Showing posts with label austin shafran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label austin shafran. Show all posts

Monday, July 12, 2021

Return of the Avella

For all the huffing and puffing the "no IDC" people did years back, it certainly didn't stick very long in the 19th Council District in northeast Queens. You had Richard "Baby Bear" Lee get buoyed by the Andrew Yang vote and Austin Shafran with the biggest unions backing him but former State Senator Tony Avella, the council member prior to Dan Halloran, bested them both. Dem voters in this district sought the familiar rather than a newcomer and didn't give much of a shit about progressive conspiracy theories. Avella will meet Vickie Paladino (R) and John-Alexander Sakelos (C) in the general election.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Queens Council Candidate Austin Shafran has been voting/living in Manhattan


Progressive Council Candidate Austin Shafran claims he's been raising his two young sons in Bayside Queens but has actually been living on the Upper East Side of Manhattan for the last 6 years in a luxury building where 1 bedroom rentals start at $3400. The attached voter registration card shows that as of 9/20/20 he was still registered to vote in Council District 12 and hasn't voted in NE Queens since 2014. His address is 500 East 77th Street aka The Pavillion which takes up an entire city block. 

 Also here is a link to his Jim Owles Club Questionnaire where he wants to defund the police, fire Commissioner Shea and close Rikers





Saturday, May 29, 2021

Richard Lee wants to be your Baby Bear

Welp, I never thought I'd see a candidate play off the Goldilocks story, but here we have it.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Paul Graziano calls out Deputy Mayor Vicki Been during protest against Planning Together


The Village Sun

  Activists slammed Corey Johnson’s long-range planning bill as a “Trojan horse” for developers at a rally outside City Hall on Tuesday.

The temperature was freezing but passions were heated as speaker after speaker blasted the bill, Intro 2186, the City Council speaker and Mayor de Blasio at the press conference, organized by the Citywide People’s Land Use Alliance.

They derided the 10-year comprehensive planning initiative as “top-down” and “one-size-fits all.” They charged that it would cut the community out of the process and legally empower an unaccountable “director” to ram through district planning schemes — if necessary, over the objections of community boards and local councilmembers.

Most chilling to them was the fact that Intro 2186 would force mandatory upzonings every decade for every single community board in the city — in short, codifying an unstoppable development juggernaut.

Dozens of organizations supported the rally, from East River Park Action, Bowery Alliance of Neighbors, the Soho Alliance and the Seaport Coalition to Preserve BAM’s Historic District, Voice of Gowanus, Inwood Preservation and Stop Sunnyside Yards.

Alicia Boyd of the Movement to Protect the People, which is fighting a development project that threatens the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, said the citywide plan is being spun as something that will help low-income black and brown people, when, in reality, it will mainly lead to an explosion of luxury development.

“This bill is being presented as an equalizer,” she railed. “Mandatory Inclusionary Housing is a failure. It’s a Trojan horse! This is not an anti-racist plan. This is not an anti-displacement plan. This is a displacement plan. We are tired of the scams [about] affordable housing.”

Paul Graziano, a Queens native and planning consultant, has played a role in helping contextually rezone much of Queens to keep overdevelopment in check.

“It’s been three months since Corey Johnson dropped this bombshell,” he told the rally. “This bill is not a comprehensive planning bill. It’s a comprehensive overdevelopment bill. It’s a comprehensive real estate bill. I have gone through this bill with a fine-tooth comb.”

In short, Graziano said, rezonings make the “speculative value” of property go up.

The Mandatory Inclusionary Housing included in the rezonings is a “scam,” he said.

“M.I.H. has not worked,” he said, “because there is no deep affordability. And it’s set up as a real estate program.”

 Graziano blasted Vicki Been, de Blasio’s deputy mayor of housing and economic development, calling her the engineer of the current upzonings. He said a report Been headed at New York University’s Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy has been used “to justify upzonings for the last eight years.”

“Eighty percent of her data is wrong,” Graziano said. “You’ve got this administration running this phony agenda and you’ve got “Planning Together” looking to lock it in for 10 years. This horrendous bill…will lock it in.

“Planning Together” is a report, released in December, on which Intro 2186 was based.


