Showing posts with label love story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love story. Show all posts

Monday, December 30, 2013

Communication then- during the `ancient times`

We were just leaving Uniqlo. The usual one we visited in Toyohashi. I am about to leave Japan in a few weeks. I was taking orders from family members for things they would like me to buy from here and of course most of it are Uniqlo`s. Who can blame them when you can get a skirt worth RM15 here while in KL, you will be charged RM80 for the exact skirt!

With Whatsapp, Line and what`s not, I feel like they are there, shopping with me. They can make choices by themselves while just staying at home! How easy it is now to communicate, anywhere, anytime and most importantly for free!

While taking a break from entertaining all the messages, I said to hubby "How easy it is now to communicate. Send message as much as you want without worrying about the charges."

Hubby did not commenting further, just agreeing through his eyes.

Then he said "Ingat lagi dulu, I spent thousands yen every month just to talk to you. I created 3 maxis accounts to sms you. But still he had to choose words wisely since there was limit. Worse, sometimes, the system was down, I could not sign in to my account". That time, we do not have system that allows us to send short message to overseas numbers. I tried to send an SMS straight to his Japan`s no and it did not work. So, he had to carry M`sia phone there so I can contact him anytime. So, I can send him unlimited number of SMS per day. But for him, there was no easy way. I found this one system by maxis that you can send SMS from computer to maxis number. But the number of SMS allowed was so limited, about 5 of very short sentences if I not mistaken. He had to sign in with available Maxis no. So complicated, but he never complained.

He was right. With everything we have right now, I don`t know how we could endure the long term relationship across the oceans like that. Hebat sangat rasanya diri ini (well, hubby was doing most of the effort I guess -_-" So determine, that man).

We started to rapat gitu since high school. He often called me using his handphone at school. That time, a high schooler with handphone and be able to make calls for hours was luxurious. We both were from the same boarding school. We never go out for dating. I was hoping he never asked for me to do that. Fuh..If he ever asked, maybe I would say NO and the whole thing will turn awkward and it will never be as sweet as we have it now. hehe. Alhamdulillah he understood and probably he had never think of asking me as well. That`s good. 

And to tell you how awful I was, I never gave him a call. 

Oh, maybe one time I managed to leave him voice message because his friend told me that he is suffering of eye infection that he is now treated in the hospital and waiting for surgery. He told me like it was a life and death situation, and I had to confess -_-" er..through voicemail. I`m so gonna kick his friend`s butt one day. 

When we were very young (and skinny-er :p)
Location: Yokohama

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Mimpi buruk

It was weekend and we fell asleep while watching movies. You know, under the blanket, winter and cuddles. How easy it is to fall asleep although you have slept for 12 hours before that -_-"

I rarely had dreams in sleep. I usually had deep sleep. Very baby like. bahaha..but I WILL get dream (which usually are weird) whenever I sleep besides the night sleep. Maybe that is why I dislike to take a nap! 

Anyway, like usual, I had a weird dream and I wake up screaming. A bit though. Takdela sepenuh hati gitu. And to my surprise, my sleeping partner awake at the same time, looking very pale like he had just seen a ghost!
I immediately said "I mimpi ngeri" with eyes and mouth opened so wide.
He replied "I pun!" "You mimpi apa?"
I said "I walked into the mirror, open my shirt and see there was a lot of bulu dada yang hitam tebal gila kat dada I!!!warghhhh!!"
He gave me a facepalm obviously. But I tell you, the bulu dada was just so eewwww :(

I asked him back "You mimpi apa?

"My car got towed. And I have to pay 50,000yen to get the car back!"
For that, I gave him the super face palm ever! 

Yours truly is the kind of person who has difficulties forgetting things. Although some things I did not really pay attention, but the memories will be buried deep at least for years at the back of my mind. That is why I dislike watching movie hantu Indonesia and getting inside dirty toilets. Do you need me to elaborate it more??I will have a hard time getting rid of images. 

For example, bedtime movies. Most of the times, some of the characters will enter my dreams and mess up with my mood when I wake up. Like the stories of bulu dada above, you know why I dreamt of having bulu dada?? It was because I fell asleep while watching Despicable Me 2. I love El Macho. One of the most favorite scene of him was when he requested cupcakes with Mexican flags like the one tattooed on his chest! bahahaha..I love that scene. Yes! there I got the image of bulu dada implanted in my head and it messed up with my dreams -_-"

Mr El Macho (nama seryes takleh blah!lol xp)
Source: Google

But for hubby to dreamt of his car got it is the `ngeriest` dream for all men! 

