Showing posts with label followers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label followers. Show all posts

Friday, January 3, 2014


Well, it's come.  This has been quite the adventure, hasn't it?  I've "met" so many amazing people and learned so much from blogging.  I've let out the things whirling through my brain, and you've appreciated them.  So many of you have appreciated them.  Thank you for that.  Thanks for reading this little blog, thanks for your prayers, and thanks for your encouragement.  Thanks for existing.

I'm not very eloquent with good-byes.  I don't enjoy them and I don't like them to be prolonged.  So I haven't much to say, except thank you and goodbye.  I will be praying for you.  God bless you all.

In Christ,

Soon-to-be-Sr. Victoria

I was going to take a picture of myself waving goodbye, but I didn't, so this will have to do.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

10,000 Pageviews!

GUYS!  I just checked my stats and I just made 10,000 pageviews!  AHHH THAT'S AMAZING!  Thank you all so much for reading and for putting up with my slow postings.  *gives internet hugs*

I shall put up another post just as soon as I can think of a topic.  It'll probably be a poem, methinks.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy Birthday to R&M!

Well folks, it has finally come.  I HAVE BEEN BLOGGING FOR ONE WHOLE YEAR! *jumps up and down with excitement*  Isn't it amazing?  One year, one hundred posts (yes, I timed it on purpose, and yes, some of them are still drafts), fifty-two followers, and 3,935 pageviews.  You all are so sweet.   I know it sounds cliche, but I really wouldn't have kept blogging without all the awesome feedback I get.  I've discovered all sorts of cool people, too.

So, have I learned anything by blogging?  I think I have.  I've discovered that I really like article-style writing, for one.  I think it's what I'm best at, really.  (I know what you're thinking.  If that's what she's best at...)  I've also realized that it's stupid to apologize for my opinions and tastes.  It just makes me sound rant-y and insecure and who knows what else.  Not to mention, a shocking amount of people actually agree with me, which is kind of awesome.

So, happy birthday to me.  And thank you all for being amazing.  *gives gigantic internet hug*

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Favorite Poetry - The Aristocrat

Well, I've finally gotten around to posting again.  You can thank frustration with a certain research report for that...anyway, before I begin, I just wanted to thank Katie of Whisperings of the Pen for being my 50th follower!  Thank you, Katie, and thanks for your lovely comment on my last post, as well.  I'm up to fifty-one now - I feel super special!

Now for the poetry. This is one of the first Chesterton poems I was exposed to.  I find the combination of flippancy and urgency quite striking, and so it sort of imprinted on my brain and is one of the few poems I've actually got memorized.   Chesterton portrays the enticement that evil can have, and then warns us of it's consequences, all in his typical entertaining style. It must be noted that Chesterton is using the term "gentleman" in the sense it was often used in during his time - not in a positive way, to describe a man who upholds chivalry, honor, and intelligence, but in a negative way, to indicate a sort of - oh, this is hard to explain - a sort of dissipated, good-for-nothing person.  Eh, close enough.  Anyway, hope you enjoy it.  And do think about what the poet's trying to say, please.  If there's something that you don't get that you'd like to have explained, leave a comment.  I may have an answer.

The Aristocrat
by G.K. Chesterton 

The Devil is a gentleman, and asks you down to stay
At his little place in What'sitsname (it isn't far away).
They say the sport is splendid; there is always something new,
And fairy scenes, and fearful feats that none but he can do;
He can shoot the feathered cherubs if they fly on the estate,
Or fish for Father Neptune with the mermaids for a bait;
He scaled amid the staggering stars that precipice, the sky,
And blew his trumpet above heaven, and got by mastery
The starry crown of God Himself, and shoved it on the shelf;
But the Devil is a gentleman, and doesn't brag himself.

