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Showing posts with label graduation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label graduation. Show all posts

Monday, November 12, 2012

Keep Calm and Graduate On from The Blueberry Moon

Keithena from The Blueberry Moon has a fabulous quilt and story to share today.  Absolutely LOVE this quilt, such a great idea!!  The British side of me is very inspired!!  The Blueberry Moon has some fun places to look around, her quilts, recipes, stop on by after her feature :)

Remember When I said London was calling?
Well look....It did. And it was for Brontë.
Quilt and pillow ..... Jolly good I'd say.   

        Here comes the quilt story....It's a bit long winded.

     When I was 19 I read "Wuthering Heights". Oh, I loved that book! I read it over the summer of 1986. It was a challenge for me. I love to be challenged. It remains as my all time favorite reads. The author of that great tale, Emily Brontë, I found fascinating also. I remember telling myself at the time. If I ever have a daughter. I will name her Brontë. 

     Eight years and two sons later, I did. And she, like the book, has been challenging. In the very best way possible. I have learned so much about who I am by raising her. She is fascinating, complicated, silly, kind, smart, thoughtful, creative, strong-willed and beautiful.

     On tuesday she begins her senior year of high school. She has plans to attend college. She is thinking photo journalism. I am thinking..... I never want her to leave !!!

      Senior years are so tough these days. The stress can be overwhelming for these kids. I have watched some of my son's friends get crushed under the pressure. And some achieve amazing things. I know what lies ahead for her. And it is a lot. The best and most challenging of times. As a mom I can only comfort her. The work and results are all up to her.

      So comfort her I will...
 With this pillow.
 And this quilt.

    This idea came to me a while back.I was going to wait until graduation. 
But for all the reasons I will give. The time was now....

        I know in the days ahead, 
She will come home mad at something some dumb girl said....
"The Boy" will bruise her heart....
The testing will melt her brain....
The teacher just won't understand....

There are sure to be,
Rejection letters......
Failed awards....
Grades that didn't come out as planned......
Plans that seem like they will never succeed.....

But then again there will be,
Great test scores....
Amazing teachers....
Homecoming ........
The Prom .....
The acceptance letter...
Graduation celebrations....
The acceptance letter....
Saying goodbye to friends.....

For each of these moments in time. She can run home  cuddle up with these gifts of love. She can cry tears of anger, happiness or fear. Scream into the pillow. Hide under the quilt.
But she will know she has a Mom that loves here......
And the goal is to just......
Keep Calm and Graduate on !!!!

More pics....

 If any of you out there have a Senior in your life...... I think this makes a great gift idea. 

In the next few weeks, I will have the PDF template for the the letters and cap. Also included will be cutting and finishing instructions.  So keep a look out.......
