Showing posts with label Anti-Semitism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anti-Semitism. Show all posts

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Ten Reasons Why The BDS Movement Is Immoral And Hinders Peace ~~ By Alan M. Dershowitz

By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

From The Gatestone Institute

As a strong supporter of the two state solution and a critic of Israel's settlement policies, I am particularly appalled at efforts to impose divestment, boycotts and sanctions against Israel, and Israel alone, because BDS makes it more difficult to achieve a peaceful resolution of the Mid-East conflict that requires compromise on all sides.

The BDS movement is highly immoral, threatens the peace process and discourages the Palestinians from agreeing to any reasonable peace offer. Here are ten compelling reasons why the BDS movement is immoral and incompatible with current efforts to arrive at a compromise peace.
1. The BDS movement immorally imposes the entire blame for the continuing Israeli occupation and settlement policy on the Israelis. It refuses to acknowledge the historical reality that on at least three occasions, Israel offered to end the occupation and on all three occasions, the Palestinian leadership, supported by its people, refused to accept these offers. In 1967, I played a small role in drafting UN Security Council Resolution 242 that set out the formula for ending the occupation in exchange for recognition of Israel's right to exist in peace. Israel accepted that Resolution, while the Palestinians, along with all the Arab nations, gathered in Khartoum and issued their three famous "nos:" No peace, no negotiation, no recognition. There were no efforts to boycott, sanction or divest from these Arab naysayers. In 2000-2001, Israel's liberal Prime Minister Ehud Barak, along with American President Bill Clinton, offered the Palestinians statehood, and the end of the occupation. Yasser Arafat rejected this offer—a rejection that many Arab leaders considered a crime against the Palestinian people. In 2007, Israel's Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered the Palestinians an even better deal, an offer to which they failed to respond. There were no BDS threats against those who rejected Israel's peace offers. Now there are ongoing peace negotiations in which both parties are making offers and imposing conditions. Under these circumstances, it is immoral to impose blame only on Israel and to direct a BDS movement only against the nation state of the Jewish people, that has thrice offered to end the occupation in exchange for peace.

2. The current BDS movement, especially in Europe and on some American university campuses, emboldens the Palestinians to reject compromise solutions to the conflict. Some within the Palestinian leadership have told me that the longer they hold out against making peace, the more powerful will be the BDS movement against Israel. Why not wait until the BDS strengthens their bargaining position so that they won't have to compromise by giving up the right of return, by agreeing to a demilitarized state and by making other concessions that are necessary to peace but difficult for some Palestinians to accept? The BDS movement is making a peaceful resolution harder.

3. The BDS movement is immoral because its leaders will never be satisfied with the kind of two state solution that is acceptable to Israel. Many of its leaders do not believe in the concept of Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people. (The major leader of the BDS movement, Marwan Barghouti, has repeatedly expressed his opposition to Israel's right to exist as the nation state of the Jewish people even within the 1967 borders.) At bottom, therefore, the leadership of the BDS movement is opposed not only to Israel's occupation and settlement policy but to its very existence.

4. The BDS movement is immoral because it violates the core principle of human rights: namely, "the worst first." Israel is among the freest and most democratic nations in the world. It is certainly the freest and most democratic nation in the Middle East. Its Arab citizens enjoy more rights than Arabs anywhere else in the world. They serve in the Knesset, in the Judiciary, in the Foreign Service, in the academy and in business. They are free to criticize Israel and to support its enemies. Israeli universities are hot beds of anti-Israel rhetoric, advocacy and even teaching. Israel has a superb record on women's rights, gay rights, environmental rights and other rights that barely exist in most parts of the world. Moreover, Israel's record of avoiding civilian casualties, while fighting enemies who hide their soldiers among civilians, is unparalleled in the world today. The situation on the West Bank is obviously different because of the occupation, but even the Arabs of Ramallah, Bethlehem and Tulkarim have more human and political rights than the vast majority of Arabs in the world today. Moreover, anyone—Jew, Muslim or Christian—dissatisfied with Israeli actions can express that dissatisfaction in the courts, and in the media, both at home and abroad. That freedom does not exist in any Arab country, nor in many non-Arab countries. Yet Israel is the only country in the world today being threatened with BDS. When a sanction is directed against only a state with one of the best records of human rights, and that nation happens to be the state of the Jewish people, the suspicion of bigotry must be considered.

5. The BDS movement is immoral because it would hurt the wrong people: it would hurt Palestinian workers who will lose their jobs if economic sanctions are directed against firms that employ them. It would hurt artists and academics, many of whom are the strongest voices for peace and an end to the occupation. It would hurt those suffering from illnesses all around the world who would be helped by Israeli medicine and the collaboration between Israeli scientists and other scientists. It would hurt the high tech industry around the world because Israel contributes disproportionally to the development of such life enhancing technology.

6. The BDS movement is immoral because it would encourage Iran—the world's leading facilitator of international terrorism—to unleash its surrogates, such as Hezbollah and Hamas, against Israel, in the expectation that if Israel were to respond to rocket attacks, the pressure for BDS against Israel would increase, as it did when Israel responded to thousands of rockets from Gaza in 2008-2009.

7. The BDS movement is immoral because it focuses the world's attention away from far greater injustices, including genocide. By focusing disproportionately on Israel, the human rights community pays disproportionately less attention to the other occupations, such as those by China, Russia and Turkey, and to other humanitarian disasters such as that occurring in Syria.

8. The BDS movement is immoral because it promotes false views regarding the nation state of the Jewish people, exaggerates its flaws and thereby promotes a new variation on the world's oldest prejudice, namely anti-Semitism. It is not surprising therefore that the BDS movement is featured on neo-Nazi, Holocaust denial and other overtly anti-Semitic websites and is promoted by some of the world's most notorious haters such as David Duke.

