Friday, September 13, 2013


Hola Familia!
It again has been another great week of learning and growth. The Lord has helped me out more than I ever could have imagined.
The work here is slow but steady. Harvest is in full swing. It is a great thing, you are all welcome for the apples that come from here in Washington. Crazy thing happened the other day. We have been having some good storms this week, one of them had thunder and lightning like an Arizona storm and i was in Heaven... except when we were running down a hill full of puncture vine (like the thorns we get in our backyard, they are everywhere here!) being pelted by dirt. Good times, laughing the whole time we are running. Anyway after this rain storm, the next morning we woke up and were going to go for a run, until we looked outside and couldn't see all the way down our driveway! Granted our neighbors houses aren't super close, but we couldn't see anything in any direction. it was weird... surrounded by a white mist rather than being able to see farms for miles.
As i am learning the ways of rural missionary work, the Lord has surely blessed us. We find ourselves working and working and a miracle or spiritual experience always follows. sometimes we don't recognize it right away, but it always happens.
We have continued to get to know everyone here in the ward as we are here. Even people who aren't members of the church recognize us a new and ask us what happened to the Elders. It has been a good experience being in a town where everyone knows everyone. We were knocking doors in pretty much the only neighborhood there is here and many of the people who talked to us knew exactly who the 3 members of the church are in that neighborhood, where they live, and how nice they are. It was cool to see that the light of Christ and their example can help others see that light.
It seemed like everyone we talked to this week was talking about how the world is in a very sad place and all the wars and unfairness in the world right now. They said that if everyone was like us and out doing hat we are doing that this world would be a much better place and that more people need God in their life. DING! DING! DING! winner! i just want to tell them they are exactly right and we have a message that can help them do that! They don't quite connect the dots yet but they are moving in the right direction.
Yesterday was really good. we had a regional broadcast where Elder Hales and Elder Perry spoke and i got the important parts. Everyone that spoke stressed the importance of Family Home Evening and tithing. It was mentioned in all 4 talks. I sensed a theme, and if i am picking up themes in Spanish, you know it must be important! And it is true, we can receive blessings for doing these things in our lives. I can't say that i was perfect or that i was always happy to be at family home evening, but looking back up to now i can see how strong our family is and i bet it has something to do with always growing up knowing how important family is.
Later we taught a lesson in English and Spanish... At the same time. Owen, Darone, and Andres met up for a lesson and Darone is like the middle man. Andres understands maybe 30% English and Owen know maybe 3 words in Spanish. Darone speaks a jumble up of both so we took turns teaching parts of the Restoration in English and Spanish. It was definitely an interesting experience. 
We also go to teach the Plan of Salvation yesterday, and I Love the Plan of Salvation. It is a different view on the world, but to me there is no other way to view it. It really does give me hope for what happens after this life and my purpose here on the Earth. TO learn and grow and try to be like Jesus Christ. The man we were teaching had lots of questions, you could tell that he was thinking and evaluating his life as we were teaching him. it was so awesome. God is seriously like the ultimate puzzle master. to look back and see how our day was planned and how things literally fall into place and give us the strength and encouragement in our efforts. I am grateful for the opportunity i have to serve him and learn from people from all over.
The last little experience i want to share is about the power of a question. We had the opportunity to sit and talk to a girl about our age and as she began to ask us questions and we were open and honest about our answers (even if that meant that we had to say we didn't know) she began to open up and both chances we have talked with her, the questions get more and more gospel related as she becomes comfortable with us. I never would have thought that answering a question as simple as what i did before my mission or where i have served or simple questions about the missionary life could open people up to asking questions like how can i have a desire to go to church or how do you know what is actually right or what is just a belief and what you should follow? It as an awesome opportunity that kept me on my toes and caused me to reflect on what i know to be true.
I will leave you with a quote that i fell in love with this week. probably because i lifeguard or something.... "If you are drowning in the events of life, do not fear because your lifeguard walks on water"
I love you all! Have a great week! Love the Lord and Always Smiling!
Hermana Ray

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