O blind your eyes and break your heart and hack your hand away, 
And lose your love and shave your head, but do not go to stay
At the little place in What'sitsname where folks are rich and clever;
The golden and the goodly house, where things grow worse forever;
There are things you need not know of, though you live and die in vain,
There are souls more sick of pleasure than you are sick of pain;
There is a game of April Fool that's played behind its door,
Where the fool remains forever and the April comes no more,

Where the splendour of the daylight grows drearier than the dark,
And life droops like a vulture that once was such a lark:
And that is the Blue Devil that once was the Blue Bird;
For the Devil is a gentleman, and doesn't keep his word.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Poll Results + Changes

So...eleven people voted on the poll I set up to help me decide what to change about my blog's design.  That's more than I expected, but considering that I have forty-three followers, not much.  ANYWAY, one person said new header, six said new background, two said completely different layout, three said that they loved it and I shouldn't change anything, and five said to change the tan post background.

Well, so far I've done a new background and taken away the tan.  I think I shall change the header, as well, simply because it doesn't match all that well.  I'm sorry, whoever said don't change anything. (Emily?)  But this is fun. I hope you all like the (still in-progress) new design.  Comment and tell me. :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

New Design?

I'm starting to feel like my blog's looking just a bit fusty and tired nowadays.  It needs to be springified.  I'm itching to redo it, but I'd like to have your input. I'm putting up a poll, and I'd love you if you'd vote on it and/or comment telling me what, in your opinion, should be changed, and what should stay.  It is of course my blog and I shall do what I please, but I'm rather an indecisive person, and I'm curious as to what y'all think of it.

Well, it's sort of relevant.  Kinda.  Maybe.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Comment Love and A Bit of Squeeing

Imogen posted some lovely thoughts about commenting a while ago that I'd like to share with you all:

Deep down inside most bloggers, buried next to the wish to have a billion blog followers, the most page views ever and to be able to write instant hit one line posts, is the wish to receive comments. Any comment. Just something to show that there’s someone out there reading your work and liking it enough to tell you so.
I am one of this crowd, often desperate to hear from other bloggers. Was there something wrong with my last post? Is that why no one commented? Have I bored all my readers so much they’ve decided to leave?
Every comment I get is a gift. Precious because someone took the time to stop and say something, someone who only knows me through my blog. I love all my commenters, from the ones who only have time to say, ‘I loved your post,’ to the ones who write huge long comments full of personal stories and life.
I love my commenters so much that I’m dedicated to answering every single comment I receive. I always answer, and always try to say something personal to every comment. Because I appreciate my comments.
 Visit Imogen's blog to read more.

Now for the squeeing part.  Today my dad got his orders!  That means we can get ready to move back to my beloved Virginia.  SQUEEEE!  I'm so grateful, though it will be sad to leave my wonderful friend Victoria behind here.  Still, I'm SO EXCITED.  So bear with me if I talk a lot about moving in the next month or so.

Well, that's all for today, I believe.  Tell me: do comments matter to you?  What in a post sparks you to comment?

Friday, December 30, 2011


I just wanted to thank all you wonderful people who follow me.  Opening Blogger this afternoon and seeing that I've made it to thirty followers was just such a lovely surprise!   I really appreciate so many people taking an interest in my insignificant little postings.

Poster made by me, via Picnik

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Follower Philosophy

A couple nights ago I was lying awake, as usual, and thinking bloggy thoughts - as usual.  I do significantly more thinking than doing....
Anyway.  This particular night I was thinking about followers.  If somebody's following me, that probably means that she likes what I post.  If she likes what I post, that means that we share interests.   If we share interests, then that means that we might get along pretty well in real life.  So followers are like friends - friends that I just haven't met.  They also would probably be friends with my other followers.

I really do feel this way, too.  Every time I get a new follower, there are sounds of rejoicing (a.k.a squealing) coming from our living room.  I visit my followers' blogs and excitedly tell my mom everything about them. It usually goes somewhat like this:  (Conversation actually happened, by the way.)

MOM:  Yeah?  Great!
MOM:  Oh, yeah?
MOM: Most people do....

I then proceed to stare at my new follower's picture, browse her blog, and be happy for the next thirty minutes.
(Random thought:  I can't imagine having a guy follow me. :p)

So.  I logged into my well-beloved Picnik, and made a poster thingy for you.

I hope you like it!  Oh, and feel free to use it on your own blog.  Right above the "follow" button.  That's where I'm putting mine...*insert crafty evil genius grin*

And thanks for following.  I wuv you.

{ I promise that I will have a post with actual content up soon...}
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