Showing posts with label geek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label geek. Show all posts

Monday, March 29, 2010

Thank you Geekshow

My friend and I go to Geekshow Movie Night once a month. It is the last Sunday of the month every month. It is a chance to sit down in a theater with a bunch of like minded people and watch some of your favorite geek movies. Last night I went to the March movie night. It was a green theme so we watched Leprichan in the Hood and Teenage Mutatant Ninja Turtles. I of course wore my new shirt that Miranda got me for my birthday and a hat that I bought for Saint Patricks Day. I had my green on. The shirt was pure geek. It's green, has a picture of an old Atari joystick, and says "Represent" across the bottom. The hat is a fedora style with clovers all over it and a Guiness label on the side. I was rockin' it. I even got some compliments on my attire. This all takes place in a movie theatre/bar called Brewvies in downtown SLC. If you haven't been you should go. It's fun and you should support a local business. Plus, without more support there may no longer be movie nights. So this is a great distraction for me and my friend. We go to this and have a great time. Picture this: a theater full of geeks, full of beer and other libations, all yelling their own comments at the screen a la Mystery Science Theater 3000 style and everyone laughing their guts out. It can't get better than that. Of course it's more fun when you've seen the movie a hundred times yourself. Then you feel better when you yell out something and everyone laughs at what you contributed. It is a great activity if you don't mind the not so occasional swear.

So now they have put out the idea that we should have a family night sometimes where we would show a movie that is family friendly but still geeky, like The Muppets, at a different theater and then show a regular geek movie at Brewvies later. I think this is great as long as it doesn't happen too often. This is something I look forward to all month long becuase it's a break from my life. Along with this blog and mountain biking, this is something that allows me to forget about my life, my problems, my financial struggles, bills, being poor, insert issue here. I like to share these things with my family but sometimes they are the reason I need to get away. Sorry but I don't think anyone can spend all their time with their family and if they can there's something wrong with them.

This is where workaholics, strip club customers, people like me who go see geeky movies with a bunch of drunk geeks get their outlets. They get away. Whatever your family life is like, whether you have lots of kids, no kids, or if you live by yourself, you need to escape your life. You need to clear your head. Do that however you want it doesn't really matter. Just make sure when your done you are better for it. You'll feel better, you'll see the world better, you'll be better able to deal with your own life. Trust me and just do it.

Now, for April's movie night they will be showing the original "Planet of the Apes" and "Every Which Way but Loose." Did you pick up on the theme? "Ape"ril. Get it? HA!

Thanks for reading