Showing posts with label kitty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kitty. Show all posts

Friday, October 24, 2014

Halloween! Matchbox! Freebies!

Hello Friends!

Well, I've been down for the count for the last week
due to a cold that came on like a lion.
I think it's finally moving on,
but I had to share a bright spot in my week last week,
my swap from Tami, my partner in JoAnne's Matchbox Swap.

If you read my post last week, you may remember
that I said that my partner and I were a perfect match?
If you didn't read it, :O
or don't remember, :(
you can scroll down
or click here.

OK, if you don't want to click,
here is an excerpt:

"I made this altered matchbox for a swap at Vintage Dragonfly:

 There is more texture and color variation to the matchbox
than you can see in this picture.
My partner prefers Fall colors and not too creepy,
so we were a perfect match!"

Imagine my surprise when I opened my box to find this:


Yes!  We used the same frame!!
If matchboxes had sisters, they would be sisters!
So, that whole perfect match thing...
But a little bit spooky, right?  :)

It is really a lovely matchbox, and Tami filled it with wonderful
seasonal goodies, thank you, Tami, I love it!

To get even more mileage out of this matchbox swap :D
I took photos of the presentation.

Here is my card...

...clear away the cobwebs (figuratively) :)
to find this:
Due to the cold, I had to miss my Paper Soiree meeting, :(
but I did manage to make little favors for everyone:

Some washi tape wrapped around an inked spool, some baker's twine,
a skeleton hand hot glued into the hole,
and some Tim Holtz Halloween tickets.
I wish I'd taken a pic of them all together,
they were pretty cute.

Fall and Halloween images!!

Click to enlarge, right click and save!

More Friday fun to be had at Fabulously Creative Friday!  
Lots of great ideas at Show and Tell Friday!  
Lovely blues at Anything Blue Friday!
Lots of links to lovely pinks at Pink Saturday!
Creative living, decorating, and craft ideas at Inspired Sunday!
Lovely tablescapes at Seasonal Sundays!
Cute and crafty stuff at Make it Monday!
Be inspired by Inspire Me Tuesday!
Vintage creativity at Vintage Inspiration Wednesday!
For links to lovely, shabby, chippy whites, stop by Blissful Whites Wednesday!
Beautiful greys at Grey Dey Thursdeys.
Lovely things to be found at
French cottagey links at Feathered Nest Friday!

♥♥♥ Thank you so much for visiting and for all your lovely comments!! ♥♥♥
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

August!! Kitty!! Dolls!! Pastries!!

Hello Friends!

OMG!!  It's August!!

This does not mean I post only in months that start in A, LOL!
 But I have been a real slacker-blogger lately!
It's been a little of this, a little of that...
Out of town guests, a little vacation,
computer eye issues, PINTEREST,
and a little bit of Summertime laziness thrown in for good measure!  ;)

But the real culprit is my
who has been keeping me very busy playing with her!!

She always wants to be doing what I'm doing!
Here she is helping me craft...

Getting a little shut-eye...
She's one year old and was apparently left behind
when her owners moved.  :O
But she was only at the shelter for two weeks,
and I scooped her up the first day she was available!
She is such a super sweetie and a real joy!!
I was in a swap last month where we swapped
"clothespin/peg dolls mounted on a box"!
I had so much fun making mine,
I used a vintage hankie and rhinestone button,
and painted her hair pink!!
Here are some more dolls from the swap,
there's a Marie Antoinette, a couple of French girls,
a garden girl and a couple of other cuties!! 

We also took a little mini-vacation to Las Vegas.
I really do love Las Vegas,
I love to go to the celebrity chef restaurants,
see a great show,
(the Cirque de Soleil Michael Jackson is fantastic!)
hang out by the pool, shop...
And we always stop in at the Bellagio,
there is a fabulous chocolate shop there, Jean Phillipe.
Look at these cakes (Yes, the woman in chocolate is also a cake!):

 And look at these beautiful pastries:

There is a conservatory in Bellagio that they redecorate seasonally,
and they're always amazing.
For summer, they have a summer/Americana theme:

These birds and snails are made entirely of seeds and dried flowers,
Rose Parade style:

I love the kites hanging from the ceiling.
There's always a water feature.
I love this little pond with the bridge and waterfall:

I do have more swaps and projects to share,
but I'll save that for next time ;)
Lots of links to lovely pinks at Pink Saturday.
For links to lovely, shabby, chippy whites, stop by Blissful Whites Wednesday!
And for all things lovely and vintage, visit Knick of Time!
♥♥♥Thank you so much for visiting and for all your lovely comments!! ♥♥♥
Hope it's not too hot where you are!  Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Whimsies and Freebies!

Hello Friends!

I'm still here!  I didn't really mean to disappear. 
I'm just slowly getting back into the swing of things...
a little thrifting and a little creating.

I don't have photos of my thrifty finds yet,
but I do have pics of my newest creations.
Now, you may or may not know that I sell collage sheets on Etsy.
See my little shop over there on the right? :)
So I designed a few new collage sheets,
and then I started playing with them,
and then these little cuties came to life!
 So I thought, hmmm..
I haven't sold any crafty things on Etsy or Ebay for ages,
maybe I'll just give it a try!
I'll be adding some new ones later in the week, if you'd like to take a peek :)
I just love vintage valentines, especially the whimsical ones from the 20s and 30s.
I also like the corny phrases on them as well :D

I think this is adorable:

I love these traditional romantic valentines as well:

Click to enlarge, right click and save!
Then go make some hand made valentines!! :)
Lots of links to lovely pinks at Pink Saturday.
For links to lovely, shabby, chippy whites, stop by Blissful Whites Wednesday!
Lovely things at Pearls and Lace Thursday.
♥♥♥Thank you so much for visiting and for all your lovely comments!! ♥♥♥
Have a great week!


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Vignettes Summer Fete

Hello Friends!

Yes, I admit it, I took last week off, played hooky, lazed around...
But I've been taking my responsibilities as kitty care-giver very seriously...
It's a full time job just trying to keep up with her...
Or at least trying to find her latest sleeping places :)

Oh well, I guess at 21 (102 in cat years) it's respectable to sleep 23 hours a day!
And anywhere you happen to find yourself!

I am so behind with pics and freebies;
right now I would like to share with you the photos from
Vignette's fabulous Seaside Summer Fete!
Heather Bullard was there
signing copies of her new magazine, Souvenir.
The name Vignettes truly describes this store,
as everything is so beautifully displayed in vignettes throughout the store. 
For this fete the store was decked out in coastal/boho/shabby/french chic!  :)
Roll camera:



And it was at this point that the battery in my camera was "exhausted".
I did take some pictures with my phone which I have not downloaded yet,
I will do that next week and if "blog-worthy", I will post them :)

It was truly a lovely day which I got to share with my BFF Brenda,
who was visiting in San Diego from Tucson that weekend.
Hopefully the lovely times we had together
will spur a return visit soon!
Ooh, and I've got some good ones!!

Click to enlarge, right click and save!
Lots of links to lovely pinks at Pink Saturday.  
For links to lovely, shabby, chippy whites, stop by White Wednesday!
Have a great holiday!

But cute is this July 4th craft, courtesy of Country Living?

Make it yourself with this clipart:

Have fun!   Happy Fourth!!



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