9. The BDS movement is immoral because it reflects and encourages a double standard of judgment and response regarding human rights violations. By demanding more of Israel, the nation state of the Jewish people, it expects less of other states, people, cultures and religions, thereby reifying a form of colonial racism and reverse bigotry that hurts the victims of human rights violations inflicted by others.

10. The BDS movement will never achieve its goals. Neither the Israeli government nor the Israeli people will ever capitulate to the extortionate means implicit in BDS. They will not and should not make important decisions regarding national security and the safety of their citizens on the basis of immoral threats. Moreover, were Israel to compromise its security in the face of such threats, the result would be more wars, more death and more suffering.
All decent people who seek peace in the Middle East should join together in opposing the immoral BDS movement. Use your moral voices to demand that both the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority accept a compromise peace that assures the security of Israel and the viability of a peaceful and democratic Palestinian state. The way forward is not by immoral extortionate threats that do more harm than good, but rather by negotiations, compromise and good will.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

HaShoah 2013

by Findalis
Monkey in the Middle

Today is HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day.  The day Jews around the world stop and remember those who were murdered by the Nazis and their allies.  6 million+ Jews murdered, 3 million Soviet POWs murdered, 2 million Poles murdered, 1.5 million Romani (Gypsies) murdered, 250,000 Disabled persons murdered, 15,000 Homosexuals murdered.  A great blood shed.  An orgy of death.  Over 12,765,000 men, women and children murdered by men and women who called themselves Christians.

These pictures are just part of the story.  The real story are the testimonies of the survivors:

Holocaust Survivor: Felicia Fuksman

Click here if the video doesn't load.

Felicia Fuksman was born in Lodz, Poland. She lived with her parents, two brothers, and two sisters. Felicia's father was a tailor. The family was very poor. Felicia was studying to be a nurse when the Germans attacked Poland. Her father and brother Simon were seized on the street and taken for labor. They weren't seen again. Felicia worked in the ghetto as a "nurse" in a fur factory, where she received extra food. Her older sister Rachel died of tuberculosis. Her younger sister Esther froze to death begging for food on the street. In August 1944, Felicia was deported to Ravensbrück concentration camp and, several months later, to a Nazi labor camp at Wittenberge, Germany. Throughout her long ordeal, Felicia was helped and inspired by her friend Bronia Lewkowitz. After the war, Felicia returned to her family's apartment in Lodz and was cruelly rebuffed by a Polish woman, the new occupant. Felicia was the only one in her family who survived. In 1950, she immigrated to New Orleans where she met Max Fuksman, a fellow survivor from Lodz. They married and had three daughters and 5 grandchildren. Max Fuksman died in a car accident on April 25th, 1982. Felicia Fuksman passed away on October 17th, 2012.

Holocaust Survivor Reflections: Stories of Courage

Click here if the video doesn't load.

The Holocaust didn't happen in a vacuum.  People who lived in the nearby towns could not say they didn't know.  They could see the people, smell the burning flesh and hear the noise.  They were NOT innocent bystanders.  Many were even happy that it was happening.

The hatred that inspired the Holocaust has not died.  In fact it is stronger than ever and growing in the world.  Jews are afraid to walk the streets of European cities wearing the signs of their faith without being assaulted.  Politicians in many European countries are telling Jews to either deal with it or leave.  And in Universities not only in Europe but in the United States, it is open season on Jews.  It is permitted to abuse, assault and discriminate against Jews.  The excuse for all of this is anti-Israeli sentiment.   But in fact that is a fancy name for the old hatred:  ANTI-SEMITISM.

It is only a matter of time before Jews are banned from US Universities, driven out of Europe for good, or murdered by the riled up masses.  The old hatred has not died, it is stronger than ever among the Liberal Elites who wish to kill the Jew for the "sins" of their brethren in Israel.

To this we say:


Monday, March 11, 2013

No Jews Please!

By Findalis
Monkey in the Middle

That is what Frederick Cohn attorney for Abdel Hameed Shehadeh is demanding that the court do.  He is demanding that no Jews be allowed on the jury.  It would be inflammatory and they could not judge Shehadeh fairly.
An attorney has hatched a shocking scheme to defend an accused terrorist in Brooklyn federal court: Purge the Jews.

Lawyer Frederick Cohn will ask a judge today to bar Jews from the jury hearing the case against Abdel Hameed Shehadeh, who’s accused of lying about trying to join jihadists in Pakistan.

Abdel Hameed Shehadeh
“Given that there’s going to be inflammatory testimony about Jews and Zionism, I think it would be hard for Jews to cast aside any innate antipathy,” said Cohn, who is Jewish.

“The American Jewish community is heavily aligned with Israel and Zionism. Here is a guy who is a Muslim, who is opposed to those things.”

The subject of the controversial ban first arose at a recent court hearing.

“Your Honor . . . as you know, I’m not wild about having Jews on the jury in this case,” Cohn told Brooklyn federal Judge Eric Vitaliano in February.

Federal prosecutors William Sarratt and James Loonam reacted with alarm.

“I don’t think Judge [Robert] Levy will be ready to violate the Constitution and exclude people from the jury on the basis of their religious beliefs,” Sarratt told the judge.

Magistrate Judge Levy will begin selecting the jury this week.

The Shehadeh trial is not the first time jurors’ religious views have taken center stage at a court proceeding.

At the initial trial of two black men accused of civil-rights violations stemming from the Crown Heights killing in 1991 of Hasidic scholar Yankel Rosenbaum, Brooklyn federal Judge David Trager tried to balance the religious and racial composition of the jury.

But an appellate court overturned the verdict, saying the approach violated the Constitution.

Cohn conceded that his proposal is a “long shot.” But he argued that rules governing methods of selecting juries don’t allow attorneys to delve deep into the private recesses of a potential juror’s mind to determine if they are biased.