Friday, October 18, 2013

Shafran and Voskerichian refuse to endorse Vallone

From the Queens Chronicle:

Austin Shafran, who came in second, lost by 134 votes. Contacted Monday, he said he has no intention of endorsing Vallone and never will.

Chrissy Voskerichian, who placed fourth, said she is not endorsing anyone “and I never, ever will endorse Vallone. His campaign was disgusting.”

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Shafran concedes, but doesn't endorse Vallone

From the Daily News:

“We look forward to uniting the Democratic Party and winning in November,” said [Vallone] campaign spokesman Austin Finan.

A victory in November would continue a venerable New York tradition of having a Vallone in the City Council, a practice that goes back to 1974, when Vallone Sr. was elected.

Political dynasties are venerable? I've always thought them quite disgusting: Imagine the Staviskys, Crowleys and Vallone in a daisy chain...because that appears to be what's happening here.

From Capital New York:

Austin Shafran, a former aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, has conceded his City Council race against Paul Vallone, after falling behind by more than 190 votes.

Shafran's concession ends one of the more hotly contested Council races, which took nearly a week to resolve after last Tuesday's primary.

"We're very proud of the campaign we ran to improve the quality of life for our community," Shafran said in a statement to Capital. "I'm honored by the support we received and will continue to be a strong voice and relentless advocate for working families across the city."

It certainly doesn't look like Vallone has united Austin behind him. Graziano and Voskerichian certainly aren't uniting behind him. If he's talking about having sold his soul to County in return for their endorsement, then fine. But this still is nothing like this week's DeBlasio-Thompson-Quinn lovefest.

Quite frankly, the general consensus among the roughly 70% of CD19 Democrats who didn't vote for Paul V. is: Anybody but Vallone.

I think Joe Moretti summed it up best on the Queens Courier's website: "There goes the neighborhood. You might want to vote Republican come November. One Vallone down, one more to go."

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Shafran not conceding to Vallone

From the Daily News:

City Council hopefuls Paul Vallone and Austin Shafran are separated by just 144 votes in a Democratic Primary race that is still too close to call.

The two are leading a five-candidate battle for a shot at the northeastern Queens seat currently held by disgraced Republican City Councilman Dan Halloran.

Vallone, the son of former speaker Peter Vallone and the brother of City Councilman Peter Vallone Jr., claimed victory Tuesday night when unofficial tallies showed he had 2,723 votes. But Shafran, with 2,579 votes, refused to concede until the voting machines are checked and paper ballots counted, a process that begins on Monday.

“Protecting voting rights is the foundation of our democracy so we will use every legal option possible to ensure every vote is fully and fairly counted,” he said Wednesday.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

2013 Primary election results

Good morning! I hope you all are happy waking up in a City that soundly rejected Christine Quinn last night. She came in with 15% of the vote. Bye-bye, Bloomberg lite!

The likely winner without a runoff is Bill DeBlasio. As of last night, he had 40.2% of the vote, with Bill Thompson coming in at 26%. Whether or not there is a runoff, however, let me point out once again that the political careers of Christine Quinn, John Liu and Anthony Weiner are DONE.

Scott Stringer bested Eliot Spitzer in the Comptroller's race and Letitia James and Daniel Squadron will go head to head in a runoff for Public Advocate.

Locally, Melinda Katz soundly defeated Peter Vallone, Jr. and even with the 9% or so of the vote that Tony Avella allegedly took away from Vallone, he still would not have beaten her. So much for Italian power.

In district 19, The latest numbers are Paul Vallone 2,723 votes to Austin Shafran's 2,579 votes with 98% of precincts reporting. Neither Huffington Post nor NY1 has called it for Vallone, although he claimed victory. So, in November, it MAY be Vallone and Republican Dennis Saffran. Will Saffran win because most Dems picked anybody but Vallone? Time will tell. (Apologies for previous mistake. Shafran got WFP endorsement, but NOT their line. He is challenging the election results.)

In the 22nd CD, Costa Constantinides handily beat John Ciafone.

In the 24th CD, Rory Lancman creamed Andrea Veras.

In the 27th CD, it's still a race between Daneek Miller (3,756) and Clyde Vanel (3,360) with 98% reporting.

