Well that's it, Easter over and instead of gamboling into Spring, the arrival of the holiday weekend brought a return to winter. Perhaps one of the coldest of winter weekends too! Was I alone in feeling that Easter Sunday morning felt more like Christmas than Christmas? As we sat eating breakfast and eyeing up the Easter eggs it was very strange to see the snow falling in the garden. So it was a cold, grey squally weekend here but by no means miserable. The snow not thick enough for outdoor fun but cold enough to make us go into "hibernation mode", which is not such a bad thing when you think about it.
Once we realised that the usual Easter walks and hunts would have to be put on hold for a while the huge pile of chocolate that was amassing in the kitchen brought its own comfort! I had planned to do some much needed gardening but managed only a brief spell outside on Friday between the showers. I managed to plant a couple of shrubs but held back from sowing any seeds as it was just too cold. I'm going to try planting some chard in big pots this year to see how they grow, it might do better in pots away from the snails, slugs and cats. I also bought these poppy seeds in Woolies the other day. I was drawn to their colour and frilliness and it was only when I was paying for them I noticed that they were Laura Ashley seeds! Produced in association with Johnsons seeds admittedly, but still Laura Ashley. Two days earlier I noticed in the Cath Kidston shop that they are now selling their own CK washing up liquid and fabric washing liquid range. I wonder why these companies feel the need to increasingly extend their range of products so much?
Saturday and Sunday were spent rolling around the house, eating chocolate, grandparents visiting us and more, much more, eating of chocolate. Little sister and big sister both insisted on egg hunts with clues which were a lot of fun. Big sister having one of those teenager moments in which she was so adamant that she knew the answer to her clue that she spent 20 minutes in the rain sorting through the recycling boxes looking for her choccie eggs ( a real mix of determination and stubborness and complete dedication to chocolate!) As if we'd be that mean - it was under the lettuce in the fridge of course, but would she listen?!!
Our hibernation ended yesterday when we visited some friends for lunch and more chocolate. They live in one of our favourite parts of the city, on the seafront in one of these gorgeous Regency crescents. A walk along on the beach wasn't on the cards as the weather was cold again by the time we'd finished all that eating. But we couldn't have planned for a nicer day - friends, family and chocolate, all in all a good weekend.

A belated thank you now to Jennie and twiggy who both gave me this award. Thanks to both of you! I am meant to pass the award on - I find it hard to do this part of the award thing, not because I don't want to pass it on but because I don't want to choose from all of you who read this blog. So please consider this award passed on to you all and if you've got time pop over to say hello to Jennie and Twiggy too.
Hello Kim.. I can understand your frustration at not being able to get out and frolic in the garden over the weekend.. It sounds as though you had more weather thrown at you than we did here in the balmy south west (!!!)
I did manage a brief dig before hail and rain descended.
The days are getting longer now so hopefully you will have an opportunity to get out and sew those lovely poppy seeds soon..
Hi Kim! It was a surreal Easter weekend wasn't it! I think today is really crazy as we are having a mix of snow with thunder and lightening along with occassional sunshine. We had fairly warm enough weather that we planted our voilets on Saturday afteroon. We bought them and they sat for over a week waiting to be planted. We had enough for a wicker wreath shaped holder and a hanging basket. I am afraid they are shivering today. :)
Hugs ~
The weather was terrible everywhere, I think! We had snow on Easter night - it didn't stick, but it was a great surprise.
Your Easter Sunday sounds lovely!
We had every kind of weather possible over the weekend! Snow, hail, rain, gales and sunshine - weird!!!
It definitely felt more like Christmas than easter - come on Spring I want to get into my garden!
April xx
I do so agree with you about companies extending their range..it is like the garden centres all over again..ours seem to sell everything including the kitchen sink! Sal;-)
Sounds like you enjoyed yourselves in spite of the weather :)
We took a trip down to Brighton yesterday, the place was packed, but we grabbed some sea air and had a browse around the shops. The houses along the seafront are fabulous, the architecture is incredible and how great to have a friend living in one!
Hey Kim, I think most people spent their weekend snuggled up inside with the heating cranked up and a pile of chocolate to wade through! I did manage to throw some bulbs in at the allotment but that was as brave as it got! The poppies are really pretty- I may invest in a packet myself. I know what you mean about the companies expanding their ranges, it seems a shame really that Laura Ashley should need to start selling their wares via Woolworths? Doesn't make any sense to me. Although I guess you wouldn't go to Laura Ashley if you intended to buy seeds. Hey ho, it's a mystery!x
Hi Kim, looks like you had a very fun Easter despite the cold. And it indeed loked more Christmassy than Christmas itself.
I really hope for nicer days so I can start gardening. So much I want to do, so little sunshine.
Hi Kim, I had a lovely Easter thank you, though I do agree it didn't feel much like Easter with the bad weather. Fingers crossed for some proper sunshine soon!
