Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Excuses, Excuses

I am digging deep in the bag of the-dog-ate-my-homework to explain why there is no quilt picture up this morning, and damn if I haven't come up with not one but several options! I so rock at deniability!

My digital camera was low on battery last night and had to recharge. Old Sarge's camera uses regular batteries, but doesn't have the same quality pictures mine does. It was fine for the woolyworm, but not my gorgeous quilt.
Said quilt rests folded on my blanket chest at the end our bed, with side that says "Illinois Supports Our Troops" embroidered on it face up. would say that if my clean laundry wasn't laying on top of it. And then there was the matter of my bed not being made as tidily as it could be, and who wants to remake their bed when you're going to be in it shortly?

Are you buying all this yet?

Tomorrow. Honest. I'm pretty sure.


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