Showing posts with label CSG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CSG. Show all posts

Thursday, April 16, 2009

CSG PYC Grand Finale

It's such a pleasure to come into a program that places such a high emphasis & value on the arts. Just look at the excitement captured in their group sculpture. It's probably about 6 or 8 feet across in dimension. Right in the middle you can see an egg carton, so that will give you an idea of the scale on this community project. How awesome is that??

These are the preschool's big girls giving me a royal welcome. Their teacher, Tammi Piedon and I go w-a-y back. [Her oldest was in preschool, back when we first met -- and she reported today that he's finishing his freshman year of high school. How could that have possibly happened?] That last picture is a spontaneous hug that just kept growing & growing & growing!! Do you think I look slightly concerned? Thank goodness the chair held up under that much enthusiasm! What a joyous time together.
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CSG PACT Morning

The sun came out!! Oh, happy day. I was invited to return to Columbus School for Girls -- to their very wee ones for a grand morning of singing and dancing. First we've captured the teachers in charge of all of the fun, Lana & my ol' friend Jillian. Then it's the picture of the mommy I see in more places than anyone else's mommy -- with one of her favorite, sweet head-of-curls. Look carefully at the last picture in this series. It holds special significance, too. If you look really closely you'll see a very special hair clip, worn particularly for my arrival today. It's our Goldie, Goldie Goldfish, swimming in to keep that pretty hair in place on one of our youngest participants. I'm just thrilled before we even get underway. The parents are gracious to help & welcome me in every possible manner, introducing themselves all the way out in the parking lot. It's terrific to have their support. It's VERY obvious that my songs are a part of this early learning experience.... when it's finally time to unleash Goldie, there's a flurry of singing & dancing together. A great time was had by all.
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