“I don’t know of a gentler way to deal with this, and sometimes you have to wield a meat ax,” Cohn said of the difficulty in ascertaining the deeply held beliefs of a potential jurist.

His client is a US citizen born and raised in New York who is charged with three counts of making false statements in connection with a terrorism offense.

Given the acceptance of anti-Semitism I can see this happening.  Pretty soon it will be no non-Muslims on juries when a Muslim is being tried.  Then enforcement of Shar'ia Law.  We are slowly, but definitely losing the battle against the enforcement of Shar'ia in the US.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Burnt Koran Worth $10,000

By Findalis

A Badly Beaten Jew Worth $0

This is the new reality in the Michigan.   A Koran was found on the steps of the Islamic Center of East Lansing burnt.  The police are offering a $10,000 reward on who burnt the Koran.  But Zachary Tennen was beaten, his jaw broken, mouth stapled shut by 2 goons who didn't like the fact he was a Jew.  The East Lansing Police Department don't even believe that a crime, let alone a hate crime, was committed.

Journalism sophomore Zachary Tennen said he was assaulted in what his family has described as an anti-Semitic hate crime on the 500 block of Spartan Avenue early Sunday morning.

After Zachary Tennen was knocked unconscious at about 1:30 a.m. early Sunday morning at a party, his mouth was stapled shut by an assailant while about 20 individuals watched, Zachary Tennen said in a statement to the East Lansing Police Department.

Zachary Tennen said two college-aged males asked if he was Jewish and when he answered yes, the two men assaulted him.

“They knocked me down really hard … and I assumed someone would help me,” Zachary Tennen said, before his surgery, despite the difficulties for him to talk. “But after some guys at the house basically kicked me out, I had to get a cab.”

His jaw was severely broken in two places during the assault. Zachary Tennen said he took a cab to Sparrow Hospital in Lansing on Sunday to receive immediate treatment for his injury.

“I’m really, really upset in a few ways; First of all it is a terrible experience, physically and also mentally to know someone would do something like this,” he said.

“It almost seemed like they tried to kill me, and to think about that in my brain, physically — it isn’t very pleasant.”

Police were not at the scene of the party, and no one at the party stopped the incident from occurring, he said.

No officers from the East Lansing Police Department would confirm the incident occurred, but Bruce Tennen said he contacted the police and filed a report.

In response to inquiries regarding the incident, MSU spokesperson Kent Cassella released a university statement relating to the assault.

“Michigan State University’s Student Affairs and Services office has reached out to the family of the student assaulted in East Lansing to provide the academic and other support the student needs,” Cassella said. “MSU will work with the student and his professors to ensure he can fulfill his academic requirements, as we would with any student in need.”

Bruce Tennen said his son is slated to have surgery on his jaw Monday evening near his home in Franklin, Mich., adding he is overwhelmed that this happened to his son. He said his family has never experienced a hate crime such as this.

Bruce Tennen said he plans to contact the Anti-Defamation League and the FBI regarding the incident.

“The whole thing is unbelievable; Clearly it was a hate crime,” he said. “I personally intend to do everything in my power to see that justice is served.”

Somebody should explain to the East Lansing Police Department that burning a Koran is protected speech.  If burning the American Flag is NOT a crime, then burning ANY book is not a crime.  The real crime would be if you steal the book to burn it.  Then it is theft and destruction of personal property.

It is a shame that Zachery Tennen will not receive justice in Michigan.  I am supposing that the laws have been changed by the State of Michigan has passed a law allowing any person to assault, rape or even murder a Jew.

I suppose that California will be next to pass this law.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hatchet Job On Israel By 60 Minutes

By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle


From Stand With Us
On Sunday, April 22, CBS` "60 Minutes" ran a shockingly biased episode, "Christians of the Holy Land" by Bob Simon. Even the always diplomatic Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren called the show a "hatchet job" on Israel.  You can watch the program here.

Ambassador Oren was right. Simon only paid lip service to the violent persecution and flight of ancient Christian communities throughout the region which is the real historical tragedy unfolding in the Middle East. Instead, incomprehensibly, he chose to bash Israel, the only Middle Eastern country that protects Christians. The program scapegoated and demonized Israel, distorting reality to blame Israel`s security measures -- the fence and checkpoints -- for the suffering of Palestinian Christians. Simon interviewed biased and sometimes anti-Semitic sources, treating them as legitimate.  He asked leading questions.  He dismissed the real reasons for the plight and flight of Palestinian Christians: persecution by Palestinian Islamists and the Palestinian Authority. His shoddy, irresponsible research produced propaganda, not journalism. This dangerous misinformation stokes anti-Israel prejudice and bigotry, shifting public attention away from the forces that are imperiling the survival of Christian communities in the Palestinian Authority and throughout the region.

Write to CBS executives.  Demand that CBS offer an apology, and give equal time to correct the misinformation and anti-Semitic innuendos.


"60 Minutes"
Jeffrey Fager - Chairman of CBS News, Executive Producer of 60 Minutes
524 West 57th Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10019-2930
Phone: 212.975.2006

Bill Owens - Executive Editor of "60 Minutes"
Phone: 212.975.7685

CBS News

524 W. 57th Street
New York, New York 10019

Feedback E-mail:
Phone: (212) 975-3247 (Leave a message at the tone.)


Dear _______,

We were shocked by the shoddy journalism in your April 22nd "60 Minutes" piece, "Christians of the Holy Land." We urge you to run a corrective piece and publicly apologize for the piece`s irresponsible inaccuracies, misrepresentations, and bias. Bob Simon either unwittingly or intentionally promoted hostility toward Israel and anti-Semitic views. In a pattern that he has repeated in the past, Simon interviewed biased sources and treated them as legitimate. He asked leading questions. More disturbing, he ignored and effectively belittled the real threats to beleaguered Christians, which come from rising Islamist persecution throughout the region and in Gaza and the West Bank. Instead, he focused on the one country in the Middle East that firmly protects the rights of Christians. If allowed to stand uncorrected, this program will have misinformed the public and irreparably damaged the reputation of "60 Minutes," which will no longer be considered a reliable news source.

