Thursday, December 25, 2008

more ages to go!

yeah2. for the super girl frens of mine..

one year to younger n mature ;)

happy birthday lia!

siti alia amirah binti abdul hakim

may u always be blessed

happy in whatever course

and achieve all ur dreams!

si comel alia. curi ur pics kt fb! mcm akak jgk ;p

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

aku sedih, kecewa, benci

jgn kau pandang rendah dia
kerana dia yg melahirkan kami ber-4
dia yg bersusah payah untuk kami
kau dah rampas hak dia
jgn kau tidak menghormatinya
jgn kau ingat kau cukup hebat
jgn kau bandingkan dia dgn kau
jgn kau buat dia mcm dia x wujud!!

aku terluka melihat dia begini..
aku benci kau..
sgt benci..

new semester, new hope

huu.. and the challenging semester sudah bermula! will determine my majoring course at the end of it. yup2, i'm so excited, but soo sooo extremely worry. if i might not strong enough to perform well for this term.

and more, this blog will not always be updated. thank u! hihi.. yer la. too serious too buzy. huh? and sebermula nya new semester, i had hang out wit my tubbies! except ena, coz ena hasn't be here yet. lameee gileee x hangout ngn diorg ni. so dah tau lepas2 ni dah susah nk hangout lg. jd kami keluar la awal2 sem ni.

main purpose we all out last night adalah untuk belanja akak makan! and yeah, makan besar di pizza hut at One Utama. sronokk. and we were all in eating mode. the order list was, a set of 4 meals with additional spaghetti bolognaise and a plate of cruss cut fries. and we all finished it all. 3 org je ok. me ate 4 slices of pizza + spaghetti sket + a bowl of soup + 2 breadstixs. and i was full! happy happy..

actually, mase smpai d ou tu, i had msg along earlier, and happy nyer, along atst pon coming to OU, with baby aryan n abg nan. later after eating. we all gi jumpe they all. suke2. baby aryan xtdo. comel sgt!!

after all, we all go back at 10.30 with the jam in and outside the OU, even in the basement 2. haih.. and arrived gombak at 11, dengan rushing nye g danau. huu.. thanx god everything was alright. sorry ye my tubbies, smlm blk, sy drive laju2. huhu.. nk kejar mase la konon, but we all happy coz atst dpt shopping baju. lalala..

before i end this, coz i don't know when will i update this, i would let it remain here as a small gift but maybe will be meaningful for her, my beloved sister, norhasnizan bt ab rashid, happy birthday to u! hope everything u wish may all comes true, u know that i love u so much! and i always pray for ur happiness and for u to be a successfull kakak.. =) hugkisshugkiss

21st December, akak, 22 years younger. 22 years cantek ;p

(curi this pic from akak's profile picture at facebook)

Friday, December 19, 2008


i'd bear with it. to not sleep since 3 hours ago. for the sake of add drop online. hiaaa.. ngantuk taw. ni dah ok sket. so finally, dah add dah subject2 for this new sem. apakaaa..

i just can only add that 1 subject for tonight! mean that i have to add more manually this monday. haih.. penat je tahan mate ni yg x cukup tido. so now i only had 3 subject ye kwn2. parenting, space planning & ergonomics, and AAD studio 2. lalala.. nk add yg lain, semua dah section closed. inilah masalah yg selalu kami hadapi. add drop yg cam hareemm. last2 nk kena add manual jgk. leceh ok..
ok la, hari isnin ni, jue dgn semangat yg berkobar-kobar nye will go to KAED office to add subject2 yg patot di add tu. yep2. me ni lain sket dari studio mate yg lain. advance gtu.. haha.. sem ni if ade chance, mmg byk klas ngn kwn2 studio 2nd year. like last sem 2 dlu.. huhu.. suke skelas ngn diorg nih, coz diorg happening. saye je yg agak malu2. dududu~
ops. btw, miss jue dah smpai kl.. perasaan sayu menerpaku ketika aku terbang bersama-sama angin... (hari ni angin di kelantan mmg sepoi-sepoi bahasa.. seolah-seolah menghantar aku pergi merantau.. oh ayat2 novel ni).. cedey.. tinggal umi, tinggal wan, tinggal angah, tinggal ipang.. mesti sunyi xde saye.. sob3.. saye syg mereka semua.. syg sgt..

at the moment, me tgh landing with baby aryan. kdg2 denga die mengeluh. baby aryan tgh tido ngn nyenyak nye. along pon da tido.. abg nan xde kt cni, he's at s'pore now, working. so tido la kami ber3 bersama-sama. comel x? hee.. berita tgempar, baby aryan smakin besa! mcm x caye mase jmpe die td. die da besa laa.. badan dah sedap. comel yg amaaatt!! muah baby aryan!
ok. now i feel relieve. need to sleep n sleep. gudnite kwn2..

ps: thanx to ina coz spending her time to info me a lil bit bout the add drop. susah2 je calling2 jue.. n i really appreciate it! hee.. xoxo ina~

Thursday, December 18, 2008

leaving on a jet plane

takde la jet plane sgt pon.. besi terbang airasia semata-semata.. huargghh.. tak percaya? i'm going baccckkk. betol ke ni? mcm baru 10 hari je hols. uh uh.. kenapa dgn saye ni?

wuuu.. going to get back to normal life as a student. best ke jd mahasiswi ni? sgt cool bergaya ke? huhu.. penat penat dan penat! lagi.. kenapa dgn saye ni?
baik lah. saye akan berusaha! fighting rabbit!

hm.. tp betol ke dah abes ni? me packing stuff already. tp still x sudah2. kenape ye? adooi.. tulun.. tulun.. pastu td bgn lambat, umi dah g keje.. lagi, umi call td, "wan ade meeting kul 3. flight kakak kul 3. nk anta umi g ofis lg. umi tak anta la kakak g airport eh? wan sorang je anta kakak tkpe kan.." uwaaa.. xnak xnakk.. cedey.. da la td x salam umi pon lagi. cedey... hope for umi will send me there jgk..

2 bulan lagi baru blk.. tu pon entah blk ke tak. depend on along. tp along dah janji nk blk kb raya cina ni. umi rindu sgt2 dah kat baby aryan tu. lagipon nnt cuti seminggu jgk. tp me x sure lg brape lame je cuti. mesti akan bz wat2 bz ngn studio nnt. lalalala~

(commercial break jap. finally i found it! the song yg i heard kt radio that day, dah jumpe. huhu.. it's estrella rupa nya. me denga2 dj kt radio tu sebut ade 'es' ngn 'elle' la cmtu. me gi search estelle. estelle tu pon ade jgk. tp false song la. haha.. suke lagu tu! n more, i tot the singer is somewhere from the west. tp mcm malay or singaporean je. coz the video clip pon wat kat putrajaya gtu. haih.. ade sape2 tau x? tulun story ckit.. coz i did search kt google. lain yg klua.
huu.. back to the matter. dah nk blk ke ni..? ok laa.. i need to packing more. rase nk kemas rumah la ckit. but something crossing my mind now.. mane bear saye? he's not answering the phone. hm..

Saje nk letak pic2 ni..

luggage yg nk masuk dlm plane.. my baju semua kt bwh barang2 baby.. x byk baju. coz hari tu bwk blk beg kosong ngn baju selai dua je ;p

the handy bag i letak tady. my teddy bears given by my bear. kalau xde tady, tido rase mcm x lengkap.

saje je letak buaian ni. tempat saye selalu mencari ilham. sambil tgk burung2 kecil bertenggek kt wire2 tiang2 letrik.

my home. luv it n the people inside. bia pon sederhana, tp segalanya ada d sini. mcm astro, mcm2 adaaaa.. =)

bye bye.. sayonara....

