
Showing posts with label Mindy Lacefield. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mindy Lacefield. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


(Baby Moonbeam)

Every artist has a story of how and why and where and when they create.  My story started with paint.  Miss Polly, my preschool teacher, introduced me to primary colored tempera paints, a big fat wooden handled black bristled brush, and a large sheet of newsprint clipped to a child sized easel.

(my preschool painting)

She buttoned my 4 year old self up in a smock and asked me to imagine something and then paint what I see.  I painted a blue stick man in a red hat, a tree with a brown trunk, green top, and red cherries on the tree, two purple and yellow daisy flowers and a brown car with orange headlights, all done in outline style.  I remember that painting vividly, the magic feel of dipping a dry brush in the paint and making a colorful swath mark on the paper.  It might have been then that I wanted to be an artist.
(Finger painting of Baby Moonbeam Work in Progress)

My mother was a super sentimental saver and I looked in my little suitcase of life souvenirs but sadly that particular painting is not in there but I found several others from that same year, bold swishy outlines of color, a house, a  blue smiling bear, an angel with a blue wing waving a red hand.  And, I have fondly played with paint ever since then.
(Watercolor Whimsical Faces)

If I were to look at my story in paint today I think it still has a child like innocence and storybook quality.  I still get the same thrill of picking up a brush and dipping in a color and putting it to paper.  I am amazed at the magic it makes.  I am not a professionally trained painter although painting was my means of making a living for many years.  
(Work in Progress)
Today I paint more for personal pleasure than anything else.  I love learning new techniques and ways to use paint and art journaling has become a favorite pastime.  Recently I decided to take an online class Paint Your Story by Mindy Lacefield (this class will be retiring soon).  I adore Mindy's primitive colorful soulful figures and faces.  Although I have totally been unable to master her particular style of painting I have been able to incorporate her techniques into my own softer storybook style.  

(1 2 3 HOP Complete!)

What do I love best about this class?
Most of the painting is done with your fingers!
Talk about childhood revisited.  
(Work in Progress)

I paint because Miss Polly encouraged me to imagine and to try.
I paint because I love seeing the colors form a picture or an image on paper.
I paint because it is like play for me.
I paint my way, 
my style, 
my story.

What is your artful story?


P.S.  Coming soon to Quill Cottage Etsy shop, Giclee fine art prints of some of my newest paintings
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