Welcome or new Sponsor cONTEMPORARY CLOTH!
owning contemporary cloth inc. is actually my third career. initially i was a social worker, then a pediatric occupational therapist. i opened c.c, online in 2001. my goal was to provide a resource for interesting, contemporary/modern and retro-look textiles for home or office, at reasonable prices.
our fabrics are used in art quilts, wearable art, wall art, interior design projects, crafts, mixed media, book arts, etc. we have a worldwide customer base that has inspired us to continue on that path.

we have quilting + home dec fabrics, bold cottons, yuwa japanese fabrics, notions, magazines/books and more. you will also find unique artists, such as:
marjorie lee bevis (marbled fabrics),
els van baarles (batiks, tjaps + mixed media papers),
jane dunnewold (artcloth, canvases/dvds and cds),
janet lasher's (hand dyed fabrics) and
paula small’s henry road (original screen printed fabric).
modern marks is a space for my creations on paper and fabric, where i hope to add my own designs.

our mission is to provide and maintain customer satisfaction through reliable service, to support artists and to donate 1% of our net sales to dress for success, cleveland, ohio.
hERE ARE A FEW WAYS you can enter to win the giveaway FOR A $25 GIFT CARD...
Follow/Like us on Facebook – Contemporary Cloth
Sign-up for our weekly email Newsletter about our new arrivals + sales (left sidebar on our website)
Contemporary cloth is offering a giveaway on their own blog and a 25% discount your order until February 25th. Join here.

That looks like beautiful fabrics...
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I am now following them on pinterest as well.
Welcome :) I follow them on FB :)
And I signed up to their newsletter :)
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I receive the CC Newsletter.
I also follow CC on Twitter. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I signed up for the Contemporary Cloth newsletter.
Gorgeous fabrics. I've liked them on Facebook.
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Following on Facebook!!
Following on Pinterest!
I like CC on FB. Thanks for the giveaway!
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Liked their page on FB.
Signed up the newsletter!
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I love contemp. cloth! I follow them on pinterest.
I also follow them on facebook! - and didn't know they were ohio related - even more reason to order from them!
I "like" CC on Facebook - great shop!
I like them on Facebook!
And I follow on Pinterest
And I signed up for the newsletter!
I signed up for the newsletter!
I like Contemporary Cloth on Facebook
And I also follow on Pinterest
i signed up for the newletter.
I am a follower, thanks for the giveaway.
I am following on Facebook.
I followed them on fb.
I signed up for the newsletter
Signed up for FB.
I signed up for the newsletter.
I signed up for your newsletter
I follow you on twitter (@crawdaddy1115)
I follow you on pinterest http://pinterest.com/sierracascade/
wonderful fabrics!
I signed up for CC's newsletter. Thanks for the introduction.
I follow on facebook. Thank you!
congrats on your new sponsor! i'm a fb fan :)
I like Contemporary CLoth on facebook :) Thanks for the giveaway!
i've signed up for cc's newsletter.
I also follow Contemporary Cloth on twitter!
I like CC on FB! Thanks for the chance to win!!
I like CC on facebook.
LOVE their shop! I 'like' them on FB (Rebecca Marie)
I follow CC on Twitter (ourbusybunch)
I follow CC on fb as Tabitha Swain Klucking.
I follow CC on Pinterest as Tabitha Klucking.
I follow you on twitter as kluckingbear.
I like them on FB - is that the same as following?
I signed up for your newsletter!!
I'm following CC on Twitter.
I signed up for the CC newsletter!! (misread the instructions - oopsies)
LOVE this line. I already like CC on FB
We already like CC on FB as Margaret and Marcia alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com
We already like CC on FB as Margaret and Marcia alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com
I liked CC on FB.
I am now following on pintrest.
Also, I subscribed to the CC newsletter.
And I'm now CC follower on twitter.
I follow on Pinterest!
I follow on FB!
I "liked" CC on Facebook.
I signed up for the newsletter.
I'm following on Pinterest.
I don't do facebook and twitter and like that, but I did sign up for the newsletter and am pleased to have a new place to shop. Thank you for the chance to win!
dezertsuz at gmail dot com
I signed up for the newsletter. So many fun fabrics to choose from!
I like Contemporary Cloth -- on facebook, and IRL!
I like contemporary cloth on Facebook!
I signed up for the weekly email newsletter!
Now a new follower on FB.
I pinned the photo collage of dandelion fabrics
Oops - read that wrong. I'm now following on Pinterest
Following on Twitter, too! Tweet, tweet.
And I just signed up for the newsletter - love the fabrics - how fun!
I like CC on FB.
I'm signed up for CC's newsletter.
I follow CC on Pinterest.
I follow CC on Twitter. @birdie00000
i signed up for Ccloth's newletter! thanks!
I follow them on Facebook!
I already like CC on fb! :)
I already receive CC's newsletter! :)
i signed up for the newsletter
I have signed up for the newsletter
I follow @ccloth on twitter
I follow @ccloth on twitter
I also follow ccloth on pinterest :)
I follow CC on FB!
Follow you on Pinterest!
Already follow on Twitter!
Already get your newsletter~!
I'm following Contemporary Cloth on FB!
I signed up for the newsletter!
I'm following CC on twitter! (maliosh4)
I'm following CC on Pinterest!
I follow them on F.B.
I signed up for the newsletter
I like CC on FB
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I get the newsletter
I Love Contemporary Cloth, and Im a follower of theirs on FB
Following Contemporary Cloth on Pinterest too.
signed up for newsletter=thanks!
I already Like Contemporary Cloth on Facebook
I follow CC on Twitter @VettekLisa
I'm already signed up for CC's newsletter
I follow on facebook. :)
i like them on facebook.
i follow them on twitter..
i follow them on pinterest.
Already adoring CC on FB!
Getting the newsletter too! :)
I already like Contem. Cloth on facebook! Katy Mc. A.
thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com
I already follow Contemp. Cloth on Twitter! @KatyLMA
thecountryblossom at hotmail dot com
I Like Contemporary Cloth on FB
I follow Contemporary Cloth on Pinterest.
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