Who doesn't love a good swoon?
If you want to join in here's all you need to do.
From the book you’re currently reading, or one you just finished, tell us what made you SWOON. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling and your stomach fluttering?
Then pick a smaller portion of your swoon and tweet it, just don't forget to add the #YABOUND Hashtag to your tweet!

This is one of the sweetest, and most romantic speeches. Cameron is simply amazing and I love how much he cares for Johanna.

"I've never met anyone as quietly brave and strong as you. I've never met a woman so unassuming, so kind, and so selfless. You are a complex lady." His mouth curled up at the corners.
"And you are smart, and passionate, and funny, and exciting, and you blow me fucking away. When I first saw you, I wanted you like I'd never wanted anyone. When you first tore me a new one, I wanted to know you. And when I got to know you, when I stood across a kitchen and you told me not to kill a spider because it didn't' say much for us as a species if we killed something because we feared it, I knew. I knew that I would never meet anyone as beautiful or as compassionate or as determined."
"And you are smart, and passionate, and funny, and exciting, and you blow me fucking away. When I first saw you, I wanted you like I'd never wanted anyone. When you first tore me a new one, I wanted to know you. And when I got to know you, when I stood across a kitchen and you told me not to kill a spider because it didn't' say much for us as a species if we killed something because we feared it, I knew. I knew that I would never meet anyone as beautiful or as compassionate or as determined."
What is your swoon worthy moment this week?
Feel free to leave your links below so that I can check them out and if you are a new follower be sure to let me know so that I can come and check out your blog in return!

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