Lucy x
Sounds like you had a perfect easter weekend!
I planted my seeds last week, I have stored them in my Dad's greenhouse, good move as it means he has to water them!
I can only vaguely remember how cold it is when it snows. How strange for you all, but it sounds like such a fun time was had anyway. At least Spring is on the way even if it doesn't quite feel like it yet.
Hi Kim it is funny you should mention it...but I did think that Sunday felt more like Christmas than Christmas! and Laura Ashley seeds in Woolies....well. I love the look of CK cleaning range but the price is..///;;'- I would not use it - it would be put out for display only.
Sounds as if you had a wonderful day. It was cold here in the US, and snowed Easter day. We stayed in and ate. Wish we had some little ones to hide eggs for. I would have never thougt of the fridge, nice hiding place. Most of the folks I know encorparated basements in thier egg hiding. As usual your photos are wonderful :)And I think your award is well deserved.
Hi Kim, it sounds like you had a nice weekend despite the cold weather... it snowed on and off all weekend here too. My chocolate halo is positively glowing as I had one little plastic chicken that lays mini eggs and the tiniest bag of mini eggs to put in it. Still now I'm up and about on my feet again, I can go and buy myself a little bit of Green and Black's 70% dark chocolate to help me lose the halo!
Chat soon, Liz
Well, it sounds like you had a wonderful Easter in spite of the poor weather. Having family and friends around is the most important anyway!
Id' send you some of our spring weather if I could. It's supposed to dip back down into the 60's tomorrow though. Good luck with the plants in pots. I was picking out snail after snail out of my potted geraniums. Yuck!
We had lots of " snow hale" blizzards too ( so called by my 3 yr old) . Those poppies are lovely, my parents had some similar ones and they self seeded everywhere . I thought they looked really pretty.
Lisa x
Yes, horrid, horrid weather for Easter but eating all that chocolate makes up for it!!
Glad to see you had a lovely weekend despite the snow and cold.
We love, love, love the shutter project you sent us! Can you send us the photo so we can post it on the blog to www.kijsa.comcast.net?
You have the most wonderful blog...everything is so peaceful...
smiles, kari & kijsa
We love, love, love the shutter project you sent us! Can you send us the photo so we can post it on the blog to www.kijsa.comcast.net?
You have the most wonderful blog...everything is so peaceful...
smiles, kari & kijsa
Our weather and yours is just almost identical!
Chocolate does bring comfort, doesn't it LOL?!
Where did you get that little birdie pillow Kim?
Hi Kim, it sounds like you had an eventful Easter despite the lovely weather! At least the sunshine is out today, if not for a short while? I went into hibernation mode over the weekend a little too, I did manage to get some jobs done out in the garden, although it was freezing cold. I love the poppy seeds; these companies seem to fit themselves into every niche in the market they can find, they are very clever. I wouldn't buy CK products, occasionally I may be tempted by certain packaging though! x
Sounds like you had a lovely Eater despite the weather. I am also waiting impatiently for better weather for gardening. I have started my veg seeds off on the shelf above the Aga & as they germinate they move to the windowsill but waaay too chilly for baby plants to go outside & fend for themselves!
What a beautiful crescent... near the sea no less!!!
I feel the same as you about winter's lingering persistence! In fact, that's what my post is about today! lol
I love love love the chick pillow!
HI Kim
We had on Eastern snow,sunshine,hail
and thunderstorm,real crazy.I like
Eastern but this year was it just to early,it is better if Easter in the
April is.Than can one with a blanket in the deckchair relaxen and the flowers in the garden admire.I hope
you can soon your flowers semens sow
out.You have a wonderful blog!
We were in Hampshire where it did snow, but not much, and not enough to stick. And it turns out that back home there was 4 inches and everyone had been out playing in it and building snowmen! It was gone by the time we returned on Monday, and I have to confess to being a bit annoyed that we had missed all the excitement :-(
Our Easter was very cold ... we didn't get any fresh snow over the weekend but we still have plenty. No outings in our garden yet.
Your chard should do well in pots. I remember the problems you have with the slugs every year. I grow my lettuce in pots and they leave it alone.
Those seeds look pretty!
Laura Ashley seeds?! Blimey do they think we've been sitting waiting for them to pop through the letterbox with the catalogue and fabric swatches - how strange. Very pretty flowers though, I can see why you picked them. I wonder if my local Woolies sell them!
Very cold Easter here too and it was odd finding myself loathing the snow when I usually adore it.
What a beautiful part of the world you live in. Lovely pictures as ever.
I agree - it's kinda over the top when these companys make soooo many extensions to their products lines. Though I'd probably get sucked into buying one or two things anyways =)
We had snow on Easter here. Now it's been 2 days of cold sun and tomorrow it's supposed to snow again. I don't get it. Spring really will come, won't it? Blessings.. Polly
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