In the 28th CD, Ruben Wills beat Hettie Powell.

In the 31st CD, Donovan Richards beat Michael Duncan.

And in the 32nd CD, Lew Simon beat William Ruiz.

Also, thankfully, in the 34th CD, which covers mostly Bushwick but half of Ridgewood, Antonio Reynoso sent Vito Lopez packing once and for all.

Sadly, because we are a one-party town run by a political machine, there were no primaries in the 20th, 21st, 23rd, 25th, 26th, 29th or 30th districts and all incumbents ran unopposed.

In kind of a surprise, in Brooklyn, 23-year incumbent DA Charles Hynes was defeated by challenger Kenneth Thompson.


Tony Nunziato and Phil Ragusa were also reelected as GOP state committeemen.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lots of outside money in council and mayoral races

From the NY Times:

With little more than a week to go before the Democratic primary for New York mayor, outside groups have poured $3 million into supporting and opposing their preferred candidates, according to the most current figures through Sunday.

The effect of those expenditures is being closely watched, because this is the first citywide election in which outside groups, like corporations and unions, have had an opportunity to spend unlimited amounts on campaigns in the wake of the United States Supreme Court’s decision in the Citizens United case.

And with the majority of candidates abiding by tight spending caps in exchange for participating in the city’s matching-fund program, any significant outside financing, especially for political ads and mailings, could make a difference.

In the race for mayor, for instance, all the major Democratic contenders are participating in the program, which allows the campaigns to spend $6.7 million in the primary.

So far, William C. Thompson Jr., a former city comptroller, has benefited from $1.55 million in outside money, making him the biggest beneficiary, by far, of such support, according to detailed records cataloged by the city’s Campaign Finance Board. Much of the money has been spent on palm cards, radio commercials and mailers, thanks to a group affiliated with the United Federation of Teachers, which has endorsed Mr. Thompson.

New York City is Not for Sale, a group of animal-rights activists and others who are vehemently opposed to the candidacy of Christine C. Quinn, the City Council speaker, have spent $774,000. They were the first outside groups to spend money on a television commercial criticizing a candidate, and many political analysts say their relentless campaign has hurt Ms. Quinn.

Ms. Quinn, in fact, is the only mayoral candidate who has been the target of outside spending.

Some of that opposition, however, may have been blunted by $657,000 from outside groups that support Ms. Quinn. Of that amount, about $610,000 has been spent on English and Spanish-language materials by a group connected with the Hotel Trades Council, which has endorsed Ms. Quinn.

Locally, we have this:

Paul Vallone's many faux pas on citywide TV

The entire debate is on NY1 and apparently no password is needed to see it.

At 24 seconds into the 2nd segment:

As we all know, Jobs For New York has endorsed you and your campaign. And they also have spent over $100K to falsely attack your opponents. Now, you and I have always talked, and you have stated publicly that you were against negative campaigning, and it's something that you would not condone. However, your spokesperson has said that you were happy and willing to accept help from anyone that was willing to give it to you. So, my question is why have you never publicly denounced the attacks, and why did you not ask Jobs For New York to stop the negative attacks on your behalf because you do not condone them?

Well one of the things that Chrissy and I agree on is running a positive campaign is paramount and is something that's respected and needed in our district. And one of our important messages is always to say is outside expenditures should be banned across the board. Not just any one organization - all of them. Local races should remain local. Period. What are you responsible for these days? The campaign you lead and the positive message you send out. In 2009, my first campaign, and again now in 2013, our message has never been about the other candidates - publicly at debates, publicly here, you never go after candidates. It's not what the people deserve. So my campaign is a positive message, and any outside groups should be banned from being involved in any of our local races, period.

[Basically, he refused to denounce Jobs For New York.]

Since you haven't denounced what Jobs For New York has done, I'm going to take a different approach, which is that you talk about community and unity as part of the main thrust of your campaign, how does that reconcile with the votes you have done at Community Board 7 - for example, when you backed Gambino crime family associates for the White House to build construction against the wishes of the community in Whitestone and the neighbors?