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

kenduri kesyukuran

igt kan cam x jd kenduri mlm ni. rupa nya ade la. kenapa smpai x rase pon kenduri nk ade mlm ni ek. huhu.. coz umi x masak sndiri kot.. umi keje. so x sempat nk prepare for the food. jd solution nye order dan order. nasib la umi ade ank gadis like me yg x reti masak. uwawawa.. (wonder bile la sayer nk sampai seru utk masak).. tulun.. tulun.. kenapa saye ni x minat masak ek.. hm.. harap je la bear saye pandai masak. bkn stakat pandai je, tp terer merer (commecial break jap).. :))

hari ni automatically i did exercise. angkat berat. yup2. 15kg laksa, ntah brape kg berat kuah laksa lg. all the 4 plastic bags, i sorg je yg work hard to take them to the kitchen. gagah kan saye? huhu..
btw, kenduri ni sempena along dah slamat lahirkan baby aryan n dah lepas banjir. pastu nk wat doa slamat la utk anak2 umi n wan. me dah nk blk uia, and along (and the family) dah nk blk s'pore. even along now at kl. haih. 15kg laksa! yay! makan lg.. haha.. sronok ;p

the original laksa kelantan. hm.. ade kurang belacan n long beans. saye x makan belacan tu, n long beans stock xde.

:: today baby aryan kena inject. common thing for a baby. cian die.. nangis2 kena inject, pastu trus tetido. his mumy plak demam2, coz tgk die kena inject. hee.. comel je ank branak same2 saket. hope to take care of baby aryan lg.. this coming thursday ;)

what title suits this entry?

that's right. i'm having a great holiday at kb @ villa impian. ek. villa impian tu stated at the gate of my house. tkde la impian sgt.. hanya sebuah teratak kecil yg selesa di diami oleh 8 ahli keluarga. 8? huhu.. plus brother in law n baby nephew. but now ade kami ber5 sahaja. along, abg nan n baby aryan in kl now. n going back to s'pore in few days more.

hehe.. just now lia dtg jgk my home nk bagi ole2 from sydney. haha.. sian lia. asyik lia je dtg umah. me x g jgk umah lia. dah la dpt ole2 kan. eee tak malu nye juhairah. hahahaha.. lia said that early of 2009 nk dtg kl. nk stay kt my room at uia. waaaahhh seronok!!! siap tanya byk kali lg, "eh takpo ko..".. bole laa dear. mari2 ramai2 kte penoh kan bilik H2.4 tu. nnt leh kenal2 ngn cik anis, cik marina, n cik liana nabila. my tubbies busuk. huhu..

i am soo terribly numb. smlm tdo pukul 5 kot.. berchatting ngn cik arina. at the same time gayut di telefon wit my bontot. eh syg x tido plak ye skarang.. dlu ske tdo, now xske tido? awk mmg bontot.. hm.. this morning, i woke up at 9, dgn malas, send angah to her office, then blk, tot nk continue sleeping, but then hormon utk bkk fb merembes ngn laju nye mengalahkan hormon tido. bkk fb plak cari pasal.. miss shamiza, good old buddy of mine mase standard 5 and 6 msg me at wall. waaaaaaa... sungguh excited nyee! last2 ber'ym ngn die plak.. n trus x tdo..

nih la.. how hard to sleep huh? yep. coz i'm bz during hols. bz with connecting people. yeah2. ade lagi obstacle to continue sleeping ni? oh ade lg.. now i have to take my bath n go to cik resa's place. she need someone to talk n i have to know from her. story mory.. resa my beloved sister. wait for me ok. soon i'l be there....

sape yg abes bace this entry sila angkat tgn? sme benda nk tau ek. haha. bak kate miss adledanne, ur blog is urs. nk ckp pe pon ckp la. org nk kutuk pon kutuk la. yg penting, blog anda, anda punya lah. ade x puas ati? lalala~ i'm off! :D

i am nagging

eh eh.. memekak la plak letak lagu kt blog sndiri ni yek. busan je.. so i dah remove the song. huhu.. and ive made some revision bout this.. kenapa sy remove song
one of the reason, for sure, bila bkk je my page, lagu tu automatically on. kdg2 volume lappy ni kuat coz ber ym call sume. suddenly dah bkk the page ni, trus kua lagu kuat2. huhu.. annoy. sometime la.
kalau tension, bkk2 je kua lagu ni lg. waaahh!! bertambah2 la tensen nya.. slalu have to stop the song
n more, kalau viewers tgh best2 layan lagu msg2, tibe2 msk my page kua lagu lain. x ke tencen. trus glabah cari dari mane dtg nye sumber bunyi yg annoying tu. huhuu.. this is based on my own experience. lol.. kat sape2 yg letak lagu tu.. i think, better off la..
lagi satu, what if the song tu org x suke denga. mesti annoying sgt kan. nk bace my entry pon dah not in the mood. so trus blah. huu.. not mean that i want everyone to read mine. but its the matter of the song. tu je. lalala.. i know coz i pon readers.
end of the blog music matter. back about me now, finally, yay! miss adledanne dah berjaya meng'add sy. hahaha.. happy giler. ni tgh ber'ym ngan die. at the same time, waiting for my bear to blk umah n teros call me. now die kt lua lg.. uwawaaaa! i miss my bear yg bontot tuuu...

Monday, December 15, 2008

suddenly randomly..

why.. suddenly my brain stop thinking. i think, day by day, i had no idea what was the purpose of what i am. hm.. suddenly, i feel sooooo bored.. can anyone suggest me what should i do?

3 days left before get back to the nowhere. yeah. kl. kl? a place that gather a variety of people, from everywhere around the world. a place that full of fakers. kl? mmg semua org nk g kl. even for a day. wanted to feel the routine in kl. the surrounding people and the environment. best ke kl? hoho.. for xtra experience, mmg best. i admit it. from overall aspect, kl mmg mencabar. and the people there ada macam2. oh and not to forget, kl is the heaven for shoppers. like me ;p

when people ask, 'blaja kat mane?' we answer it proudly, 'kl..' haha.. bangga ke? bangga kot.. tp x sebangga blaja d oversea lah. cannot be deny. "keje kt mane?".. "kt kl.." bangga2. huhu.. apakaaa..

yg pastinya.. i prefer kl too. to built my own living, to have a good job there.. hm.. but that's not my priority. my dream is to have a better living out from this state. somewhere will be. oh oh.. fantastic nyee.. i wanted to learn their culture. the people outside there. but. when i'm getting older, i will get back here, kelantan.. to live my own heritage. huhu.. but. i wish i could own a beautiful cottage at cameron highlands. oh oh.. best nye dreaming..

and back to reality, only 3 days left ok. need to get back to kl. n 22nd, the journey for a mission in degree will begin. smangat2 jue! huu.. bye2 kb.. i'm gonna miss u umi, wan, angah n ipang.. n our home.. n the food! till we meet in february =)


td tertgk katun kt ceria channel 611. citer hagemaru tgh on air. klaka gileerr! haha

ni la lagi satu citer sengal. adoi.. saket perot gelak. hagemaru, sorg budak kecik yg sgt bodoh n lawak. nasib baik comel. n suke sgt2 makan.

citer ni pon dah translate to bm, but still klaka.. wonder how was the script in japan. lol. bm siap bersyair, ade uda dan dara lg. klaka yg amat!

u all bleh search kt youtube. me nk donlod this citer as a collection. lol.. best2..