Your Name


Despite the program`s claims, Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Christians` rights are fully protected and where the Christian population has grown instead of declined in the last 64 years.
  • Israel`s Christian population grew from 34,000 in 1948 to 154,000 in 2012.
  • Israel has fostered a positive environment for Christians, most evidenced by official recognition of 10 Christian denominations and by Israel`s distribution of free Christmas trees every year at Christmas time.
Christians have been emigrating from the Holy Land in a two-century-long trend, not because of Israel and the security policies -- the barrier and checkpoints -- it was forced to implement in just the last 10 years.
  • Major emigration occurred in the 19th and early 20th centuries. In some cases, emigrant Christian Palestinian communities grew larger than their communities of origin in the Holy Land.
  • During Jordanian control (1948-1967), Jerusalem`s Christian population dropped from 29,000 in 1944 to 11,000 in 1961. In Bethlehem, 75 percent of the population was Christian in 1947; in 1967, the percentage had dropped to 46 percent.
The program interviewed one businessman only to deny the real problem facing Christians: rising hostility and persecution by the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Palestinian Islamist groups. Why didn`t the program mention any of the following?
  • The PA declared Islam its official religion, committed to Sharia law, and does not offer civil protection to other religions.  A few weeks ago, the PA declared that the First Baptist Church of Bethlehem is illegitimate.
  • Christians in the West Bank have been victims of repeated persecution, violence, and rape. In 2005, Palestinian Christians, including Fr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, custodian of the Holy Land, documented 93 incidents of abuse and violence by the "Islamic fundamentalist Mafia" against Christians.
  • Christians face intimidation, brutality, theft of their property and boycotts of their businesses.
  • The PA Ministry of Information reported in 1997 that "any Muslim who [converts to Christianity] or declares becoming an unbeliever is committing a major sin punishable by capital punishment."
  • Christian history is denied by Palestinian Muslims, including Yassir Arafat`s and the recently retired Mufti of Jerusalem who claim that the Jewish Temple never existed in Jerusalem.
  • The Christian population in Gaza has plummeted from 2,500 to under 1,000 because of persecution by Hamas.
Simon implied that Israel`s policies and the fence are harming the West Bank`s economy.
  • In fact, the terrorist war known as the Second Intifada, not Israel, is what harmed the West Bank`s economy.
  • As the PA has tried to control terrorist groups, Israel has been able to relax its counter-terrorism measures, bringing the PA extraordinary economic growth of 8 percent per year in the last three years.
Simon interviewed only biased sources -- and did not bother to investigate whether many Christians were afraid to speak out of fear of endangering themselves and their families.
  • Simon did not interview clergy and ordinary Christians who might have had the courage to speak up, such as Rev. Steve Khourani of the First Baptist Church of Bethlehem; Samir Qumsiyeh of Bethlehem, director of the Catholic radio Station; or the Christian leaders who signed the 2005 document detailing the PA`s persecution of Christians.
Simon asked leading questions to provoke answers that fit his political agenda.
  • Simon asked the woman who lived near the security barrier, "How can you live like this?" The barrier may be unpleasant, but his very question suggested it is unjustifiable and intolerable, and he got the answer he wanted.
  • When the woman said she wouldn`t move but would stay and "fight," he never asked what she meant by "fight" or why she didn`t instead say she wanted to seek peaceful coexistence so the barrier could be removed. Instead, he stoked the sense that the barrier was intolerable and her reaction understandable -- even though her anger betrayed why the barrier is necessary.
Simon interviewed and promoted anti-Semitic sources.
  • Mitri Raheb, the main pastor he interviewed, is well known for promoting replacement theology which Vatican II condemned as a prime source of anti-Semitism and the Holocaust.
  • Raheb delegitimizes Israel and the right of the Jewish state to exist.
  • Simon uncritically promoted the Kairos Document though it has been exposed as using high-minded rhetoric to camouflage the authors` sinister motives -- delegitimization of Israel, opposition to the existence of the Jewish state, and calls for boycott and divestment from Israel.
Simon engaged in anti-Semitic innuendos.
  • Simon claimed that Israel treats Christians well and wants to promote good Christian-Jewish relations because of the money it gets from Christian tourism.
  • In fact, Israel protects Christians, not for tourism dollars -- an anti-Semitic "Shylock" innuendo -- but because those are Israel`s values.

FACT SHEET -- Read more about the persecution of Christians by the Palestinian Authority here.
This is just one part of a greater whole to demonize Israel and the Jewish people.  Both Jeffrey Fager and Bill Owens should change their names to Joseph Goebbels.  For they are just continuing the work that he started.

Call, Write, Boycott the network.  If this is allowed to continue on, the next step will be worse.

Monday, March 19, 2012

May G-d Avenge Their Blood!

By Findalis
Monkey in the Middle

You go to pick up your children from school.  A man on a moped stops, opens fire upon the students, then takes off.  A massacre has occurred.  And you know that the gunman will never be caught.  This is what happened today in Toulouse, France.
Rabbi Sandler of Kiryat Yovel in Jerusalem and his sons Aryeh, 6, and Gavriel, 3.5, were murdered in Toulouse Monday morning, as was 8 year-old Miriam Monsonegro, daughter of the director of Ozar HaTorah Toulouse, Yaacov Monsonego.

Binyamin Toati, Head of the France Desk of Bnei Akiva, told Arutz Sheva before the names were published that there are reports that the man who was killed is a rabbi who served as an Israel shaliach (emissary) at the school and that two of his children were killed with him.

