now heres another local even you can come to to support seb and flash, dorset for singing's christmas concert - and not a carol in sight!
damnit, i might even solo !
finnished, and donated to the support of seb and flash :-)
would you bid on this picture? or would you paste the image up on your blog to help spread the word? please let me know and i will mention your blog if you do, thanks xxx
here is the updated web page, i will post again to update the links, and i do believe sebs coastal walk will have a blog too...
and here is some information to be found on one of the charity websites giving more of seb's story and an oppotunity to donate ...
it is lovely to get some drawing done again, i have even been able to do a bit while sitting with daisy and matty and they didnt poke or smudge it!
as i type, my kitchen is filled with noise and a new ceiling is going up, but it sounds like my girls are managing to nap thru it ....
it's not often in life that some one will REALLY try to make amends for something they have done, but this local lad is about to attempt that, providing both monies to charity and an awareness to other youngsters about the consequences of their behaviour ....
here is the temporary web page, i will post again to update the links, and i do believe sebs coastal walk will have a blog too...
and here is some information to be found on one of the charity websites giving more of sebs story and an oppotunity to donate ...
and my interest? steve and i have got involved with raising support for seb himself, and faithful dog flash, and if you want to get involved too, drop me a line or leave a comment ... if you live in a coastal place you might see seb and i hope he gets lots of good publicity and has the stamina needed for this undertaking ...
thanks for reading this post
cat xxxx