The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, Pt. II
Two shots in the heart, one in the mind
--T-shirt sold at a gun show
Johnny's in America
Johnny wants a brain
Johnny wants to suck on a Coke
Johnny wants a woman
--I'm Afraid of Americans,
David Bowie
Former SEAL Mark Bissonnette's "No Good Day" recounted the assassination of Osama bin Laden, and though trying to serve as patriotic doggerel instead reveals the sham that is the Phony War on Terror (PWOT ©).
Instead of having America's finest assassinate an ailing terrorist has-been by breaching his compound, why not find out where he was having his weekly dialysis performed -- would not that be a better place to conduct an operation? What other possible scenarios could have occurred? Bissonnette writes of the ever-re-converted modular structure in which they trained, but there is no talk of training OUTSIDE of the box.
Of course, that would not be Bissonnette's call, but his higher ups, and one must wonder why such an anti-climactic denouement with such apparent contradiction was executed. However, this quality should come as no surprise when one of the founding theatrics of the PWOT © -- the all-services "rescue" of Jessica Lynch -- was revealed for the sham it was.
Further, was it necessary to kill bin Laden? Was he still an operational threat, or just a symbolic target of revenge? If the latter, then the United States is using terror to combat terror, a never-ending Mobius strip of murder.
If the PWOT is about winning hearts and minds, how do we justify assassination? If the operation was so vital to our national security, then why is the helmet cam footage not being released? Surely we the citizens have the right to see our tax dollars at work killing folks and alienating Islamic hearts and minds.
It has not been explained how the U.S. has the right to violate the sovereignty of the borders of the nation of Pakistan. Would we Americans welcome United Nations black helicopters invading our borders?
The U.S. romps and stomps like a bull in a China shop, acting as though the entire world -- or even just U.S. taxpayers -- buys into the Special Operations view of the world, which is that they may kill at will.
Labels: afghanistan, assassination, mark bissonnette, no easy day, obl, osama bin laden, pakistan