It's interesting when you can speak for Community Board 7 when you don't sit on Community Board 7. Community Board 7 overwhelmingly approved the project that Mr. Graziano is referring to. It was a manufacturing block and it was a project that everyone who was there approved. And typical to Mr. Graziano's demeanor is to come in at the last minute and cause strife. So unlike campaigns that try to segregate the community, we unite the community. And that's what leadership should do. You should talk to the community board, talk to the elected officials, not stand on the corner screaming about a story that no one wants to listen to. So if that's the approach that certain campaigns want to take, then let them take that. We are proud to work together with the community board, because we have 2 in our district - Community Board 7 and Community Board 11 and those are the areas that take control for the zoning, the elected official. For someone to say that they are single-handedly responsible for that, speaks volumes about that person.

[Graziano never said he spoke for Community Board 7, he said that the community of Whitestone was against the White House rezoning, which is proven by the above link. Paul Vallone dodged the question, but apparently got his issue confused with the Waterpointe rezoning (a contaminated Whitestone site) that his family's lobbying firm pushed for, because the White House area is not the least bit industrial.]

As you know, I have pledged that I will be a full-time council member. Would you pledge to give up your law practice and be a full-time council member as well?

I will absolutely, if honored by the people of the district, be a full-time council member. That's what you have to be. That's what my father was. That's what my brother was and if I have that honor to represent the district, that's what I will do. I think that's critical, and I think that's one of the things John has pointed out over the campaign, and has Austin, to make sure 100% commitment to the City Council. That's what the people deserve in our district and that's what I pledge.

[Interesting, considering that at every debate, he refused to say he would be a full-time council member. Also interesting is that his brother, Peter, is featured as a member of the Vallone law practice, proving that he's not actually a full-time council member. Whoops!]

Overdevelopment from the real estate industry is one of the biggest threats to our neighborhood. Now Paul, you are a registered lobbyist for a firm that received $2.5M last year selling access to city government, for, among others, the real estate industry. You've received approximately $85K in contributions throughout your runs for the city council from the real estate industry, and as Chrissy pointed out, the biggest NYC developers have created a superPAC that spent over $250K on you and your campaign. Now we have a public finance campaign system that was put in place and which we are all a part of, that is supposed to root out the influence of special interest spending and you've taken $95K in public matching funds from that system. So my question for you is, on behalf of the taxpayers of our community, can we have our money back?

Well, all of the money the candidates receive are governed by the NYC Campaign Finance Board. And all of us have received the matching funds. And every one of our contributions I'm very proud of. When you spend a lifetime in the community, such as I have, you have a family in the community, small business in the community, you make a lot of friends in the community. And those are the connections and those are the people that are working with our campaign. So any type of receipt for any type of contribution to our campaign has been public. And any idea that that is somehow being kept from the people of the district is insane. In fact, what does our practice do? We're a small practice - a law firm that was started by my grandfather 80 years ago. And we do elder law and we do work in the community. That's what our community does. That's what we do.

[So Paul Vallone, of the Astoria Vallones, wants us to think that he is a lifelong resident of northeastern Queens? Wow. There's nothing he won't lie about, is there?]

Actually, I'm talking about the firm with which you are a registered lobbyist that made $2.5M last year selling access to city government.

When you are a lawyer and you provide legal services, and if a client comes to you and they also need consulting services, you must register with the City of New York.

So you are a registered lobbyist?

My father is one of the most distinguished members of the city, and he has a consulting firm. If a client comes to us and they need legal services, and they also need consulting services, by law, you must register as a lobbyist. That is what I have done. That is what the law requires and - going back to John's question - the minute that this district is honored and privileged to vote me into City Hall, all of that will end because our job will be 100% for City Council.

[WOW! Someone thinks rather highly of himself and his family!]

So, I do take that to mean that you are a registered lobbyist and we all know that. This campaign has been hijacked by outside spending.

[Then it becomes a free-for-all.]

At 8:24 in the second segment, Errol Louis steps in:

If the questions you've heard so far have not been clear, let me try to focus them for you. They're saying, and we have seen, there's a lot of money that has been spent by this group, Jobs For New York. They don't talk about jobs, they don't even talk about New York. They have made personal attacks on all of your opponents. You've said earlier tonight that you don't like that sort of a theme, they would like you to say publicly that you would like them to stop doing it in the last week.

Which other candidates have done throughout the city.


