Sunday, November 23, 2008

Unforgetable Times in Logan, Utah!

Tonight Ragnar and I took the kids to a few places in Logan that have meant a lot to us. We wanted to get a few pictures of those places because you never know when you are going to get back to them, and when you do if they will be the same as you remembered them!

First we went to First Dam. This is the place where Ragnar and I spent many Sunday nights and a lot of time with our friends in our single days. Most of our fun memories are from this park!

Next we went to a place near the temple. There is a bench right outside the temple as you walk away and are looking down the mountain that Ragnar and I walked to every Sunday night after we started dating. It was the bench that we spent many nights talking about life and what our hopes and dreams were. This is a bench that overlooks Logan and is beautiful. It is also the bench where Ragnar proposed!

Then of course the Logan temple is special to us as well.
Then we went to Old Farm Apartments. This place pretty much sums up our college life. Ragnar spent all 4 years of his college career in Old Farm and that is why I think he knows the whole valley. I spent two years before we got married there and we loved the friends we had together there.
And last....but never least... Big blue, the Bull outside the Spectrum and by the Stadium! I don't think Ragnar and I missed any sporting event when we were dating and haven't missed many even now. He loves sports, and THANKFULLY for me, I do too, so it is something we can enjoy together. We sure do love our aggies and our aggie town, and will truly miss it!

Monday, November 17, 2008

A Sad "Goodbye"

Ella and Cavin holding hands before the party!

Ella and Tanner holding hands!

She sure loves him!

Jeff, Camille, and Tanner Ferrin
Tim, Ashley, and Ian MacNair (imported
picture..they left before I took one!)
Thom, Emily, Seth, and Grady Toolson
(Stewart, Sarah, and Lizzy Hill.... not pictured..
Stewart was at an interview and Lizzy was
ready for bed!)
Matt, Amy, Reilly, and Lily Stone

Lily (since you can't see her in the previous
Tonight our friends threw us a going away party! It was so kind of them to take the time to get together one last time and have one last shebang! We sure will miss the wonderful friends and memories we have made here. As we watched the Harpers go first this summer, I never thought we would be the next ones to go, and man we miss them. Looking back, I think Camille was my first friend here in Smithfield and quickly became my good running friend (until we got pregnant and different times the second time of course)! I think I call her about anything and I love to just check in and see what she and Tanner are doing. She and Jeff have been such a blessing to us. Jeff keeps Ragnar in line as a missionary in the ward and we love his sense of humor. Ella is going to go through with drawls without Tanner to play with and adore.
Tim and Ashley have been the perfect next door neighbors and would do anything for us and we appreciate all the time and money they have put into our family. Ella adores them and they will be neighbors that we cannot replace. I love to come home and be able to call them for no reason at all (they might not love it though!)
Emily and Thom have always been fun to share a bbq with and many laughs. They have the most gorgeous boys! I'm always interested in her advice because Seth is 6 months older than Ella!
Sarah and Stewart have been a fun addition to our parties and it's been fun to get to know them and watch Lizzy grow, I wish we had more time to get to know them better! And last but of course NEVER least...
Amy and Matt have really been fun to share our time with. They have supplied our Aggie ticket addictions, our sports games, and have kept Ragnar talking! Anytime I need Ella to do something a big girl would do, I just say...Reilly does this and then so does she! Lily of course is Cavin's little girlfriend and they share a birthday and had a fun hospital visit together! I think part of the reason we stayed in Smithfield this long was because we didn't want to leave such good friends. Anyway, I could go on and on about the memories we have with all of them, but all in all, we are just grateful for people that we can call such good friends. We will miss you all, but we will not forget you and will ALWAYS keep in touch! Thanks for everything!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Just A Packin!

So there isn't much going on around here at our little place, but I wanted to post to let you know we are still alive! Besides tracking the Longhorns and the Cowboys....we are just packing and getting ready to make our adventure to Texas! Ragnar's parents will be here next week and we are excited to see them. We are going to spend Thanksgiving in SLC at his grandma's and then Friday morning we are off on our 26 hour adventure that I am sure will take at least 3 days! Ahhh! Say a prayer for us!! I am so thankful that Ragnar's parents are coming with us though, that will be very helpful!
As our house is looking more and more bare I am starting to getting a little more sad about leaving this valley. It is time and we are excited about what is ahead but man we will miss our neighbors and friends! I think it will be weird not to have our weekly dinner at the MacNairs! I hate that in life we make good friends and leave them and then make some more and the cycle continues! Anyway, enough rambling, I just wanted to let you know we are alive and kicking here!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

Today is Ella's 1/2 birthday!! I want to give a shout out to my adorable little girl who likes to celebrate everyday!! Why not have another reason to celebrate! So, to my sassy, enthusiastic, hilarious little princess....Have a wonderful half birthday!! Congratulations to making it all the way to 2 1/2 years old! Whoo hoo!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Weekend!!

Our Little Ferry Princess!

Our chunky Monster!

Ella and Tanner

Lily and Cavin!
Halloween is over, but the best part still remains....or at least what candy I haven't eaten yet :) Ella was VERY excited to put on her ferry princess costume and Cavin wasn't loving his monster costume, because as most everything else, it was a little small....surprise, surprise! Ragnar got off early on Halloween and we went with the Ferrins, and the Stones trick or treating! Ella will miss not going with Tanner next year! She had fun even though she did get a little scared of some of the costumes, she is such a scardy cat! After trick or treating she had a fun time going to our ward party and walking on the cake walk. She was so happy all night and kept saying how much fun she was having!
On Saturday morning we woke up and I hurried to Kohls to get a super good special on a portable dvd player which will be a necessity on our drive to Houston! Afterward I drove with the kids to Provo to visit my sister Marisa! I got to see her beautiful wedding dress and then hang out with her and Ethan! Ella kept talking about talking to Ethan the whole way home! My cousin Stephanie was also nice enough to take time out of her day to come say hi, it was fun to see her, I wish we were closer! We had a good couple of days and I CAN'T WAIT for Ragnar's next 3 days off! Don't even get me started on how excited I am that he is leaving his current job!