and the most adorable baby 2008 belongs to him.
my little naughty baby nephew, aryan fahim.
updated on last 11.13 pm
aryan dah pandai gigit ibu jari tangan.
sampai basah sarung tangan die.
and.. tgk cite kartun kt cartoon network.
i miss him!!
baby amek cik jue 18hb ni ok.
15 dec 2008:
baby aryan 2 months and 6 days old

Sunday, December 14, 2008

the day of alia

hari ni had a day out with cik alia. one of my best friend, n cute one. for those yg xtau lg, we all kenal since form 1. slalu meja die behind me. n slalu tempat nye kena curi ngn amir. ala.. zaman2 mude dulu.. time2 ngorat.. huhu.. n now die tgh abroad her studies in tesol kat sydney but tgh hols. summer break tu. huhu..
td pg lia fetch me at home. ktrg kua g ukur jalan. best2.. smpai PCB (Pantai Cahaya Bulan). ngeh.. then, tgk ramai couple berdua-duan n bermesraan. tepi2 batu.. dlm kete. huh. apakaaaa... tepi pantai.. romantik sioott! lia, our latest theory was..?
igt nk g MAHER. coz kerinduan yg amat menebal kt our school tu. uwaaa... but then suddenly rase cam segan lak nk g. hehe.. lia, some other time ok? hee.. we shud be there, whatever happen. hehe.. sarcastic. lol..
lia, we forgot one thing la td.. tau la kenye doh mkn noodles.. hm.. makan kopok lekor!! uwaaa... patot la rase ade kureng. tp pape pon, hari ni mmg best. n i'm afraid we might not have the chance like that anymore.. huhu.. coz nnt we all ramai2 da x g merewang camtu dah. kte g hols kt pulau lak ok. berangan ni. please make it come true.. *wink

Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Eid

huu.. not much to say. just raya tahun ni sgt not in the mood. preparing for nothing. serious. umi pon xde nk jemput org bertandang. duk umah kemas2 je. walau ape pon, raye ttp raye kan. i had my own baju kurung for raya. kain tu umi beli kat surabaya. special lg dr baju raya for last eidulfitri. heheh. tgh hari td baru g amek ngn tailor. huhu.. will enjoying menatap siaran d tv wit astro. ngeh.. eventhough, i'm here wishing u all SELAMAT HARI RAYA EIDULADHA. for those yg korban this raya, suke la tu ;p

Sunday, December 7, 2008

tears inside me..

sedey sgt this pass morning. baby aryan had leaving to kl.. wuaaaaaaaaaaa.... td pagi x denga pon die nangis. hari ni die diaaam je. n sometimes talk with me. n smile, smile n smile.. he kept staring at me je.. wua.. i miss him already.. huuu.. sedey.. finally, i've my tears in front of this laptop now.

biase nya pagi2 die mesti nangis, nk kene tuka diapers n lapa.. hari ni he never cry. mcm die tau je nk leaving to somewhere. yup2. umi sgt sedey. td nangis mase along nk naik kete. along pon nangis, n her face nmpak tahan sebak. sob2.. *me nangis lg here. td msg along, she said that aryan pon sedey gak. diaaam je dlm kete. sedar2 die da tido.. comel kan? he's such a good n cute cute baby. waaaa~

after they had leave, umi kejap2 tahan air mate. wuwuwu.. pastu we both rase sunyiii sgt. terngiang ngiang lg tangisan aryan d telinga. betol.. sgt2 rindukan dia.. me gonna meet him soon.. this 18th dec. coz my new sem gonna begin on 22nd. beli tiket awal coz tu yg plg murah. so dpt la jmpe baby aryan lg before they all get back to s'pore. umi la kesian.. february nnt baru dpt jumpe baby blk. me boleh la jmpe die kt kl if along blk umah mdm karimah. huhu..

i'm just missing that little baby so muccchh............................... :'(

muke baby aryan this pass morning. with cik ngah.

here, i upload his video. u guys gonna fall in love with him. he's a special baby lah. so comel! ske free move. mcm nk bwk plane. hehe. sampan pon ade gak.

my respond to aradledashina =)

oit oit.. apa kamu membebel itu? hehe.. a lil bit i got the feeling, "ur right".. yep2. bkn senang nk cari kwn sejati. kwn baik bleh cari but not kwn sejati. for me in fact, maybe i dun have any kwn sejati pon! kwn sejati that i can describe here ialah kawan yg sgt concern psl kite. kwn yg even kite beribu batu jauh pon dr die, we'r not just cut the distance like that je. and more, the connection we have between each other shud be so damn great. kire ade give and take la. yeah2. definitely maybe, i dun have any! luckily u, ade gak kwn sejati coz i think i dun have one. i repeat, i dun have one. heheh.. i do have lot of kwn baik. coz sy baik ngn semua org. just be nice to me and i'l be 100x nice to u. like that lah my motto in friendship. ha rina, anda faham? hehehe.. and for ur info, sy sgt senang begini, xde kwn sejati pon my life is fantastic bombastic gtu.. coz i have family, i have my amir (this is serious. hehe), i have some trusted frens. that's enough for me =)

for me, kwn datang dan pergi. hilang yg tu, dtg yg lain. sy suke berkawan. x kire la di mana sahaja. hee.. i can make friends with anybody. for example when the first time i step my feet to ur studio. lalala~ new student gtu.. haha. tegur je sape yg berhampiran. ske ati aku la. nk idop. eheh. last2 dlm studio tu, i get close to shima. tu yg plg ngam la. ehem. yg lain2 biase je. tp when the time terjumpe, boleh je bergurau 'manje. hehehe.. apakaaa..

rinaaaaaaaaaaaaa... ni lg satu. i'm on ur side! ape tu ek. ala.. yg penyanyi2 korean tu. omg.. sgt annoying nyee ngn studio mate yg minat giler2 diorg ni. geli lah. seriously i tell u ha. mcm nk muntah. bile dlm studio, denga diorg ngadap laptop ngn bijik mate nk tkeluar tgk lid laptop, huh, jue layan lagu omputeh, sumbat earphone, psg kuat2. i cannot go! n i have the feeling like u. btw, in fact, i'm not so fanatic in this thingy, ye la.. cam penyanyi korea ke, pelakon omputeh ke.. semua gwe nggak hafal nama2 mereka. i'm not that kinda fanatic fan. tgk bole. bg la ape sahaja citer, sy pulun semua. cartoon ke, horror ke, action movie ke, romantic comedy ke blablabla.. semua bley layan. best x sy? eheh. puji dr sndiri. tp satu je, i'm so into english song, jarang sgt layan lagu lain. kte geng ;p

hey2, kuatkan semangat ye. biase la tu. kwn mmg mcm tu. i also cerewet dlm bab2 ni. n i really concern bout my stuff sme. ye. sy sgt syg all my stuffs. bkn la nk ckp kedekut. tp like ur side la. kdg2, kepala sndri kena pijak bile bwat baik ngn org. so just be urself. buat hal sndri blabla. but have to remember, kwn ttp la kwn. rite2? cannot be deny tanpa kwn, siapa laaaa kite. hee.. talking bout stuffs, dat's why my room kt asiah tu so pack with my stuffs. sy susah nk pinjam stuff ngn org coz i know how it feel org lupe nk *&^%^%#. mcm kt mrsm dlu pon, i was totally like this. budak yg bwk barang plg byk. hehehe.. complete, sme ade.

tp jue nk highlight kt sini, sy ade sorg kwn yg sgt close to me. her name is norhasnizan bt ab rashid. n die bkn sekadar kwn semata-mata kerana sy anggap die mcm kakak sy sndri. i can lean on her.. n i will to do anything for her coz syg die yg amat. n i trust her so much. i can share anything with her n die pon slalu share bout her feeling towards friends to me. yeah2. mengarut itu semua kwn sejati. sometimes i got sick with the title kwn sejati. ok la for now. ilang mengantuk sy bebel for this entry. td mengantuk giler ok. now i need to be sleepy back. thanx to rina coz i can share with u bout the serious dilemma in our own self. even all of us have this dilemma. jom2 same2 kite muhasabah diri jap...

