Monday, January 28, 2008

Our Beloved Prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley

An event of last night in the passing of our prophet plays great impact in my life. He is really the only prophet I have known and has done so much to form who I have become. I am grateful for his life of service and also grateful that he has a chance to cross to the other side. I am sure he was ready and tired and that Marjorie was awaiting this day. Thank you prophet for all you have done and all your love. We will always love and remember you.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Visit to Provo!!!

Ella and I decided we were sick of waiting for Ragnar to have a Saturday off and that we were going to go do something fun! We finally had a snow free day and so we tried to take advantage of the clear sky. First we went down and saw Aunt Sandra and Jonas for Jonas' 3rd birthday party. He seemed to have fun and we were glad we could make it. Then, we went down to Provo and saw Aunt Marisa at BYU. We just hung out and ate my favorite Chick-fil-A (I know everyone thinks I only do hamburgers, but Chick-Fil-A isn't in Logan, so when I can go there, I do!). Then we just talked and went to the BYU Creamery. I must say, Aggie Icecream is much better. We had fun seeing Marisa though!

Friday, January 18, 2008


So since it has been so cold here, we have to get creative in things to do. Ella and I had a photo shoot today since she was being so silly. Here are some of her cheesy shots!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


So I will be out of service Tuesday and Wednesday nights for the next four months!! American Idol began!! Besides football and basketball that's the only show I watch, and I love it!! There is something about making a fool out of yourself that interests me! Hopefully it will be a good season!

Game Time!!!

So my neighbor has now officially addicted me to Ticket to Ride online. It's a train game and I love the board version, but now they have it online. It's at I have to limit myself to only a few games a day! It's crazy! Ella has fun listening to the train sound it makes when it's your turn. What can I say, it's fun for us both!