This was sent to us by a member of the Municipal Art Society. Apparently, the group is rallying its members to fight a war against ugly news racks. While these things certainly are an eyesore, many Queens preservationists may become OUTRAGED that one of the leading preservation groups in the city seems more worried about this problem than the neglect, desecration and destruction of numerous Queens historic properties such at the New York State Pavilion, Hackett Building, Trylon Theater and St. Saviour's Church. We couldn't find any section of their website dedicated to these atrocities.
Perhaps MAS could sponsor an essay contest about how Manhattan-centric retiree and housewife preservationists couldn't find Queens on a map.
Photo from Municipal Art Society
Maybe MAS really stands for
Manhattan-centric Ass Suckers !
H-m-m-m-m ?
How's that for an extremely"colorful" alternative (of admittedly low taste) ? !!!!
Oh this is great, Crappie!
Those guys have no interest in anything in Queens. This shows how they spend their time and money, and where they place their priorities.
Oh I can't wait until the landmarks law is overturned. We will have lots of fun upsetting their little apple cart.
They will never DARE to ignore Queens again - because we will insist on membership in every preservation body in the city.
And this time it will have activists who represent their communities, not judged on how well they go with the flow.
Thats for sewers, not preservationists.
bing-fucking-o, QC. while these boxes can be annoying & are often the target of vandalism, compared to approximately 1,000,001 other political/environmental issues, this is completely irrelevant & in theory at least, the more different media outlets the better.
that said. i would like to take a moment to say that while Queens almost always DOES gets the shaft, the coverage of & concern for large swaths of Brooklyn & almost all the Bronx is just as awful-- please don't be taken in by the 10,001 Brooklyn blogs all covering the same... real estate crap & not even doing that well most of the time.
Angry Queens residents: we feel you, & the people of Morrisania, Melrose, New Lots & Canarsie have your back. (Mott Haven & Brighton Beach also.)
(born in Far Rockaway)
Who will decide which box gets to stay? Why should the New York Times have any more right to a street box than The Learning Annex or the Queens Tribune?
The Municipal Art Society is a joke. Their relationship with developers should be examined.
You would be surprised.
That is all I will say.
I'm still waiting for an answer as to why HDC's party was sponsored by AKRF, the firm that is known to be anti-preservation and who said it was perfectly ok to build on the Duffield Street Houses and St. Saviour's. We should all rethink our membership in these citywide preservation organizations.
Who funds who? Who is on a junket?
Well, if these things are true, there is hell to pay if something happens to St Saviour's. After becoming a pest things like 2 Columbus Circle, silence when a real piece if history is about to be destroyed will cost them dearly.
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