French press reported that two children were among at least three people killed in a shooting outside a Jewish school. Two other children are reported fighting for their lives. The French news reports said the dead are a teacher and two children, and that two other children were badly wounded.

They said a man opened fire on people waiting at a school drop-off point and then fled on a motorcycle. The gunman used two weapons – one with a caliber of 9mm, the second with a caliber of 11.43 mm. France's Interior Ministry ordered increased surveillance around Jewish schools, and Interior Minister Claude Gueant said he will visit the school on Monday morning.

The Chief Rabbi of France, Gilles Bernheim, said he was "horrified" by what happened in Toulouse. "I am bruised in my body and my soul," he added.

The shooting comes three days after three French paratroopers were shot dead by a man 30 km. from Toulouse. AP reported that two French paratroopers were shot in the town of Montauban, near Toulouse, on Friday, when a gunman on a black motorbike pulled up at a cash machine and opened fire. An 11.43 mm. weapon was used in that attack as well, according to the news reports.

Police saw a connection between those killings and to another deadly shooting of a soldier in Toulouse just over a week ago.

I will wager you that the gunman in this case is a Muslim, is in the pay of Iran, and that this is the start of a reign of terror to the Jewish people.  In fact, former Counterterrorism Bureau chief Brig.-Gen. (res) Nitzan Nurielis warning Jewish institutions to beef up their security immediately.
Israelis and Jews around the world are under a growing threat from Islamic terrorists and need to demand that local authorities provide better security, former Counterterrorism Bureau chief Brig.-Gen. (res) Nitzan Nuriel said Monday, hours after a gunman killed four people outside of a Jewish school in France.

Nuriel told The Jerusalem Post that a coalition of jihadist organizations have made a decision to attack Israeli and Jewish targets wherever they may be without distinction. "They attack whoever they can and wherever security is lax," he said.

According to Nuriel, who stepped down from his post several months ago, Iran and terror groups are trying to deter Israel from taking action against them by carrying out these attacks overseas. He said it was possible that the attack against the school in France was not terror related, but he did draw a direct line between the recent spate of bombings plots in India Georgia, Thailand and Azerbaijan.

Nuriel urged Israelis who travel overseas to take extra precautions and to be more vigilant in the face of the terror threat.

"It makes no difference for the terrorist if the target is a representative of the Jewish Agency, an Israeli tourist or a local Jew," he stated.

When choosing accommodations abroad, Nuriel said that Israelis should not make the decision based solely on the quality of the hotel or hostel, but rather they should also take into consideration whether there is security at the facility or building.

Secondly, he said Israelis should not post pictures of their trips on Facebook and other social media websites, since photographs could then be used by terrorists to track them, as well as to identify targets frequented by large numbers of Israelis.

I fear that this is just the start of terror attacks on Jews around the world.  And that these deaths are just the first of many more to come.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Becoming A Daily Occurance

Almost daily somewhere in the United States there is an anti-Semitic occurrence.  What was once a very rare event is now not even reported by the Main Stream Media.  In fact, the authorities don't even bother to call these occurrences "Hate Crimes".  In fact, to many communities crimes committed upon the Jewish population is just payment for supposed "crimes" they or the State of Israel have committed.  Only this weekend this latest crime was committed.
A raging fire set by anti-Semitic arsonists destroyed $100,000 worth of holy objects in a Florida Jewish bookstore.

A surveillance camera disclosed that just before the fire broke out, several people were seen running away from the South Florida Judaica store, which was stocked with items for sale for Hanukkah. Firefighting officials said they are sure the blaze was the result of arson, and added that the back door of the store apparently had been kicked in,

“It's really a disaster here," a friend of store owner Michael Katz told WSVN television.

Katz himself noted, "There was nothing taken. So you have to ask, 'Why focus on a place like this?'" The fire destroyed tefillin (phylacteries), which contained texts from the Torah, menorahs for Hanukkah and hundreds of holy books.

"It saddens us that at this time of the year something like this is happening," said deputy fire chief Mark Steele.

Anti-Semitism and hate crimes in the United States occur almost daily. Brooklyn was the scene of several swastika vandalism incidents last month, and the same Nazi symbol is often found in other locations, particularly on university campuses.

In the New York City area, three high school students were suspended for scrawling swastikas and sexual drawings on a photograph of the boys’ soccer team.
One by one Jewish communities are being targeted and even members of the Obama Administration are blaming the Jews themselves and Israel for the rise in anti-Semitism.  In other words:  The reason the victims were victimized is because of themselves.

What will it take before the authorities finally tackle this problem?  A death?  A couple of deaths?  A synagogue destroyed?  Those are the next steps. Will the nation just let it happen without a sound?  I pray not so.

By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

Friday, December 2, 2011

Kristallnacht In Highland Park

Not content to keep the violence to New York City (Brooklyn and Queens), anti-Semites have decided that the Jews of Highland Park, New Jersey must be the next victims on their list.
The central New Jersey community of Highland Park was targeted Tuesday night in a series of anti-Semitic attacks on at least five Jewish-owned establishments.

Vandals hurled bricks through the plate glass windows of a kosher restaurant, a kosher pizza shop, two Judaica stores, and a Jewish-owned hardware store.

At least three other Jewish-owned establishments in nearby New Brunswick were also similarly attacked, including the Rutgers Chabad House, the Rutgers Hillel and an Israeli-owned falafel eatery.

The destruction took place on the anniversary of the 1947 United Nations Partition Vote to create the Jewish State in Palestine.

A report published by the Algemeiner Journal quoted "Facebook rumors" relating two separate incidents in which a local individual made anti-Semitic remarks and threatened to launch a new Kristallnacht -- a reference to the 1938 "night of broken glass" pogrom that launched the Nazi Holocaust in Germany. However, it is not clear whether the two incidents were related, nor is it clear whether all the attacks were perpetrated by the same vandal or vandals.

