Showing posts with label scarf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scarf. Show all posts

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Revealing ... finished shawlette

A finished item from handspun yarn.

Spun from the gorgeous Autumn colours fibre below in November 2012, this is superfine Merino roving from Colinette and is super super soft. I love Autumn and the colours you see so this I decided would be knitted into something for me.

roving and separated into lengths for spinning 

Autumn leaves yarn

After browsing patterns on ravelry I decided upon a shawlette called Garden View, a free pattern and very simple but very pretty. I then had to be patient as I was knitting socks for Christmas gifts, so the skeins sat to  one side for a while. But Christmas day afternoon it's time came and I cast on. Knitted on and off for a week and it was completed. The pattern has seven leaves in the design but I added an extra leaf to the middle to make it just a little longer as my yarn was slightly off the pattern WPI gauge (no of course I didn't knit a swatch!).

I have blocked it to give definition to the pattern and here she is ... my Burnt Autumn leaves Garden View shawlette. I shall wear it more like a scarf and it is perfect for that as it isn't too wide.

Blocked and showing the scarfs entire length
 outside in slightly better light 

View of the rear
 Shawlette/scarf ready to wear 

Something to wear to brighten up any dull Winter days.

Linking up this project with Linda for Creative Friday.

Okay, back to the tunic knitting ...