Showing posts with label Pearls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pearls. Show all posts

Monday, May 16, 2011

Pearls from Stoller Macau April 2011 - 9. Elbow

  1. Anatomical Variants
    • pseudo defect of trochlea
    • transverse trochlea ridge
    • pseudo defect of capitellum (post on coronal)
  2. Valgus injury (throwing) - tension medial side, compression lateral side
  3. "T sign" - partial tear anterior bundle MCL distally
  4. Medial Anatomy - PT, FCR, FDS
  5. Lateral Anatomy - ECRB (most common tendon involved), EDC, ECU
  6. Lateral - 3 ligaments - LCL, LUCL (attaches to supinator crest of ulna distally), annular ligament
  7. Biceps tear - if partial need to state wether under or over 50%
  8. Lacertus fibrosis - medial to biceps on axial; prevents proximal "slingshot" of torn biceps 
  9. Anconeus epitochlearis

Pearls from Stoller Macau April 2011 - 7. Muscle

  1. Direct Injury - contusion, laceration, haematoma
  2. Indirect injury- strain or tear
  3. Myositis Ossificans - peripheral calcification - do a CT
  4. DOMS

Monday, May 2, 2011

Pearls from Stoller Macau April 2011 - 4. Ankle

  1. NB: anterior process talus; lateral process calcaneus (snowboarders)
  2. Subtalar joint - anterior, middle, posterior facets
  3. Lateral gutter -- a 3D space between AITFL/PITFL and ATFL/PTFL
  4. Posterior ankle ligaments - Transverse Tib-Fib Lig, PITFL, Tibial Slip, PTFL
  5. Anterolateral impingement (soft tissue related to antero-lat gutter) vs Ant. impingement (bony)
  6. Soft Tissue Impingement
    • Anterolateral (ATFL and  AITFL related to partial or completer tear)
    • Syndesmotic
    • Posterior (PTFL -- myxoid)
  7. Spring (Calcaneonavicular ligament)
    • Lateral/Intermediate/Superomedial
    • Axial - int. and lat.; slice up - superomedial
    • Coronal - next to TP
  8. POP Syndrome
    • # or displacement of Os peroneum
    • Ass. Peroneus Longus Tear
  9. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
    • Post. Tibial N. compression
  10. 4 Plantar Muscles -  (Med) Ab. Hallucis, Fl. Dig. Brevis, Quadratus Plantae, Ab. Digiti Minimi
  11. Subtalar ligaments
    • subtalar interosseus - medial (coronal)
    • cervical - lateral and anterior (coronal and sag)
    • intermediate root extensor retinaculum - post. to cervical (sag)
  12. OLT Stages
  13. Tennis Leg - ruptured crura; fascia

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pearls from Stoller Macau April 2011 - 3. Knee

  1. Trochlear groove - assess on sag.
  2. Meniscofemoral and meniscotibial (coronary) recesses.
  3. Horizontal tear - must extend to apex (sag).
  4. Flap tear - one type that looks horizontal but extends short of apex creating small inferior leaf.
  5. Flap tear -- vertical configuration, but inner 1/3 (sag).
  6. Vertical/longitudinal tear - outer 1/3 (sag).
  7.  Menisco-capsular separation -- two scenarios
    • ACL with tear of periph of post. horn lat. meniscus (fluid betw. capsule and periph. of post. horn).
    • MCL tear with meniscotibial lig. tear.
  8.  Posterolat. corner -- review on sag and axial.
  9. SONK -- almost all cases are probably insufficiency fractures
  10. CMP - MRI adaptation of Outerbridge classification; describe rather than classify; ICRS classification.
  11. MPFL - slice above proximal origin of MCL, tears at femur
  12. Patella tendinosis - best on GRE.

Pearls from Stoller Macau April 2011 - 2.Shoulder

  1. Anterior band of IGHL can have high attachment -- 3rd structure on axial (in addition to labrum and MGHL).
  2. Sublabral foramen (antero-superior); sublabral sulcus (superior)
  3. Hill-Sachs - position - where articular cartilage in NOT; at level of footprint on axial (1st two slices).
  4. MGHL - "squiggly" on Sag.
  5. Patterns of glenoid sclerosis.
  6. Anteroinferior labrum -- assess 1st -- spectrum of injury
    • Perthes -  labral tear, minimal displacement, intact periosteum
    • ALPSA - labral tear and medial displacement of IGLLC, medially stripped but intact periosteum (NB POLPSA)
    • GLAD - labral tear (partial), no detachment, chondral defect, intact periosteum
    • Bankart - avulsion of IGLLC (anterior and medial), disruption of scapula perisoteum
  7.  SGHL/CHL -- "Biceps pulley" -- look on Sag
  8. HAGL -- anterior band IGHL tear (+BHAGL) aot RHAGL or PHAGL -- post. band
  9. GAGL
  10. "Wave Sign" -- massive RC tear  - repairable acute tear without scarring

Pearls from Stoller Macau April 2011 - 1.Technique

  1. Zoom in to see detail.
  2. Every series should contain a plain T1.
  3. GRE/T2* -- for shoulders and knee at least -- useful for chondrocalcinosis, PVNS, blood
  4. Hip -- should include sag
  5. Hip - one large FOV series
  6. Ankle -- NB ant. process of calcaneus and lateral process of talus