The newspaper pointed out that Highland Park has recently elected an Orthodox Jewish man as its mayor.

Local police said in a statement detectives were "actively investigating these incidents and are in contact with and coordinating efforts with other law enforcement agencies that may be able to expedite the investigation."

However, police cautioned that it was "too soon to reach a conclusion" as to the nature of the crimes.

"We would also like to briefly address the fear that these are acts motivated by anti-Semitism or that these are bias crimes," the statement said. "The Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office has been notified, but it is too soon to reach a conclusion.

“All of our officers are aware of the sensitivity of this situation and we will make every effort with patrols and surveillance to keep everyone safe. We would like to encourage you to communicate with your congregants and urge them to avoid speculation which could lead to unnecessary anxiety."

Where is the Mayor? Governor Christie, President Obama?  Why are they all silent on this?  Why is this not a hate crime.  Only Jewish businesses were targeted as this picture shows:  Hat Tip for the pictures to Elder of Ziyon

As you can notice, only Jewish businesses have been targeted.  Yet they are not considered Hate Crimes.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the only motive in common on these attacks is that they all are owned by Jews.  But then again according the the Obama Regime, Jews are not a protected minority.  It is open season on Jews in fact.

Once again Jews are targeted.  Once again Jews are told that these attacks are not important and just lay down and be kicked.  What will it take for the Jewish community to say enough is enough?  Will it take a death or two?  Or is Obama and his cronies allowing this to happen to appease his Muslim base?

By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Kristallnact In Brooklyn

73 years since the German's gave us Kristallnact it has occurred once again, this time in Brooklyn.
There’s shock and outrage in Brooklyn today after several cars were torched and numerous pieces of anti-Semitic vandalism took place in Midwood.

The incident was discovered at around 5 a.m., when residents awoke to see cars burning.

At least three cars were set ablaze and dozens of pieces of anti-Semitic graffiti were plastered along benches. The cars were damaged and the benches vandalized along Ocean Parkway between Avenues I and J. Among the vandalism: “KKK” scrawled nearby, as well as numerous swastikas.

“People are nervous, people are concerned,” Assemblyman Dov Hikind said. “The police are putting extra manpower into the community at synagogues and all over.”

“Not a way to wake up on Friday morning going into the Sabbath, definitely not,” said Midwood resident Sherry Tawil.

The incident occurred on the anniversary of Kristallnacht, when Hitler’s Nazi’s launched a pogrom against Jews in Germany and Austria.

“I’m used to swastikas, but three cars destroyed is a whole new dimension,” said Hikind. “Three cars completely destroyed as if someone had dropped them bomb on them is just a real tragedy.”

“All of a sudden I heard explosion from the metal, I guess from the popping. I look out window. It was like my house was on fire,” victim Arlette Tebele told CBS 2′s John Slattery.

“The burning of cars and vandalism of benches in Midwood this morning represents a truly hateful act of prejudice,” said Public Advocate Bill De Blasio in a statement. “That it took place on the anniversary of Kristallnacht leaves no doubt that this attack is a hate crime in every sense, and I applaud the NYPD for investigating it as such.”

New York City Councilman David Greenfield is offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person – or persons – responsible for the incident.

“We will not accept anti-Semitism in our community. There is zero tolerance for such acts of hatred and ignorance,” said Councilman Greenfield in a statement. “I’m confident that these hateful people will be caught and punished to the full extent of the law.”

“This is the most shocking thing we ever saw, never seen before,” said resident Vickie Ayal.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg issued the following statement Friday afternoon:

“New York City is home to more than 8 million of the most open and tolerant people in the world. But even here, there are occasional incidents involving actions that are hateful or vicious or both. The NYPD’s Hate Crimes Task Force is actively investigating the twisted person or people who attacked cars, benches, and a sidewalk on a block of Ocean Parkway early this morning. The Hate Crimes Task Force, like so many other teams at our Police Department, is the world’s best, as today’s arrest for swastikas painted in Queens during October and early November shows. In fact, hate crimes are down nearly 30 percent citywide so far this year and are down roughly 33 percent in Brooklyn’s 66th Precinct.

The fact that this most recent attack came on the heels of the 73rd anniversary of Kristalnacht may or may not be a coincidence. Either way, this kind of hateful act has no place in the freest city in the freest country in the world.”

Just a week ago, two libraries and a synagogue in Queens were vandalized with swastikas.

Anyone with any information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). All calls are kept confidential. You can also log on to the Crime Stoppers website, or text your tip to CRIMES and then enter TIP577.

I grew up in Midwood.  This is my old stomping grounds.  The place where my friends and I felt safe, secure.  There was never any incidents of this kind when we were kids.  What has happened?

There has been an upswing in anti-Semitic rhetoric and speech from the Occupy movement.  Can we forget Patricia McAllister and her rant of hatred?  Or this, or this, or this.  Just 3 of the 49,500 anti-Semitic images associated with the Occupy movement.

Where is the Main Stream Media and their disgust at this level of hatred?  Why is the President, Vice President and leadership of the Democratic Party standing next to this movement?  Why do they accept and promote such hatred?  They have stayed silent on this so long that they have accepted and are fostering this behavior.

73 years ago was the beginning of the Holocaust.  For years up to Kristallnact laws were passed restricting the movements, the rights, the occupations of Jews in Germany.  Today no such laws have been passed in the United States, but the level of hatred has risen to levels of violence.  Given the left's hatred of Jews, can laws restricting them be next?  I pray not.

By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

Thursday, October 20, 2011

What Does Zionist Jews....They Need To Be Run Out Of This Country Get You?

By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

On the Unemployment line.