Friday, December 5, 2008

sy curi tag from fieqa

td g jln2 page fieqa. yup2. entry mari belajar menulis rupe2 nya ialah 1 tag. menarik plak tu. so sy curi. hee.. thanx to fieqa.. =)

1) bekas kekasih saya adalah
huh? my bear. dlu penah had crush ngn die for 7 months. zaman dolu2..

2) saya sedang mendengar
suare bear saya through ym call

3) mungkin saya patut
tido je skarang ni. hari ni rase penat cam nak matiii.. buweekk..

4) saya suka belajar
melukis, menari, menyanyi. owh2.. sgt suka kan seni.. ajar la sy apa2 ttg seni. sy sgt cintakan seni.

5) sahabat baik saya adalah
mereka yg senang berkawan dgn sy. yg x hipokrit.. yg boleh berkongsi ape sahaja dgn sy.. yg x menilai sy dari sudut luar sy semata-mata..

6) saya tak paham
kenapa ade org bwk kereta mcm amek lesen memandu kereta lembu?

7) saya kehilangan
sy lupa apa yg sy hilang sebab sy di kelilingi dgn apa yg sy hargai sy ada. ya. sy ada mereka yg sayang sy. ek. berbelit la.

8) ramai yg berkata
sy comel dan lembut. cakap nk manje. sy x suke tone percakapan sy kerana slalu akan di usik org. especially org yg baru kenal sy.. nk wat mcm mane. sy adalah sy.. =)

9) makna nama saya ialah
wan nor juhairah.. umi sy ckp, maknanya.. cahaya yg comel. huh. betol ke? kitab mane tah parents sy amek name sy ni. xde org name cam sy ;p

10) cinta tu adalah....
oh terlalu indah jika kita mengalaminya.. penuh dgn fantasi. yg boleh jd realiti. i'm in love.. again and again..

11) di suatu tempat
sy teringat makan hot bowl maggi curry special with my bear di genting highland. best giler! mcm cite korea yg slalu mkn jajangmyun tu. mkn panas2 tp best giler coz sejuk yg amat. eh2.. lapar la plak..

12) saya akan cuba
membuat hidup sy sgt bermakna. mengejar cita2 sy yg satu itu.. membina hidup yg bahagia. oh oh.. sy mahuuu..

13) makna SELAMANYA ialah
forever la.. yup2. abadi..

14) henpon saya...
ada 2. the main fon maxis postpaid, sonyericsson K530i, ada 3g, gprs radio sme ade. murah je. the other one hp wat main baling2, nokia 1200, gne wat gayut ngn bear using 'happy' simcard. muraaahh..

15) saya paling meluat
ngn orang yg budget bagus. padahal x bagus pon. oh meluat nya sy!

16) bila saya bangun dr tidur
sy mesti tgk fon.

17) party adalah
ade yg seronok ade yg x. sy x suke crowded place. depends. kalau ngn kwn2 je mmg best! lepak gtu. oh lg satu. grand birthday party yg wat kt rumah mmg best!

18) haiwan yg paling cute
mesti la rabbit! nak rabbit!

19) peringkat umo yg paling menyeronokkn
time baby. semua org yg buat utk sy. mcm princess gtu.. jeles ngn baby aryan tu..

20) hari ini saya rasa sgt tension sbb
penat giler2. satu rumah kena kemas. dah 3 hari sy begini.. penaaatt~

21) mlm ini saya akan cuba
tido plg nyenyak!

22) saya btl2 inginkan
wang yg byk. betol. i agree with fieqa. life's great with money. it's an advantage =)

23) bila tgk muka kt cermin pg td
owh.. da lame x tgk muke ku. sengih. eh2 gigi dpn sy besa mcm rabbit.

24) shopping kompleks adalah
tempat favourite sy. boleh release tension.. shop shop shop till drop. slagi duit masih ada. hehe

25) makanan segera biasanya
kfc, mcd n burger king, cz dekat ngn uia. since cuti ni da kurang mkn mknn segera. kelantan is heaven of food. mkn ape saje. semua best! i love kelantan..

26) ayat2 terakhir kata pd org...
aryan gomok!

27) nk pnjgkn tag ni?
nak. no 28 please

28) mata sy
sgt mengantuk skrang ni. tolong la tido wahai jue! esk kena bgn awal g. owh mcm rutin ku plak bgn awal since cuti ni. wuaaa! tolong tdo.


sy nk tag kwn2 sy. sila anda rajin kan diri wat tag ni ye. quite interesting. thanx to fieqa, once again =)

nih list name nye:
cik alia amirah
cik marina
cik akak anis
cik liana nabila
cik am

cik arina
cik azalia

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

disconnected (pics updated)

i've been disconnected for 2 days cause of things i cannot avoid. yep. flooding.

wawawa.. was caught in a flood. hahaha~ sound pathetic but funny actually. duh.. ni bkn banjir biase ok. my house msk air smpai lutut! gile things unexpectedly happen.

at first, tgk air naik. wohooo.. air naik woo.. siap lepak2 kt lua tgk air naik kan. then tibe2 tgk air makin naik after half an hour. haa amek kau.

we all pon trus kelam kabut. at first drove the cars to the higher place. then blk tgk air lg. hm.. iye ke nk banjir ni? wahaha! mmg banjir! duh.. x sampai 15 mnt lepas tu air dah masuk dlm rumah. brg x angkat g. aryan tgh nyonyot. then cpat2 angkat mane yg patot. aryan cannot stay longer dlm umah. so he n along g umah our cousin, at nearby. we all stay kt umah, saving the stuff. uwaaa...~

thanx god electrical items semua slamat. ade la tcicir baju2 n buku2 n documents. sofa, chairs, semua slamat gak. yg x dpt di selamatkan of course la furniture stuffs yg besar gedabak tu, like cupboard thingy. lol.. semua nk floating time tu.

things i cannot tolerate of course la the small animal tu. tadpoles, bugs, eyarks! my house penoh ngn them n mud lepas banjir surut on the morning tu. yup. yesterday morning. hari ni da msk 2nd day kemas2 rumah. very tiredd.. my backbone feel like to crack dah. n kakiku mcm nk tercabut. hm.. ni baru dpt electricity neh. lega sket..

hm.. see. this is my first time facing the flood. yuhhuu.. don't want more. pliz plizz.. they said that something wrong with the drain. then diorg dah fixed dah. n water flow like usual. rain still heavy but no more flood. thanx God. This is the first time flood happen here. hm.. penat la.. Me wanna have some rest for a while till continue my work cleaning out stuffs.. Penat lg.. sigh~ Luckily had finish cleaning out the floor. Leh landing2.. My bed x kemas g. Full of stuffs on it..

