So I'm skipping out on Sunday Stills this week, even though I had some real cool ideas, I just never had the chance to get the pics of them I wanted. Its been kinda busy this week, but I'm hoping its getting a little slower from here on in. Specially since its only 19 days till I am going on vacation :o !!
(we saw a white spot in the bales so I zoomed in with my camera and
its Fluffer hunting mice in the bale stack)
I will try and totally catch up in this post, so sorry if its a little long. But I have gotten questions and I been meaning to answer them and so now I will. Many posts ago ( way back on May 18, sorry!) Paint Girl asked where I got my breast collar. I got that one from and amazing tack store in Strathmore, K & K Livestock, but I think it is available elsewhere, it was made by Trevor Brazile, so I imagine other places will carry it.
(my favorite crab apple tree in bloom)
And then a later date, BEC said to pick a event I really want to go to and work towards it. I decided (after much fuming about not getting everything I wanted, lol) that the Leon Harrell clinic in Aug is what I am aiming for. Its the 3 to the 5th so I will only be back from vacation for 2 weeks before it, but all I am gonna do those 2 weeks is ride. Until my vacation I am gonna just ride for fun and not worry about everything else.
Finally got the Eeyore sign hung on a tree at the entrance to our yard)
Then Lisa asked about how hard moving cows is. Well that's hard to answer, the more cows the harder it is, especially if they are moving a long ways and if not very many riders. Our cows at home move really well, but we don't move them very far. The lease cows are in such big fields it takes a long time to get them gathered and then as they are moving the calves will get separated from their mothers and they are the worst for keeping bunched up. I'm no expert, but I figure as long as the cows are moving in sorta the right direction I kinda leave them. They end up all strung out and seem to travel better, but you gotta watch that a bunch don't break off and go elsewhere. Hope that helps some. I like riding on the side and keeping them in a row, rather than at the back, but the back is probly an easier spot to start. If someone asks you to help, just ask what they want you to do, most people are willing to help others learn.
(Watching sorting cows on horseback at a branding)
(This guy has the same bridle as Jessie, but lighter hide on it)
(Jessie waiting at the trailer at her first branding,
she was really good, as always )
And Shirley as much as I would like to hunt and eat those elk, we are not in an area we are allowed to hunt elk. Although depending on how much damage they do, they may meet and untimely end (but you didn't hear that from me, lol)
And Janice, the raffle horse looks good, he seems real quiet, doesn't seem to get bothered by whatever is going on. He seems to be a little pushy when you are on the ground (which I hate) and he was kinda upset when tied by himself, but otherwise seemed really nice. The guy riding him rides a lot and he is very honest, he will say if it is a not good horse, but they purposely picked him for his quiet agreeableness (not for his color cause a lot of people out her prefer a plain solid horse)
(kinda looks like snow, but its just hail)
So branding on Wed and Thurs went well, then we headed to Brooks Fri and Neil took 3 dry cows in and we helped get everything ready for the anniversary party on Sat. We stayed late but finally got home and headed to bed. Sat we were out of here by 9 and set up tents and tables and chairs and it was an awesome time and we didn't even get any rain down there. At home however we had 8/10ths and it hailed Fri night.
(Love this foggy spot when the rest of the yard was clear)
And today was supposed to be another branding, but we got more rain At least another 4/10th and its still raining, and so it was postponed till Wed. Kinda glad to have a day off.