Showing posts with label Government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Government. Show all posts

13 April 2011

Now this is funny!

Vice-President Joe Biden apparently did not find his boss' recent speech on budgets, debt, and finances (i.e. raising taxes and punishing the wealthy, let the reader understand!) too terribly riveting.

Check it out yourself here.

03 October 2010

The Truth about Tax Returns

Okay, I'll admit it. I used to think that that tax refund check that came in the spring of the year was pretty sweet. After all, it did seem like "free money" or a "big bonus." But then I learned the truth: it was always my money. I had just "given" too much to the federal government in the form of withholding from my paycheck! Not a wise way to manage the money that God Himself gives.

I know many people think that the tax refund check is pretty sweet. After all, they can use it to pay a bill (We see this quite a bit with our day school and back tuition payments.), to spring for something special (like a new TV or computer?), or just plain to think that they got lucky and won some kind of lottery.

Actually, the truth still remains: that money has always been yours. If you're getting a sizable "refund" from Uncle Sam's IRS, then you're loaning too much to Uncle Sam in the first place, and not getting any interest back for your "generosity." Wouldn't you rather use your money yourself, rather than let government bureaucrats and politicians decide how "best" (Do I hear pork calls and sounds of earmarks?) to use the money that God gives you to manage?

Here's a series of helpful articles over at MoneyPlan SOS - Financial Coach that helps understand the problem with withholding too much, receiving too big a tax refund, and how to correct the problem:

Tax Refunds: Part 1 (Tax Liability)
Tax Refunds: Part 2 (Withholding)
Tax Refunds: Part 3 (Tax Returns)
Tax Refunds: Part 4 (The REFUND)

Be sure to check back with the financial coach for future articles. I'm sure they will be just as helpful as these first installments.

And now...

...for something truly frightening! As New Zeal reports, a recent rally in Washington D.C., obviously meant to counter-balance, counter-act, etc. the Glenn Beck rally held back on 8-28-10, is dominated by Socialists and reveals just who supports our current President and his obviously Socialist policies and direction for our nation. Lord, have mercy!

Check it out at New Zeal.

09 September 2010

You go, Gov.!!!

Get a load of this exchange between NJ Governor Chris Christie and a disgruntled NJ public school teacher. With such clear common sense and simple, logical facts on his side - not to mention his tell-it-as-he-sees-it approach - I say we clone him 49 times over and fill all the rest of the governors' mansions and offices with him. How refreshing to see and hear a public official strive to have his state live within its means!


21 August 2010

You Cannot Multiply Wealth by Dividing It

Here's a quote given the comments of my previous post on Socialism. After reading and pondering it just a bit, I think it's worth more than just comment status and so I'm putting "up front" in its own post. Thanks to DRG for posting it.

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom.  What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.  When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation.  You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."

The late Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931 - 2005

On Socialism...Because We ARE There!

The bumper sticker a few blocks away in the neighborhood summed up Socialism quite well: "Socialism is a great idea...until you run out of other people's money!"

Fr. Hollywood has also summed it up quite well in his recent post, "'Socialist' isn't just an insult." Well said, Fr. Hollywood! The graphic also says it all.

Just remember, no matter how politicians and/or pundits try to spin us away from the dreaded "S" word, we are there. We have been growing toward Socialism for about a century, bit by bit, nudge by nudge. No, Socialism isn't just an insult; it's a downright scary reality!

And that's why American citizens need to learn their history and their Constitution, get more active in the course of their country than in who wins "American Idol," and effect a wholesale firing of the crowd now in Washington and put in place people who will take us back to our roots of less taxes, less government, and more freedom.

23 July 2010

Congress read the Bill? Sounds good to me!

Next move? How about repeal the recent bills - several in the neighborhood of 2000 pages! - that have been passed in the past couple of years? After all, many in D.C. have already admitted they never read the bills passed, and we keep finding out just what dangerous stuff was lurking in them all along.