Saturday, November 15, 2008

Just A Packin!

So there isn't much going on around here at our little place, but I wanted to post to let you know we are still alive! Besides tracking the Longhorns and the Cowboys....we are just packing and getting ready to make our adventure to Texas! Ragnar's parents will be here next week and we are excited to see them. We are going to spend Thanksgiving in SLC at his grandma's and then Friday morning we are off on our 26 hour adventure that I am sure will take at least 3 days! Ahhh! Say a prayer for us!! I am so thankful that Ragnar's parents are coming with us though, that will be very helpful!
As our house is looking more and more bare I am starting to getting a little more sad about leaving this valley. It is time and we are excited about what is ahead but man we will miss our neighbors and friends! I think it will be weird not to have our weekly dinner at the MacNairs! I hate that in life we make good friends and leave them and then make some more and the cycle continues! Anyway, enough rambling, I just wanted to let you know we are alive and kicking here!


Ashley said...

It is hard to leave ol' Cache Valley. I know we miss all the good friends there, and beautiful area. I can't believe what a long drive you have ahead of you. You're a good sport about things. We will be praying for you guys and that Texas has some great opportunities for ya.

A & M Ras said...

It is going to be sad not to see you guys out and about anymore. Good luck in your endeavors. Go Cowboys!!!

Ash & Tim said...

I didn't realize that it was so soon I liked thinking that we still had a few more weeks. It will be hard when you leave I am still not sure how we will survive you really are my life line -who will help make the time go by, or who will I call at any moment to ramble on about what Tim did whether that be good or bad, who will I eat french toast with, I think I could keep listing things for hours. We have sure loved being your neighbors and getting to know you and your family. We will miss you all dearly and will pray for you daily. But this is no good-bye because whether you like it or not, I will still be calling you a lot:)