Thursday, January 17, 2008

Game Time!!!

So my neighbor has now officially addicted me to Ticket to Ride online. It's a train game and I love the board version, but now they have it online. It's at I have to limit myself to only a few games a day! It's crazy! Ella has fun listening to the train sound it makes when it's your turn. What can I say, it's fun for us both!

1 comment:

the speers said...

Ella is so cute! I love all the pictures...I can't believe how long her hair is! I'm so going to have to play ticket 2 ride online...I've loved that game since we played it at your house that ONE time...sad, I know! k, so AI--my friend Charlotte's sister-in-law is totally on it, like, she's in Hollywood...but I don't know if they're going to show her, or where she auditioned...either SC or Nashville...I don't know! there was something else I was going to say...I don't know right now! :D