That is what Patricia McAllister has discovered after her anti-Semitic rant.  Do you remember this little ditty from Patricia?

Poor Patricia.  The LAUSD was inundated with phone calls condemning her remarks and demanding her dismissal.  Patricia was a substitute teacher and now is an unemployed substitute teacher.

When told of Patricia's dismissal what do you think they did?  Denounce the anti-Semitic remarks of a bigot?  No!  They are demanding her to be reinstated on the payroll.
LOS ANGELES (KTLA) -- Occupy LA protesters demonstrated on the steps of Los Angeles Unified School District headquarters Monday, speaking out against the district's dismissal of a substitute teacher who made public comments deemed anti-Semitic at a recent protest.

The teacher, Patricia McAllister, spoke out at a recent Occupy LA protest, saying the Jews run the nation's banking infrastructure and should be forced to leave the U.S.
"I think that the Zionist Jews who are running these big banks and our Federal Reserve, which is not run by the federal government -- they need to be run out of this country," McAllister said in the video by, a Libertarian-leaning news organization.
McAllister stood by her words Tuesday, speaking with KTLA 5. When it was suggested that her statement was racist, she refused to back down.

"It is not racist, it's the truth," McAllister said. "Anyone who speaks against the Jews are called racists nowadays."

McAllister is black. When suggested that someone might be considered racist if making similar comments about African-Americans, she refused to agree.

"If we were destroying this nation, they'd better say something and take us down with it," she said.

McAllister's comments weren't endorsed by Occupy LA or United Teachers of Los Angeles -- the labor union representing the city's educators.

District officials released a statement supporting McAllister's freedom of speech, but saying the district would "never stand for behavior that is intolerant, disrespectful or discriminatory."

McAllister's status as a substitute teacher makes her an at-will employee and she has been relieved of her duty, officials said.

The teachers' union joined Occupy LA in calling on the district's Board of Education to rehire 1,200 teachers and other workers. The demonstrators said they are looking to start a new occupation site at LAUSD headquarters to make sure their demands are met.

The union protested district-wide budget cuts, ending in widespread layoffs of teachers and other personnel.

District officials said that 800 of the 1,200 employees that were originally laid off have already been rehired.

Please do not try to tell me that the Occupy movement hasn't been hijacked by the rapid anti-Semites.  In a true movement of peace, words like Patricia McAllister's would have been condemned immediately and she would have been told that she is not welcomed there.

Of course she doesn't even have the brains to wipe her behind.

She doesn't believe that she said anything wrong, she believes the Jews are the root of all evil and wants to throw them out of the United States (That is after she and her "friends" steal their property, rape their women and beat them to a pulp.), and they are the cause of all the problems of the world.

Patricia McAllister says she only represents herself.  But in fact she represents 90% of the Black Population who is taught anti-Semitism from birth.

I hope you listened to the whole tape.  The last seconds said it all:  "Why do we allow people like that talk to the mike?"

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Anti-Semites In San Francisco Thwarted For Now

By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

Thus is the Law of Moses and it seems the Law in San Francisco.  So says Judge Loretta Giorgi.
San Francisco Superior Court Judge Loretta Giorgi on Wednesday issued a tentative ruling saying the proposed ballot measure to ban circumcision in the city must be withdrawn, calling it "expressly preempted" by state law.

Lloyd Schofield, 59 year old anti-circumcision activist, was determined to have male circumcision banned by legislation in San Francisco. For starters, he gathered 12,000 signatures, while ony 7,168 are required for the city of 750,000 by the city’s Department of Elections, for his proposal to be placed on the ballet in the November 8th San Francisco elections .

The measure, which would only apply in San Francisco, was intended make it a crime to circumcise a minor, regardless of the parents' religious beliefs. The maximum penalty would be a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.

The ban’s campaign material included anti-Semitic comic books depicting a Jewish mohel, or circumcision practitioner, as the sinister villain "Foreskin Man", in the inimitable style of the Protocol of the Elders of Zion and the Nazi Der Sturmer.

According to the Associated Press the plaintiffs of record in the lawsuit filed against the measure included five Jews, three Muslims, two doctors who regularly perform the procedure, the local chapter of the Jewish Community Relations Council and the national Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

Volunteers have been working at debunking the misconceptions about circumcision, citing medical and freedom of religion issues.

Judge Giorgi put the controversy on hold by stating on Wednesday that the California Business and Professions Code prohibits local regulation of medical procedures.

She added that it "serves no legitimate purpose" for an illegal measure to remain on the ballot and ordered elections Chief John Arntz to remove it. According to Arntz, after Sept. 1 it will be difficult to remove the proposal from the ballots because they go to the printers. Ideally, the judge will have issued a ruling by that date, stopping the proposal in its tracks.

If the law is on the ballot and passes, it will run up against an overriding state and/or federal law, so there is no chance of the circumcision restrictions ever taking effect.

Abby Porth, associate director of the Jewish Community Relations Council, said she's delighted the "extreme and hurtful" measure might not even appear before voters.

"The idea we would put doctors in jail for performing a procedure with known health benefits that parents request for their children is outrageous," she said.

“Even if it made the ballot, we don’t believe it would have passed,” Porth said.

So far the courts have stopped this travesty of the legal system from being pushed forward.  But the anti-Semites have stated that they will appeal.  And there is the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.  A court notorious for their extreme liberal views.  Until then, this obscene law will not be on the ballot, will be dead on arrival.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

How To Destroy A Friendship

By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

 Friendship is defined as:  A friendly feeling or disposition.  Yet in the last week we have witnessed President Barack Hussein Obama destroy the special relationship the United States has had with Israel.  A relationship based on mutual trust, understanding, and respect.  As of Thursday, all that is now a one-way street, with Israel being the friend and the United States actively and openly working to destroy the tiny Jewish state.