I started the night off by saying across the board - no outside expenditures from any group. I'm taking it beyond one group to all the groups. And if that's an answer the candidates don't like, they're just going to have to live with it.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

District 19 residents revolt against Vallone tactics, but he won't stop

At noon yesterday, 4 out of the 5 Democratic candidates for City Council gathered near the Bayside LIRR station with State Senator Tony Avella to call Paul Vallone and Jobs for New York on the carpet for the attack mailers against his opponents. This "anybody but Vallone" moment was brought to you by Bayside Patch.

UPDATE: Here's video:

At least one candidate has struck back with his own mailer explaining who Vallone is loyal to. Shafran's piece is the first, but likely not the last.

This was the scene outside the Bay Terrace Commmunity Alliance's Candidates' Night last night:

Yet Vallone and Jobs for New York (REBNY and Parkside) won't stop the repetitive hit pieces.
I like the new spelling of "embarrassment", myself.

Since when are there only 4 options? Why is he omitting John Duane, the only current candidate to have actually served in office previously?

Now, check out what a candidate in the 35th Council District in Brooklyn said about Jobs For New York endorsing her:
...the Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Arts founder wants voters to know she did not ask for the PAC's support, nor does she want it.

Cumbo said she has asked Jobs for New York to "immediately discontinue spending any independent funds in support of [her] campaign."

"Now, some of my supporters are beginning to question my integrity and are asking themselves if I am a development candidate, easily bought and sold. I am not."

"This is horrible," Cumbo added. "Their so-called support of my campaign has done more harm than good in the community."
If Paul Vallone was smart, he would be taking the same position. But instead he claims he has no control over what Jobs For New York is doing, and won't denounce their tactics. I guess their money is just too good for him to pass up, especially since he blew most of his coin on lame expenses before petitioning was over and now has less cash on hand to spend within the limit than any other candidate.

This is the same guy who puts his banners on the construction fences of teardowns and then poses in front of them. No wonder REBNY loves him.

Looks like Coach Paul really "screwed the pooch" on this one. (Poor doggie.)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Vallone supporters now using violent imagery against Graziano

Goodness, now we're setting other candidates on fire, Mr. Vallone?

How many times can you send out different versions of the same hit piece?

I suppose desperate candidates call for desperate measures. This is obviously a stock photo of a "family" nowhere near Queens.

So much for the "family man" Mr. Vallone purports himself to be.

Tony Avella, Chrissy Voskerichian, Paul Graziano, Austin Shafran and John Duane will be denouncing these mailers today at 12 noon at the Bayside LIRR station.

Even the Daily News has noticed. And instead of manning up, Paul Vallone denies any knowledge of the smear campaign:

“Anybody who thinks Paul Vallone’s politics and policies will be affected by a piece of mail clearly does not know him,” he said.

What? How about denouncing the mailer? Obviously, Paul Vallone isn't man enough to do that.

And FYI, from Crains:

The City Council's Progressive Caucus fired a warning shot at the Real Estate Board of New York Monday in the form of a legislative proposal to severely limit the real estate industry's ability to spend money on political campaigns.

The council should seek to close the "LLC loophole" in state campaign finance law that allows many real estate corporations to give $150,000 to independent expenditures like REBNY's "Jobs for New York" political action committee, according to a memo from Councilman Brad Lander obtained by The Insider.

Mr. Lander, who co-chairs the council's Progressive Caucus, is unlikely to find much support for his bill during an election year, with more than half of the council up for re-election and several of the Democrats running for mayor benefiting from independent expenditures on their behalf.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hit piece sent out by Vallone supporters

The FBI didn't exactly arrest these two for betraying Queens, but whatever.
While not untrue, these 2 candidates were never implicated in any wrongdoing. This hit piece had to have come from either John Duane, Paul Graziano or Paul Vallone. Of course, it doesn't identify on which candidate's behalf it was sent.

Jobs for New York is the Real Estate Board of New York's PAC. Jobs4NY endorsed Paul Vallone.
When you have skeletons in your closet, such as being poker buddies with one of the accused, you might want to think twice about giving your blessing to literature such as this.

