suddenly i feel pain in my head. i just realize that i was so over-stressed (yes i dont bluff) with my projects.. i can feel the stress has reach its limit. and i called u.. but i can't reach u so many times.. and when finally u get me here, i was crying coz feeling lost.. and my pain is like killing me... as i need u so much right now.. as even we can't meet, listening to u is just enough..
we talked like we never use to it for ages.. and suddenly i feel the ease.. through the window while we talk, i looked at the black sky, with the blinking stars.. how would it be to be there? i wish we have a microscope to look at them beautifully closer. how i wish i was like the blinking stars, silent and shine..
thank u syg, for the deepest thought. i know ur always there for me.. pampering me, comfort me, lending me ur arms and protect me. ur just there for me.. and accidentally, today is vday. i know muslim dont celebrate it, but its just the day. love is all around the air. do u still remember the first valentine's gift u gave me back then in 2003? a cute tiny girly bear in pink by memory lane? how i miss our good old time. for million times already, this is just the best word i can tell u, i love u forever ;)
jue ♥ amir = 2001 until today
wahhh..ngee..besh2..btw, sy dah follow belog kamu..nnt follow belog sy juge ye=)
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