In doing this without condemning the violence perpetrated towards Israel, the official indoctrination of Anti-Semitism into the minds of Arab children, the rewriting of history with the purpose of distorting and obliterating the presence of the Jewish people from the Land of Israel, and finally the daily calls for the destruction of the State of Israel has displayed to the world (And especially Jewish voters.) that the United States is no longer a full partner with Israel but just one of many who condemn the Jewish state.

This has left Israel with very few options.  They can no longer trust the United States to veto resolutions in the Security Council that condemn it for any whim the Arab/Muslim world decides to invent.  And let us face it, these idiots invent so many things against the only beacon of freedom in the Middle East.

On Thursday President Obama was 45 minutes late in addressing the State Department in his second major address to the Muslim world.  He was on the phone with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu of Israel who was vainly trying to get him to remove the  passage:  1967 borders.   This Obama did not do, nor was he going to.  In doing this, President Obama has effectively backed the Israelis into a corner.  They cannot return to the Auschwitz Borders, nor can they use it as the starting base in negotiations.

Without condemning Hamas for the rocket fire into Southern Israel, or Fatah for the murder of Israelis (Especially the slaughter of the Fogel family.), President Obama has effectively turned the Foreign Policy of the United States in a 180 degree turn away from Israel.

This is leaving President Obama with a problem here at home.  To be exact a Jewish Problem here at home.  While in 2008 President Obama received over 78% of the Jewish vote, today that support is down to 55% (The exact same number that Jimmy Carter received in 1980.) and it is dropping.  While in 2008 the Obama campaign found that their major donors were Jews, today donations from The Tribe is down 60%.  The more President Obama's foreign policy turns away from Israel and towards the Muslim world, the more Jews will desert him in favor of a candidate that is more appealing to their values.  In an economy that is doing well, with low gas prices, this wouldn't even be an issue.  As we know the economy is going to hell in a handbasket, gas is rising out of sight, and this is now a big issue with the Jewish voters.

As for what Israel will do.  Sources in the Israeli government have remarked that they are looking for a new partner.  A new friend.  Russia, France and Great Britain are no friends.  Their record of official anti-Semitism for centuries destroys that idea.  Instead the Israelis are sending out feelers towards China.  China needs a source of high technology.  While the Arabs have oil in abundance, they are very low on the Leaders of Technology scale.  And while Israel is very short on oil, it is a Leader in Technology (In robotics it will surpass the United States and Japan by 2015.).  China will be able to buy oil from anyone, but gaining the technological advantage takes more than money.  Takes a willing partner to help them.

It is a shame that the United States under the "leadership" of Barack Hussein Obama has destroyed the friendship between Israel and the United States and may have helped China become a technological giant by forcing a friendship between Israel and China.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Truth Behind The Ground Zero Mosque

By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

The ruins of the World Trade Center and the ground that they occupied are considered by many people (myself included) sacred ground.  Thus the proposal for a Mosque to be built at Ground Zero is offensive to us, due to the nature of the attacks that day, the religion of the attackers and the joy the Muslim world had when the news of the destruction and death of that infamous day was broadcast to them.

The members of the left-wing  and their mouthpieces in the media are screaming how the Imam of this Mosque is a moderate, is a bridge-builder, is a true man of peace, a loving man.  Just listen to his views:

Why is it that Muslims cannot or will not accept responsibility for this atrocity?  In fact they are the biggest deniers of the truth behind 9/11.  They claim George Bush, the CIA, the Israelis, MI-5, and or the Mossad all did 9/11 to discredit Islam, attack Afghanistan and Iraq, kill Saddam Hussein and steal the oil of Iraq.

Now those who support this monstrosity have shown their true colors.  Listen to their noise, their hatred, their sense of self-righteousness.  No where do they check their rhetoric or anti-Semitism, even when it is known that they were being filmed.  Keep your eyes open around the 3:55 mark (Hat Tip to Israel Matzav)

For the record:  The majority of those you have just seen where bussed in from other cities.  It seems that the majority of New Yorkers are AGAINST this Mosque being built at Ground Zero!!

Now I ask you.  Who are the real racists?  The ones opposing the proposed Mosque or the supporters who blame 9/11 and now this ground swell of opposition on the Jews?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

No Jews Allowed!

By Findalis of Monkey in the Middle

Will be the motto of the Palestinian State. Not just living in the land, but no Jews are to visit, or be a part of the multinational force that Abu Mazen Mahmoud Abbas demands wants to defend patrol the borders.  This mean the proposed international force would have to discriminate against its Jewish personal.
If a Palestinian Authority state is created in Judea and Samaria, no Israeli citizen will be allowed to set foot inside, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said this week in a meeting with members of the Arab League. The PA chairman also stated that he would block any Jewish soldiers from serving with an international force stationed on PA-controlled land.

"I will never allow a single Israeli to live among us on Palestinian land,” Abbas declared.

Abbas addressed the Arab League during a discussion over the possibility of holding direct negotiations with Israel. Like Abbas, Arab League members agreed to direct talks in theory, but only if a number of “measures and conditions” were met.

"The agreement depends on what will be discussed [in Israel-PA talks] and the manner in which negotiations are conducted,” said Qatari Foreign Minister Hamad bin-Jassim bin-Jabor al-Thani.

Abbas has demanded that Israeli completely freeze construction for Jews in areas east of the 1949 armistice line, including north, south, and east Jerusalem, and that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu commit to creating a PA state with borders based on the armistice line. Until those conditions are met, Abbas has said, the PA will not negotiate.

Read the full story here.
Binyamin Netanyahu will sit down any time, any place.  Abu Mazen Mahmoud Abbas demands concessions before hand.  Not really wanting peace.  Not wanting anything not handed to him on a silver platter.

And what did Barack Hussein Obama promise him?  Everything he demands.  I do believe so.