By the way, Paul Vallone gave one excuse to the organizers of Monday night's Bayside Historical Society event: "A client of mine passed away, and I am helping with funeral arrangements." And another excuse to the Queens Courier: "He was comforting the family of his 'good friend and mentor' Judge Joseph Risi, who had just passed away, a campaign spokesperson said."

The judge actually passed away on Saturday and his son is an attorney and likely does not require the legal services of Mr. Vallone.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Pro-development PAC endorses Paul Vallone

From the NY Times:

A group of real estate executives and corporate leaders, bracing for the departure of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, plans to spend up to $10 million to make sure the City Council elected this fall is friendly to business.

The organization, made up of real estate developers, property owners, banks, insurance companies, investment firms and others, has established a political action committee to direct donations to back candidates in both parties who support pro-development policies.

Called Jobs for New York, the PAC represents an aggressive new involvement in New York’s heavily regulated city elections by a major independent expenditure group. The PAC also has the support of several unions whose fortunes are tied to construction, including those representing carpenters and laborers known as mason tenders.

The effort is focused exclusively on Council races, in part because members tend to have great sway over development in their districts, but also because of the uncertainty surrounding the topsy-turvy mayoral campaign.

During his tenure, the mayor has championed a pro-development agenda, pushing dozens of rezoning measures through the Council while investing billions of dollars to nurture commercial development and affordable housing — sometimes over the objections of neighborhood residents.

The PAC effort is being spearheaded by the Real Estate Board of New York, which includes some of the most influential figures and families in the industry, including Larry A. Silverstein, the developer of the World Trade Center, Richard S. LeFrak, Daniel R. Tishman, the Speyers and the Rudins.

In an interview, Steven Spinola, the president of the real estate board, called Mr. Bloomberg’s time in City Hall a “wonderful era” and said his organization’s PAC intended to support candidates who would advance a pro-jobs, pro-development agenda similar to Mr. Bloomberg’s.

From The Real Deal:

A mere seven real estate firms — including Brookfield Office Properties, the Durst Organization and Jack Resnick & Company — donated more than half of the $5.26 million raised so far by a new political action committee backed by the Real Estate Board of New York, a review of state records by The Real Deal reveals.

Some 113 companies or individuals affiliated with 18 well-known city developers made the contributions to the PAC, called Jobs For New York, which was created to advance a pro-growth political agenda for the city, according to records filed this week with the New York State Board of Elections.

Jobs for New York has reportedly said that unions were also supporting the cause, but the donor list did not reveal any as of the latest filing in July.

Real estate firms have long fretted that once the pro-development Mayor Michael Bloomberg is out of office, a new mayor and City Council could turn away from his agenda and raise the cost of doing business in the city.

JOBS 4 NY has thus far sent out 3 mailers on behalf of Paul Vallone, none of which have to do with development, and all of which hide who they are:

The above mailer is about public safety, not development.

When you attended private school and send your kids to one as well, it's best not to try to pass yourself off as some kind of public education expert. Especially when you crib your policy positions from your opponent.

Creating good jobs, building more affordable housing and strengthening the middle class? Is that what they have been doing all these years as they destroyed jobs by pushing for conversion of M-zoned properties to residential, flooded once-affordable neighborhoods with luxury condos and chased the middle class out of NYC?  Oh, and they're also anti-landmarking. (Good luck, Broadway-Flushing.)

Vote Vallone!

Now this here is interesting. From Crains:

Austin Shafran is charging his main Democratic primary opponent, Paul Vallone, with illegally coordinating with the Jobs for New York PAC, as well as improperly reporting campaign expenditures for office rent and the purchase of voter files.

Mr. Shafran's campaign filed three complaints with the city's Campaign Finance Board, two last week and one on Monday. In the complaints, they argue that Mr. Vallone's alleged campaign finance violations should make him ineligible for public matching funds.

The charge of collusion between Mr. Vallone's campaign and the PAC is, on the surface, fairly minor, but it could be difficult for Mr. Vallone to disprove. Campaign literature paid for by Jobs for New York touting Mr. Vallone are shown to include a yellow Post-It-style sticky note with Mr. Vallone's electronic signature reading, "Sorry I missed you today, Paul," indicating the individual delivering the flier was not able to personally deliver it to a resident of the address where it was left. Identical sticky notes, which were purchased by Mr. Vallone's campaign, were affixed to the candidate's own mailers, according to photographs included in the complaints to the finance board.