Yeah. Da update the pics..

my sengal brother. time ni cam x caye g will flooding

maximum height flood. 1 am (1/12)

oh ohh..

rakit haha..

thanx God hari ni panas.. byk baju kena wash again n again (3/12)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

to healman

yep. love is blind..
i can prove it
i know it
n i feel it
i know that love is blind
i learn lots of things from love,
friends who in love,
i've learnt from them too
yeah. people outside there
come and see me f2f
i can tell u that love is blind
one of the evidence is here
read the under.

aku mahu..

jgn tunjuk kau lemah
aku benci semua tu
kerana itu bkn kau yg aku kenal
aku x boleh jd pelindung kau selalu
kerana suatu hari aku mungkin sudah tiada di dunia ini
aku mahu kau tahu
aku mahu kau berdiri di atas kaki mu sndiri
ya. semesti nya tanpa aku semata-mata
aku mahu kau tahu
aku cintakan kau lebih dari diri ku sendiri
aku mahu yg terbaik utk kau
aku sgt perlukan kata2 lembut dari mu
di buai dgn mimpi2 mu
di manja dengan sentuhan mu
ya. aku kurang semua itu
perlukah aku tunjukkan caranya?
adakah kau tahu?
pengorbanan ku tidak mampu kau balas?
ya. aku bongkak
tapi adakah kau tahu
aku kecewa
ya. aku sgt kecewa dgn kau..
maafkan aku..
aku mungkin gagal menjaga kau
aku semakin lemah..
tolonglah aku..
aku tak mahu semua ini..
seandainya aku tidak membuka mataku lagi
aku mahu kau tahu
aku mahu lihat seorang KAU yg aku mahukan......

Thursday, November 27, 2008

hot pics of the week

hehehe.. will update the pics tomorrow ;p

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

selamat pagi..

bangun dengan riang.. menyanyii
menari bersama, ayuh!
hee.. good morning jue
i'm feeling like a real goat
nk gosok gg je.
oh i smell nasi kerabu..
i'm coming to u!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

new layout, new look

happy giler dpt tuka new layout yg sgt cute ni.
at last i found out layout yg plg sesuai ngn myself.
y i chose black?
coz i can add any colorful texts on my entries.
see. nice x?
yup2. glad to share with u guys bout the website
there's quite a number of nice layout here. jum2!


at my first time. i felt pity to the snatch thief. yes. we might not know what was their purpose on doing that. for us, if they were so called snatch thief, they were drug addict, or a group of unporpose people, or whatever. but have we think that they doing that because they were desperate or something? yes again. i've read about them in the newspaper in the last few days. a snatch thief kantoi, then kena belasah by people around. while hit by them, he'd begging, saying that, "tolong cik, sy nk beli susu ank sy. die lapar.. tolong..".. even if it's a lie, i still feel.. oh so poor.. how if it was true?

when think back, hey, u dah xde care lain ke nak cari duit? u ade tulang 4 kerat, kerja la! meragut boleh plak. but then, i still have the feeling of, kesian nyee.. ye la. he's willing to do anything, even stealing for the sake of his baby. maybe he found that it is the easiest way to get money. ye laa.. ank nangis2 nak susu, nk keje, mau dah abes keje baru dpt duit. if i was there la, i'm free to give him money for the milk.. if i have the money. hee

again. duit duit duit.. is it possible to live without money? for sure, NO. hm.. lagi2 during nowadays. masuk toilet pon 20 sen ok. so, ade solution x for this snatch thief ek? i even got no idea lah.. maybe he could work, work and work. there's a lot of things he could do. and Tuhan itu Maha Pemurah..

and for us yg tgh bersenang-senang. planning is a must in our life. yes. what we want to do and what we want to be in the future. aim for it. go go youth nation! ;p

Saturday, November 22, 2008

dislike kenduri kawin

mmg x suke g kenduri kawin.. especially with my parents.

1st, kene pakai baju kurung. have to iron the baju kurung, then lepas pakai nk kne basuh by hand plak. masuk washing mashine? no way la. nk kne bebel ngn umi? "baju punya la susah nk jd baju kurung. umi beli kain, pastu anta kat tailor, pastu kalau baju raye, labuci ctu labuci sini. nnt tertanggal la manik. x pon terkoyak. kain baju kurung kan halus" blablabla.. kalau ade bibik xpe la. n umi plak x penah ajar anak2 die anta baju g dry cleaning or dobi. haih..

2nd, plg malas g kenduri kawin yg tempat nye ntah pape. inconvenient la kowt. mcm if rumah kt kg, byk lopak air la. jln xde tar la. batu2 pasir2 la. byk lalat. aiyyaa.. mmg x suke! wan(my dad) tu ngan sume org die kawan. dr dato', wakil rakyat, penghulu, org kampung kito, haha.. sme lah. pastu time rilex2 kat umah, ade la die nk bgtau. "tgh hari ni g la makey gulai kt umah ^%$#".. wuarghh!! pastu nk basuh tgn, xde sabun. hish.. x berjiwa rakyat tul la saye ni.

3rd, ni lg satu. if ikot my parent g kenduri. mesti org2 berkenaan nk tanye. "ooo.. ni yg no brapo?".. "ooo.. x lamo doh tu nk makey nasi minyok". wahaha.. annoying ok. x pon. "eh2... besa doh ank awk. dulu jupo kecik lg". haha.. time ni la nk kene tertib. adooii..

td wan dah call2 ask me n umi to go to that such place. xtau la how's the place was like. but when denga je kenduri, my mind just flying to those 3 things. malas! at last, umi n wan je yg g. before umi g td, die ckp, " kak siap2 la nnt, umi blk nnt kite nk klua ni. umi nk g kedai pengantin, nk beli manik n labuci. nk jahit kt baju kurung." wahaha.. that's my mom. but yg tu i have the interest lah. sewing is one of my interest even ade sikit malas. as usual have to drive her there. me nk siap ni. till then! =)

Friday, November 21, 2008

my short journey. haha ;p

Di kala boredoom fades in, wuarrghh.. Sgt xtau nk watpe. Surfing the net? Boring laaaahh.. Dah penat ngadap benda alah ni, me jln2 dlm umah.

Umi holding baby aryan yg nangis2 lg, wan (my dad) ngadap laptop nya sambil belayar dlm internet.. Along n lil bro ipang in the kitchen masak2, coz diorg ber2 je yg nk makan. We all dah kenyang makan kt kenduri umah cik zu, jiran sbelah kul 6 td. Angah plak tgh siap2 nk kua ngn her friends.

TV kt tvroom membunyi ngan xde penonton nya. TV kat dapo nasib baik ade org nonton. Boring kan? Lalala~ After pusing satu lap dlm umah ni, i got back here ngadap benda alah ni lg, with a bar of vochelle almonds chocolate. Yummy~

I wanna do this survey..


Have you ever __________with your top six???

Don’t change your Friendster top 6!

Answer the questions truthfully

1. Have you ever danced with number 2?

2. Where did you meet number 5?
At school in the same class. School rawks!

3. Have you ever gotten drunk with number 4?
No. We don't even drink.

4. Have you seen number 2 naked?
Haha.. Nope

5. Have you ever seen 5 in a swimsuit?
Tak jugak. But ever swim together in pool.

6. Do you like number 1?
So soo much.. I even in love with him =)

7. Have you ever met 4s Family?
Of course. Selalu. Hihi

8. Do you know 6s middle name?
She has no middle name. Suhaili la maybe. Siti Suhaili Yahya.

9. Have you ever eaten anything in front of 3?
Waaahh.. Selalu! xoxo akak~

10. Do you trust number 5?
So much

11. Have you ever fought with number 1?
Huh? Selalu jgk ;p

12. When’s the last time you talked to 3 in person?
6th November 2008. The day i got back to KB. Miss u akak~

13. Have you ever done something dangerous with number 1?
Yeap. In what term ek..? But i think we do have.

14. Have you ever slept in the same bed with number 5 ?
Yeah yeah.. Miss u jajaa..

15. Do you think 1 and 5 would make a good couple?
No way! We'r good friends since school. Ja on behalf me jd informer to amir. Uhuk

