2008

snow day...better warm up soon!

I love that these pictures turned out (well sort of). I took these with a broken camera (I could not see a thing!), through a screen and glass, outside in the snow. But, anyway I thought it was so cute. Sadie was playing with her friend Jantsen today and I told them to look outside because it was snowing. A couple minutes later they had their animals and said that their animals wanted to see the snow....and Parker had joined them too.


We went to the circus last weekend with the Taylor's and the Jensen's. Sadie loves hanging out with Riley and Casedi. Our camera is broken, yep we have to buy a new one. I would have rather spent the money on a Wii, but what do you do. That is life. So, thanks Missy for the pictures. Actually the one of Sadie in the airplane is one we took with our camera, but we could not see anything, so we had no idea if Sadie was even going to be in the picture or if it was centered. It turned out better than we thought it would. It is kind of blurry so that is why...our camera is a goner.
Anyway, the circus was ok. It was so hot in the arena hence the tank top on Sadie. She started stripping her clothes off. Good thing I put tank tops under her shirts! There were a couple good acts and the rest were just blah. But it was fun being with friends if anything!

matching outfits

Tyler got home from school and went upstairs to change his clothes, when he came back down I said "oh cute, you and Parker have the same color shirt on". A couple minutes later, Tyler was holding Parker and I looked over and started laughing so hard....their whole outfit was the same down to their shoes. It is funny that I didn't notice the first time I saw his outfit.
You are a funny one babe!

They get so excited when Tyler gets home from school.

These are the 3 most important people in my life!

Friday, February 22, 2008

*flashback friday*

This picture was taken at my bridal shower in 2003. Amber is on the left, we grew up together and have always been the best of friends! Jenny is on the right. We were room mates with her in college and we became really good friends. Even though we all 3 live in different states, we still talk to each other regularly and will always be great friends. I have to say....I love these girls and I am so thankful for their friendship!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

**star performer**

This video is kind of hard to hear at first, but it gets better after a few seconds. Sadie was singing so I hurried and got out the camera. Usually her performance comes to a screeching halt when I pull out the camera, but she surprisingly kept singing. The first thing she does every morning is puts on this princess dress...I usually can steal it for a few hours to wash it every few days. Take note of her hair. This is what I have to deal with every time she wakes up in the morning and from naps. Anyway, enjoy!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

you gotta love being a mom

A couple days ago I took the kids and went to Wal-Mart. The reason why I was insane enough to take the kids grocery shopping at Wal-Mart was because we all needed to get out of the house. So I thought to myself....we can get out of the house and get something done that I need to get done, even though it will probably be worse then staying home and going stir crazy. I weighed my options....gave myself a pep talk that went a little something like this. "Who's the mom?" "I'm the mom!!" And off we went. Well, the funniest thing happened there in front of the yogurt aisle. The tallest man came walking by and I looked at Sadie who was staring at this man with eyes wide open. STARING. Would not look away and then I look at the man. I am sure that Sadie and I had a similar face because this man was TALL. He was smiling and waved at Sadie, I am sure he knew why she was looking at him. I just kind of smiled at the guy and then hurried and walked away. Sadie then asked me, "why is that man so big?" We were luckily far enough away that he didn't hear us (I think) and I silently laughed...REALLY hard...if that is possible. I said that he is just a tall man, some people are tall and some are short. It was just so cute because Sadie has never really done anything like that before and I wasn't prepared for it. Kids are so honest and so curious, they just say whatever is on their minds.

Then we get to the checkout and by this time Parker has had it and he is crying. Well, the guy checking us out doesn't take note at all that my kid is crying and maybe he should try and get this done a little quicker. No he doesn't. He does the opposite, which is.....begins to tell me that we should buy as many balloons as we can because the helium that we get from Texas is getting low and we aren't going to have any soon. The checker obviously can't multi task, bless his heart. He doesn't scan my groceries while he talks to me....which I am clearly not paying attention to him, I am more trying to get my crying child to hush so that the lady across the way will stop looking at me saying "aaww, we have a tired baby, don't we?" So it took a long time. I finally got out a box of crackers that I had just bought and I gave Parker some of those and all was well. I try and do my grocery shopping when Tyler is home and I can leave the kids, but when you are out of apples and chicken and that is your baby's main source of food (not really, but almost!) you do what you have to do.

forgetful me

I am forgetful. There, I admit it. And while I am at it, I will confess.....I am always late too. I will have you know that I am aware of these flaws in my life and I am constantly trying to do better. :) I mean, you would think that I would be able to do a flashback friday on, well....friday, not sunday. But, who is really keeping track anyway. And the being late thing....I am doing better. Being on time for church is one of the hardest things for our family to do and when I say "our family" what I really mean is "me". But again, who is really keeping track. Today we were only 10 minutes late for church so our progress is tremendous. I hope in the weeks to come that we keep up the progress and not convert back to being 45 minutes late.
I will try to get my flashback fridays delivered on time in the coming weeks. Thanks to all you faithful fans. (mainly Tanya).