The presence of the sticky notes on both Mr. Vallone's and the Jobs for New York mailers indicates that canvassers for both operations are coordinating their efforts, Mr. Shafran's campaign claims.

The more serious complaints charge that Mr. Vallone failed to adequately bill his campaign for office rent and the purchase of voter ID files. Since January, Mr. Vallone has reported spending $500 a month on office rent for his campaign, which Mr. Shafran claims is far below the market value for similar offices in the same Bayside building. Mr. Vallone's campaign, which is housed in the law firm he shares with his brother and father, would have to be a mere 127 square feet to be commensurate with the amount of money Mr. Vallone is paying in rent, Mr. Shafran claims.

In the complaint, Mr. Shafran's campaign also points out that Mr. Vallone has failed to report the purchase of a voter database that must have been necessary for canvassing and petitioning operations. While they admit there is "no direct evidence" to support this theory, Mr. Shafran's campaign notes that Mr. Vallone has been sharing "human resources" with his brother's borough president campaign, and presumes that they may be sharing voter files as well, which would be improper if the costs were not also shared.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Nervous Vallones challenge opponents' petitions

Paul Vallone was the only CD 19 candidate to challenge his opponents' petitions - he sent party man John Dorsa after Graziano, Voskerichian, Shafran and Duane. None of the other candidates challenged Vallone's or each other's petitions.

Someone is very nervous.

Then we have his big brother...

From the Politicker:

State Senator Tony Avella is accusing Councilman Peter Vallone Jr., a rival in the race for Queens borough president, of repeatedly "bullying" and "threatening" him in a push to get him to drop his bid.

"Personally, I think he's a bully and a coward and afraid of having me on the ballot," Mr. Avella told Politicker today, claiming Mr. Vallone has tried several times over the course of the election to get him to leave the race. "Let the chips fall where they may."

Mr. Avella and his campaign claim that a Vallone staffer called Mr. Avella twice yesterday to try to make a deal with the senator to duck out of the contest. According to sources in the Avella camp, the staffer called in the late afternoon to offer Mr. Avella an ultimatum: Leave the race or be kicked off the ballot.

"They said, 'We're at the BOE looking at your petitions, we see lots of problems. We can make you waste your money,'" the source said. "They wanted to make a deal, but Tony wouldn't talk to Peter."

A general objection was filed today against Mr. Avella's petitions from a woman named Rebecca Piniero, who is unaffiliated with the Vallone campaign.

But the Vallone campaign vehemently denied any threats had been made.

People unaffiliated with campaigns file objections all the time, don't they?

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Shafran campaign unintentionally funny

- He tells the Bay Club that he's been preparing to run for City Council his entire life
- The biggest hand he got was for mentioning the need for a traffic light on Corporal Kennedy street
- His "inspiring" story is just lame, and he's reading from prepared notes.
- He's speaking about himself in the 3rd person.
- People on the way to the buffet table cross in front of him while he is speaking.
- At the very end of the video, a woman yells out, “THANK YOU FOR BREAKFAST!” So that's how he got them to listen to him. Captive audience.

Here's his latest mailer:

Austin needs to understand that you can't ban outside employment unless you get the council job description changed from part-time to full-time.
The problem is not that the districts do not get an equal amount of ice cream money to spread around to local not-for-profits, the problem is that certain council members have been funneling this money to their relatives and friends. Evening out the playing field won't end political slush funds, it will just even out the playing field.
Does it really matter if lobbyists can't lobby their own family members in elected office? (This is currently illegal, anyway.) If they are family, it will behoove the family's long term financial picture for the elected official to vote in favor of whatever the firm's pushing for. Example: At some point, Pete Jr. and Paul are going to inherit the money Pete Sr. made lobbying. So of course they're going to vote yes on his projects without having been lobbied themselves.

Does anyone really believe that Austin spent time with his grandmother at the senior center?

Monday, June 24, 2013

CD19 palm card poll

Just thought you might want to see the literature that is being handed out about each candidate. Some are clearly done quite professionally, and others, not so much. I'll let you vote on which is the best.