16. Would 3 do anything for you?
Will u akak? huuu.. Akak syg jue =)

17. Has 2 ever helped you out?
Yes time dulu2. Since we'r far, she had less time wit me.

18. Have you ever slept in the same bed as number 4?
Yer sy! Hee..

19. Which have you known the longest?
6. Since in primary school =)

20. Who have you known the shortest?
3. But she's my best sister ever. i syg u lebih akak..

21. Have you had a crush on 1-6?
Nope! I luv them all so very much.

22. Have you ever done anything illegal with number 4?
Haha.. Yeah! We love it! Hughug miss resa =)


Hm.. Not fun enough. Yet. But i'm tagging everyone here. I'm gonna seek for a best time at a moment. Off

Thursday, November 20, 2008

it's raining

monsoon season just begin.. rain rain n rain.. drain here and drain there.. cold inside and outside.. n i start to be passive n negative, body n mind. but i didn't sleep for 10 hours ++.. i know that i'm having a monsoon in me too. tried to pretend it all. spending time with everyone around me.. i'm not too fragile. i'm just trying my best here. fighting jue!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

singing like nobody's listen

i loooovve singing. n luckily i got kinda good voice. so lagi la nk nyanyi! since i was in primary school lg ske mencapub nak nyanyi dpn audience ni. after a few ujibakat la kunun, i was the one yg kire nye bintang kecil skolah, ngn sorg lg my friend. haha.. riindu nye time tu. satu skolah gosip i ni gf cg ramzi (cikgu music handsome kt skolah zainab time tu). ade ke. kecik lg kot. haha.. ni la minded kanak2. igt blk rase klaka je. mase tu slalu jgk skip klas coz cg bwk merata. lalala~ but i was leaving the singing carrier when msk secondary school. skolah campur. malu laaa.. culture shock jgk nk perform dpn student laki. ops! tambah lagi my amir pon ade. oh tidaaak! time tu malu2 lg. heee.. *blushing

hm.. last week i've got an offer to perform during the wedding of my cousin, elin at riverview hotel, but then i refuse coz i had no preparation. afterall, i felt like i'm wasting the chance. umi said xde sape nyanyi best mlm tu. mcm main2 je. haha! but that's my principe. i'll do the best of me. mane boleh cincai2 je. jatuh standard kowwt. even sultan x attend the wedding pon, sy ttp akan rasa pelik. umi mmg, slalu nk sedap kan ati ku. "ala.. kakak nyanyi suke2 je.." hm.. die x faham. i have my own pride. nnt if main nyanyi je, suare salah tuning, diri sndr yg malu. aiyak.

before this dah penah face the xperience, during the wedding of a daughter of a well-known lawyer here (and one of his daughter tu pon my friend jgk), dgn sultan pon nengok, haih.. the technicion yg agak budus, die lupe turunkan 'key' for my song. cam nk klua anak tekak nyanyi. but luckily i still can recover it. tu dah siap rehearsel sme. duh.. nk nanges rase time tu. dah la ank lawyer tu my friend sme, and ajak plak her friend yg mmg my friends jgk. nasib la dpt respond positive. dlm ati xtau la diorg iklas ke x.. isk2..

the other performance i penah wat during the birthday of the sultan kelantan, sultan ismail petra, also wat kat riverview hotel jgk, yg ni plg best. this was 3 years ago. artist pon ade jgk.i still remember the day i only sing 1 single song from celine dion - my heart will go on. giler la. thought xleh bawak that killing song. but then try karaoke kt rumah, eh boleh ke? haha.. sronok rase. y i chose the song? coz umi said (umi as my manager), lagu tu lagu favourite tengku anis (raja permaisuri kelantan). so i sang the song lalala.. afterall, nk sembah hormat tuanku sme, siap tengku anis ckp, "sedap la soro.." (sedap la suara).. wah.. trus speechless. hish.. hm, byk lg if nk cter bout the other royal performance. nah.. just forget bout it.

hari keputeraan sultan kelantan 2006

as umi dah keje ngn government since 20 years ago, i always know bout the raja. ye la. kerja ngn raja. umi tu, ckit2 ade event psl raja. so since young i was like with them. not mean that they remember me. kecik2 dlu penah perform dancing twice with the daughter, tg amalin, hakim majistet sudaaah. n penah perform singing during her event (persidangan hakim n majistret malaysia) baru2 ni. haih.. perform la cmne pon, diorg still xkan igt kte. sy org biase je.

hm. pening nk perform2 ni. i prefer nyanyi sorg2 je dlm toilet. lg best. karaoke kt rumah pon lg sronok. boleh wat ikot suke ati. haa.. nyanyi depan cermin layan jgk. so moral nye, jgn perform lg depan audience. boring okay. but i'l keep singing like nobody's listen. kire nye syok sendiri la. huuhu.. poor my tubbies yg slalu tertadah tlinge denga me melalak kat bilik H2.4 tu. sory sgt ngn u guys. jue cube la kay x melalak sgt nnt. huahua.. da ngantok. hope tomorrow i'l wake up, dpt suare best mcm siti nurhaliza or mariah carey or celine dion.. (owh if it turn to real..) zZZzZ~

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


wuarghh.. keboringan, but sooo tired. jage baby aryan yg lately da xnak tido. nk maaaiin je. haha.. but i like it. cubit pipi diye yg mcm apple tu, ngn dimple nye. n then time tdo ngigau2 sambil senyum. pastu ske bulatkan mulut die. he sniff n yawn pon ade bunyi ok. baby yg byk bunyi. if mandi, x penah nangis. hiaarrgghh.. he's the cutest baby la i've ever know. n thanx that he's my nephew. i can always hold him. my nephew ok. not other relatives. heee.. hm.. today is the first day he smile while playing with him. wuarghh.. sronok! tomorrow gonna be his 40 days old. jum baby. kte g mall. lalala~

since jage baby je, i have no other things to do other than surf the net. my plan to sketch class pon still pending coz umi said that the class kat kraf tangan vilage is no longer working. how? hm.. i wanted to do something valuable. kerja? owh tidak.. i'm not as free as ena.. hee.. best je ena kerja decorate ballons. fun fun fun! sy nak jgk!

i miss my hubby bear already.. my tubbies.. my room at asiah. my studio? hee.. a bit. studio kuuuu.. lalala~ akak, rase nye entri ni keboringan la. baik jgn bace lg. i'm not goin to finish this. tp nk delete syg plak. haha.. off off dan off lg.

