Wow! I have been a bad blogger! It's been over a week since I've posted! Holy Canoli!
You'd think since I've been slacking on blogging that I was really busy or something but unfortunately that wasn't the case. I've just have a major case of the "lazies" lately (in all aspects of my life! lol). But I will share the few things that have been going on.
First I finished my 1st punch needle. Now of course it's not perfect but I think it turned out pretty good. Now I just need to turn it into a lil tuck. I can't wait to start my next one!
Last Friday Miss Carmen from Primcats came over & we had a crafty night. We made two ghosts for her porch ~ drank a few amaretto sours & some wine ~ rearranged some of my stuff ~ and had a good time.
Here's her new ghosties
Carmen also had a sewing lesson & sewed the bodies of the ghosts all by herself! I'm happy to report she did an amazing job & didn't even get injured!! lol
She brought me two firkins to redo for her ~ since I've been slacking I haven't started them yet, but Carmen I promise they are on this weeks "to do" list!! lol
Other than that, not a lot has been going on here. It's been rainy the last few days so it hasn't helped my laziness. I did attempt my first pumpkin roll for the hubby today. I don't like pumpkin roll so I haven't tried it so we'll have to wait till he gets home later to see if it gets the seal of approval or not!! Usually Lil Raggedy Angie makes him one for Christmas but he just couldn't wait that long this year!
Well that's it for me ~ hope everyone is enjoying their week! I promise to try to be a better blogger!!