*flashback friday*

Alway late, but worth the wait...ok, not really, but here it is:

This is Tyler before his mission playing ice hockey. He played for Utah State. Doesn't he look so cute in his uniform? I think so. This whole get-up seems like it would be so uncomfortable to wear for 3 hours at a time, all the while your sweating and working so hard. Doesn't it? The first time that I went to watch Tyler play, he got smacked really hard in the face with a hockey stick (on accident, I do believe) and his face was all bloody. Mind you, it was my first time and so I wasn't sure of this was a normal thing that happens in hockey or if I should be really worried. It ended up not being a normal thing that happens in hockey and he was ok...just a bloody nose that looked a lot worse then it was.

Monday, February 11, 2008

why even buy toys?

They had fun playing together in a diaper box...of all things.

hockey game-UNO maverick's vs. OHIO buckeye's

And we won. It was such a good game and we had great seats. Sadie and Parker were hilarious. Parker was clapping the whole time and Sadie was shouting U N O with everybody. It was really cute how much they liked watching hockey.

you know that you are good friends (and a little immature) when...... can have way too much fun playing a game that is made for preschoolers. I have to admit, I am not very good at this game. We were laughing so hard though!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

*flashback friday*

So I know it is Saturday, but I forgot to post flashback Friday yesterday, so here it is......

I can't believe that Sadie was small enough that she fit in a shoe box. I mean, I know she was...but it just seems like she is growing up so fast! I think that she is Parker's age here. It is fun to look back at all of Sadie's pictures and see her at the stage that Parker is at. They are a lot the same! They both have such fun personalities.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

my man tag

Ok, so I have been tagged by Janel. This is all about the man that I call.....T Dog.

-What is his full name? Jay Tyler Rasmussen.
-How long have you been married? 5 years.
How long did you date? 7 months.
-Who eats more sweets? For sure me...with out a doubt. He is a very healthy eater. I try to be, but I have to have my sweets!
-Who said I love you first? He did.
-How old is he? 27.
-Who is taller? He is, even if I wear my tallest heels.
-Who is smarter? He definitely is smarter.
-Who can sing better? Sorry babe, but I would have to say I sing a little bit better. More on tune.
-Who does the laundry? Usually me. Occasionally we will watch tv and fold it together. If I let it go too long, he will throw a load in and so by default I have to do it.
-Who pays the bills? I pay the bills.
-Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do. Even if we are traveling...we keep our sides.
-Who mows the lawn? When we have a house and a lawn (can't wait!) I am almost positive that Tyler will mow the lawn every time...until our kids are old enough to do it.
-Who cooks dinner? I cook dinner...usually. If it is pizza, Tyler does it. He makes the best pizza ever!
-Who drives? He does. I drive only when I make him go with us somewhere when he needs to study for a we make a deal that he can study in the car while I drive.
-Who is more stubborn? haha...we can both be pretty stubborn at times.
-Who kissed who first? He kissed me first!
-Who asked who out? He asked me out first. He called to see if I wanted to go to the Hansen Planetarium with him. I had other plans and so he ended up coming with me to what I was doing.
-Who proposed? For sure girl's propose?
-Who has more siblings? Tyler has 6 siblings and I have 5. Tyler wins this one.
-Who wears the pants? Umm...I would say that it is pretty even. Kind of boring, I know.

And I tag...Missy Taylor, Danielle, Tanya, Katherine, Jaymi, Kristin and anyone else that wants to do this. I actually think these are fun. Some people don't, but I love to read other people's.

that's too bad!!

This really is too bad. He would have been a great President! For the whole story go to:

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

**the world from sadie's view**

So today we were just finishing up lunch and I took Parker upstairs to put him down for a nap. I came back down and the camera was out of the case, so I turned it on to find a ton of pictures that Sadie had taken. She does this quite often. Normally I would erase all these pictures that are not really of anything important to me, but a friend of mine posted pictures that her little boy had taken and it was way cute. So I thought that I would post the pictures that Sadie took today. She got a camera for her birthday, which she loves and uses, but for some reason still loves to use our camera more.

Her cute little face.

And some cute, chubby toes to go with it.

The kitchen.

Parker's mess from lunch.

Another view of the kitchen. Very exciting!

She loves these little snacks. They are Parker's and they have hardly any nutritional value....but she loves to snack on them with Parker.

After I looked at all her pictures (and there were a lot more than what I posted), I told her to go take a picture of her 3 favorite toys or something she loves and here they are:

Her doll house. She LOVES this!!

Her tools and her purse. Her tools? Ok I think it is the toy of the week. She goes through favorite toys faster than a race car.

This is a cute picture. It is of her big stuffed dog. She loves to snuggle with it.

my little helper

Parker loves to "help" me with the dishes. Whenever he hears me doing them, he comes crawling over as fast as he can and takes out the silver ware and anything that is in his reach.

Friday, February 1, 2008

*flashback friday*

When Tyler and I came in to the bathroom to find Sadie unrolling the toilet paper and making a mess, we probably did what we shouldn't have...we laughed really hard. I mean really, how could you be mad at a face like that? This was actually the first and last time that she pulled a stunt like this. She was a little over a year here.

family fun

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