Monday, November 17, 2008

sad love song

yeah.. the sad korean drama (sad love song) that i missed watching it once again. i'm so damn missing it. just now i search for it again, as fad told me bout the web that provide korean/japanese movie. n i found the drama! susah kot nk cari citer ni. it was once played at TV2 in 2006 i guess. the drama was so soo damn touching me. and it affect me till present. why not, i always x forget bout it. before, used to download the videos at youtube n looking for the song via internet (dlu gne ares destiny).. hiaaa.. i guess ade few of u guys yg follow this drama dlu kan kan? hm.. sedey sedey sedey.. love the journey of the story, telling bout friendship, love and music. i'm craving for the drama! even kat video store pon x jual citer ni. if ade pon, subtitle mandarin. how how how.. rindu sgt2..

coz of this drama, me admire the hero citer ni, kwon sang wo tu. ala.. duta the face shop tu. but yg x puas ati nye, ade ke die penah blakon jd org bodoh dlm 'my tutor friend'. haha.. but still, he xpose his handsomeness dlm 'love is divine'. hehehe.. but but but, he's the coolest actor ever! x caye tgk la drama 'sad love song' ni. the most unfair was that he died at the end of the story. sob sob sob.. :(( i was touched again.. hm.. where do i find this drama ek? i mean as my personal collection. watch this drama coz it'll surely touch u deep inside, dgn 'gangguan' lagu2 nya yg menyentuh kalbu. isk2.. <--nieh

*sad love song also known as 'sad love story' or 'sad sonata'. byk version.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

best fb's application ever!

omg! i'm so addicted to this application. i think the best application ever from facebook. heee.. it's pet society. for those who got account of facebook, seriously, i suggest u all try this application, called 'pet society'. especially for those who ever love to play the sims. here u go, the cute the sims, 'pet society'. hihihi.. try it! and learn how to play it.
  • allow the access to pet society
  • name and stylize ur pet in the way u like (choosing the ear, color, mouth, eye, eyebrow style)
  • then u can start playing!
  • first of all, must drag the chair and the tv into ur house
  • then u will be given the first award
  • continue xploring with variety awards n surprise
  • playing with ur pet, give food n wash it with soap
  • decorate ur house using the coins u earns
  • make friends, visit their house (earn coins and paw points)
  • go to stadium to practice n race while betting (to earn coins and paw points)
  • also u can walk through the tree to earn coins
  • u can invite as many friends u got! =)

lia, akak, ena, mom, heal, am, u guys pon main la. heeee.. teruja ok ;p

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

my brother

my one n only lil brother hari ni
start one of the big xm of his future
its spm. n today is paper of bahasa melayu.
igt wut i've told u ok.
SPM is in ur hand.
n make us proud of u.
i know u can do it. fighting!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

sad sad song

lagu baru yg best! huu... feel the song and the lyric. sedey.. uhuk~

Kehilangan dirimu
Menyakitkan nurani
Separuh nyawa terbawa
Menyisakan perih di hatiku

Baiknya semua kenangan yang terindah
Tak ku balut dengan tangis
Baiknya setiap kerinduan yang merajam
Tak kuratapi penuh penyesalan

Ku hanya terus berharap
Ini bukan kenyataan
Kau pergi tinggalkan dunia fana
Akhiri kisah asmara kita berdua

Baiknya semua kenangan yang terindah
Tak ku balut dengan tangis
Baiknya kulepaskan
S’gala kepedihan tuk merelakanmu

Benarkah semua ini terjadi
Betapa kumencintai dirimu
Ku tak kuasa menahan kesedihan
Yang begitu dalam

xoxo indonesian band :x

wishes to my tubbies =)

today my tubbies will have their final paper at 3 o'clock.
to akak, ena n mom.
all the best korang!!!
jwb xm elok2 okay
jgn mlayang plak igt nk hols.
korg mesti bole!

Friday, November 7, 2008

holiday ni

huu... best nye golek2 atas katil.. so, thinking about what to do during this long term hols. first of all for sure, spend my time terperuk dlm umah. n then main ngn baby aryan. wuargghh!! he's ssoo sooo cute! cuter than the pic i saw in earlier. hee.. n he's so funny. ade ke tdo time mandy? n that's him. haha.. i luv baby aryan so much~

my next plan gona be about sketch class. huu.. so i planned to go to kraf tangan village the next week. i used to that place before n i learnt using the watercolor there. drawing some cool picture that i'v keep it till now. maybe as my personal portfolio. uhuk. soo sleepy. i think about posting some facts but then so malas. later la. off

Thursday, November 6, 2008

kb arrival

9am - woke up, after bear call. me tdo mati. siap2
9.30 am - akak bgn to send me to bus stop
10 am - naik bus rapid to putra gombak after waiting for cab yg x dtg2.
10.30 - tren to kl central
11 am - arrive kl central, rushing to kenny rogers. angah mengidam kenny rogers yg x wujud2 lg d kb ni. amek la korg 1 family set, bli sekor ayam trus!
11.30 am - took sky bus to lcct, tdoo, mengelamun
12.25 pm - arrive lcct
12.40 - check in n waiting for the plane kt dep. hall. try on9 tp x berjaya. wifi cam harem
1.30 pm - walk to the flight AK 6324 to kb
1.40 pm - fly to kb, tdo lg
2.30 pm - arrive at the Sultan Ismail Petra Airport KB, wan already waiting for my return there


but til now, x sampai2 umah lg.. lol.. da x saba nk cubit baby aryan ni.. uwaaa...!! just now lepak kt wan's ofis waiting for umi abes keje at 4.45 jap g. aaaaaaaa..

dudududu.. huhuh.. hohoho..

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

exam so-called relief

huhu.. finally! yay! this is the true feeling of going to have a long break. ye la kowt. hihihi.. just now had pack stuff n ni dah rilex2. but as usual, my rooms jd mcm tongkang pecah. the more i pack, the more i got into the mess. alalala..

best nyeee! nk blk main ngn baby aryan! hihihi.. td xm pon my mind not so into the hall actually. n i leave the hall 30 minutes earlier. coz kertas xm pon da penoh ngn essay of history yg merapu rapu tu.

so, mlm ni got to send the car to bear. wan pon suruh tinggal kat umah bear. sian kete tu nanti berhujan berpanas kt cni. so bear bole la take a look at it in the moment. huwarrgghh.. nk g the curve, nk beli baby aryan baju CK yg cool gle tu. hari tu run budget xle nk beli. but seems i might run out of time jgk. aiyoyo.. n esok got to leave the room around kul 10 kot or maybe earlier. uwaa.. blk sorg2. can somebody bring me to lcct? ala.. can la. please please.. huhu.. off

Friday, October 31, 2008

3dsMax what?

huwarghh.. da 3 jam facing the lid. kinda susah nk design car's showroom kt 3dsmax ni kan. and for my first time playing around with this app. dah la sketch up pon still in learning process. tonite have to proceed to bro sam. sikit lagii~ ala.. camne nk import furniture from sketch up? pening pening pening. leceh.. skejap boleh, skejap xleh.. if x add furniture ni bole x? anta je la mane yg siap ni. btw, quite proud jgk ngn my first trial ni. heee.. and one more thing, cmne nk add camera's point of view? leceh lg.. aiyoyo.. tp xpe la. i think i satisfy with this. and this is what i got. fieqa, heal, shieffa, hm.. what say u? ;p

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


waaaahhh.. da lame x on the net. rase nye la.. dah 3 hari kowwt. hm.. btw, been offline since saturday lg. jln2 n lepak2 wit my babes, nuresa wit flexo, adam n of course bear syg sy. hm.. besssssttt sgt! lepak2 tgk movie, g genting, n swim. haha~ n know what, it was my first time since i was young, trying to get into water. n i did it! yes2! sgt happy!! i got into water!! haha.. so scared before.. n sgt2 takuuuutt. coz it's like tlinge masuk air. tp sbena nye x msk pon. n i'd convince myself so very best nak dive. yayyy! i did it!! suke sgt2.
the nite before we all went to genting just in shot. lepak la kunun cz nuresa ni x penah naik genting with her incik lan. we ol kesian actually.. huhu.. so, naik la genting mcm nk rak. and the victim mesti la mr adam yg baru off from his work, had to drive and take us to the peak. hihi.. thanx so much mr adam! we ol sgt enjoy n lepak! xoxo~
hm.. rite now da blk uia. ni at studio waiting for the lecturer to give back our drawingssss. hm.. janji kul 3. ni dah kul bp? u tell me! huh.. emo. x emo pon actually. salah tone. sooo.. studio session for this sem had end! such the very big release ok. n actually sme course subject pon da abes.. n got no more class. the revision period iz like holiday for me. y not? i only had 3 final papers. n the subject pon not stressful, at all! ahaks.. suke2! rite now sgt lepk kat blk, read comics, tido, bergolek2, guling2, makan. kacau org. hihihi.. suke lg! tgk cik marina, cik mom n cik akak nga struggle on their final. hee.. korang, gudluck!!! jue x kacau korg punye la. x psg lagu kuat2 pon. n i always do respect people ok! no matter in what condition. lalala~ love to be myself. huhuk.. lari topic. hm2.. actually nk upload pics holiday wit my babes nuresa. but rite now pics ade dlm cam. nk upload on the next time.
ehem.. i miss my syg.. mlm ni bear nk dtg library of uia, will finish his report of practical work. hopefully wirelss ade tonite. hm2.. i think uia wireless getting worse! server x betol dah.. baru 2 bln kot. hm.. off

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

the award goes to:

haha! copied this from lia coz i had to! thanx to lia nominate me too. dalam ramai2 from ur link list, i'm the top 5. mesti la suke. hehe.. and lia, u know what, i only have 7 link of friends plus bear. lalala~ so ive to nominate all! n btw, luckily all of them ni kind of satu kepala n ske 'mencarut' kat blog including u. haha! ok la i'm going to nominate u all lah..

*copied from lia's
(the rule says, I have to pass this blog award to another 5 people. Jeng jeng, and they are...)
  • bear fat utk sy 'jer'. even no post since months. still. best post ever! there's pics of me. hihi
  • cool designer fieqa, tiada lagi cinta utk sy
  • si gebam cik alia, ke-alia-an haha
  • cik marina suara dr jiwa
  • fashionista hilman translucently
Here are the rules;
1. give to only u feel GILA-GILA / BEST

2. only 5 people.
3. Link to that person who received the award
4. Sesiapa dapat Award ni DiWAJIBkan buat POSTING sebab dia dapat award ni kat blog dia
5. inform that person yang dapat award ini kt blog dia ok !!

*edited and nominated by the comelest, miss jue rabbit :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

i miss my baby nephew

hm.. da lame angah x mms gamba baby aryan. baby aryan smakin bulat n comel! last friday die baru cukur jambul. umi ckp die sgt baik! tido je keje. n will cry when hungry n yak je. haha.. if not, he'll keep sleeping. cuit n usik die time tido pon die x bgn. huh. gomok giler ok! x saba nk main ngan my first nephew ini. hee.. xoxo baby aryan~

baby aryan senyum gedik time sleeping. huh? mcm auntie dia!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

i think..

i'm like intoo blogging now.. lalala~ tu je nk ckp..

Thursday, October 16, 2008


like always.. hm.. slalu x saba for the next chapter of my life. for tomorrow of course. but seems lot of tunnel that need to be crossed ngn susah nye. huh? so this is the hard week in overall! portfolio review n other course project yg berlambak n bertimbun. mmg xnak bagi sy pulang berehat ngn aman je. huhu.. so i'm here like hari2 msg angah to send me baby aryan nye pic. haha.. hes sooo soooo cute. mcm nk makan. hm.. rindu je nk blk. smpai termimpi mimpi hold the baby. mcm ape ntah. auntie je ok, bkn the mother. maybe excited sgt kot ade 1st nephew. hihi..

but utk nk sedapkan ati, umi da belikan tiket. hihi.. so i'll get back to kb soon on this 6th nov. Will depart at 1.40 pm. pikey2.. sape nk anta sy to lcct plak nnt.. hm.. like always, have to ride the public transport la. coz bear keje.. tkpe, blk punye psl.. i'll do anything! hm.. after end of tomorrow, i'l get release. n no more studio minded for 2 months! hm.. bile klas CAD so called 3D max nk abes ni.. i wanna go back to 'kerja'. zzz..

Monday, October 13, 2008

stress conquering

hm.. it's 3.43 in the morning already. n so tired facing the studio. rite after this i'm going out to melawati to do the print and bind. and finally will finish the presentation board. fyi, the 3rd project submission was postponed to tomorrow (perhaps today dah) coz almost all the group couldnt finish their sculpture and got lot of weakness on the last friday. soooo sooo tired and thinking of about a lot of work to do next even after the submission. portfolio!!! byk kot nk fix up. so like that lah. design student. even if i like it or not, i've to face it though. jue jue! fighting! ur still new in this field jue. berusaha! huhu.. actually x saba2 nk get back to kb. coz really wanted to see my baby nephew yg comel tu.. nk hold him. hee.. sedey jgk rase nya. luckily dpt 3g wit them back in kb. tu pon 3g kejap ade kejap xde. soo, me nk get back to work lg. hm.. sgt lapaaaa.. confirm nk tapau mc'd jap lg..

baby da bukak mate. hee..

yawn ha? geram!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

little baby nephew in the house!

Congratulations to along n abg eznan! Coz the little baby nephew safely delivered this 9.20 am. Hee.. I just got the news after read the msg from wan (my big boss). So, the baby sssooo ssooo cute. Along said. And sgt putih. Lagi satu die sgt gomok! 3.22 kg. Hehehe.. So blur actually this morning, nape x nye. Last nite blk kul 4.30 in the the morning from studio. And today xde mood coz woke up late to BM lecture. So rushing2 to class and luckily the lecturer x masuk lg. My dad dah call since 10.40 lg nk bgtau bout baby nephew and I had no chance to call him back, that after class, I rushed plak g library. Ni baru lepas makan and gotta go to studio lg preparing for the final touch of the sculpture. The board pon kne siapkan by today, and the least kena wat drawing. Lalala.. Call me auntie jue ok! The gorgeous auntie jue. Hm, i dun even know his name yet. I wonder whats his name gonna be. For a little while, nk panggil die raoul la. Hey raoul, wait for auntie jue blk okay! Nk cubit2 kmu! :p

Monday, October 6, 2008

post mengamookk

tup tup da get back to normal life.. back on working my degree. hee.. so, the sculpture project still in progress. its not my liking, but ive to work hard on it. moood?! please come. i wanted to finish this thingy. hm.. my fingertips pon da saket2 blk, coz playing with the wire, i mean the metal wire. soldering lagi. haiyaa.. malas ckp psl project..

actually nk citer bout smlm, i think the greatest traffic jam noted in the history kot. i depart from kb at 9am, and arrive greenwood at 12am! 15 jam. tbakar bontot ku dalam bas itu. luckily i got the newest and beautiful coach MUTIARA bus. so nak citer bout the traffic flow yg sgt lembab itu. naik basikal lg laju kot. serious! kete lining up from nowhere. n mcm2 behaviour i could see. ade yg confident potong kete lain yg berderet deret tu. pergh.. bus from the other side road pon bole tahan byk. incik driver kena hati2 yer. ade yg budget slamat gune emergency line (on the left side road) dgn bangga nya. last2 kene tahan ngn abg polis d depan. kahkahkah..

ok, just imagine the jam start from kuala krai, n then flow ok back, then stuck lg entering raub, bentong and the greatest one yg kat lentang itu, which is heading to genting sempah, janda baik n karak. pergh.. ramai nye manusia yg nk memenohkan wilayah yg sgt la kecik ni. especially kelantanese. i feel proud of them, but still lot of thing matter. i'll post about it later. so gue udah mau pulang ke bilik. ini malam mau ke giant to buy some stuff. lalala~ hum, lot of things crossing my mind la.. what to do next? what else to buy for the project? will the project done by friday? how will the presentation board look alike? how bout the sculpture? how will i commit well? uwaaaaaaaaaa.....~

ramai nye makhluk manusia

heading to perhentian sebelah lentang. highway pon jam!