Monday, July 15, 2013

On the day of...soulik typhoon

Typhoon? I heard about it so many times in Japan. Interestingly, I was never in Japan when it happened.
I heard about how my friends fell off bicycle, had their expensive umbrella broke into pieces by the typhoon. Trust me, quality payung here paling murah RM 60. You have to buy these kind of payung to survive the harsh weather, stronger UV rays, and what's not. So, what I'm trying to tell you is, I do not have a clear picture how typhoon feels like.Whenever it hit Japan, I often was out of the country.
Destiny you may call it, I finally experienced it in..Taiwan! Contoh berada di tempat yang salah pada masa yang salah??You might call that too. But it wasn't that bad. I must said the typhoon wasn't that bad (at least at my area, which is quite far from the shorelines. Alhamdulillah..
But these people were very much ready. Potential victims had been evacuated days prior to the scheduled strike. I read from the paper, tourist had also been evacuated from Taiwan. Then I see myself..hey!how about me? >,< 
Ehem!another one left here >,<

Anyway, I thought these typhoon was just like a strong, extraordinarily stronger from ribut in KL, if you may imagine. So, I guess we should be okay as long as we stay indoors. As the hotel I stay in currently is quite err..high end according to my preference, so I guess it should be safe enough. I just have to stay indoors until the typhoon finished crossing the whole continent (the typhoon was a two-eyed typhoon, each one eye sized larger, much larger than the whole Taiwan >,<).
At left shown Taiwan. The typhoon is absolutely much much larger.

Anyway, it was Saturday. After we finished sahur at 3.30am, I lied down for a while while waiting for azan.
Then suddenly I felt so nauseas! So pening gitu. The thought that I might be pregnant immediately cross my mind. But of course, I didn't want to lie at myself. haha..
I told husband that I really feel like vomiting. Like the world is spinning.
After subuh, we felt the building was berputar slowly. I swear I felt my butt was moving in a slow motion touching and untouching the bed. Shortly after that, husband mengadu nk muntah pula. lol xp.
I did not know this typhoon was so serious until I feel it myself. It was so scary I feel like the typhoon could potentially push this building down and..btw, we stayed on the most top floor T_T. Nauzubillah..
Then the next morning, I though it was over. But, it wasn't. The hotel main entrance was well sealed with kayu, bebatu, sticker, etc. Apparently, it wasn't the entrance only, all of our windows were secured like this. 

 As we reached the concierge area, OMG, it was so...teruk bersepah gitu >,< The main glass door was sealed with kayu and batu, maybe to add strength to the glass to endure the force. 
You're right! There was not a single human jalan-jalan kat luar. lol xp And I witnessed with my own eyes how strong the typhoon was. And that was just the ekor-ekor je. I can't imagine how it was at 3am that morning. I was so like jawdropping gitu, I forgot to record it. I managed to record a little bit before we got scared and run for elevator (before the elevator suddenly shut down or something >,<)

  Blerghh..we spent our day..watching TV japanese channel (sebab tu je yg available and the cable wasn't damaged by the typhoon). Husband was ok, coz he like Japan's TV. To make things worst, the available channels were mostly sports channel >,< Arghhh!!!
Me? Of course I did not watch AT ALL. haha.

At 4, the sky magically became clear again. The birds were chirping again and the traffic started to become active. So, did us! lol xp

We head to Sogo located just behind our hotel. Awesome! I know :') a table for anniversary dinner/iftar!
Us after 3 years being married..and countless of months/days being committed towards each other. basically, we grew up together! and we are goin to enter 3 series soon. Time flies so fast :'( May Allah grant our marriage with happiness, barakah and..lots of children :D May Allah protect you wherever you go, whenever.

On another note, finally I managed to eat the real chinese cuisine!! We managed to find a chinese restaurant yang banyak menu seafood. Bukan tak ada ayam/beef langsung, tapi most of the options are seafood. I was so excited, so I ate really a lot! Memang sedap! Serious! Perfect! Like what I imagined these would taste whenever I watch cerita cina. haha..especially shrimp dumplings and shrimp veges bean curd rolls ^_^
Tengok mee kungfu ni..sedap melampauan sangat..I want to buy the noodle and make it myself la. Macam senang je. Where to get?

Nyum nyum chinese cuisine. Hailed them for their awesome menus!
Taiwan done! Where is next? ^^,

Friday, June 28, 2013

19 Shaaban 1434h

is...our 3rd wedding anniversary mengikut kalendar hijrah!
Semoga perkahwinan ini kekal ke jannah.
Impian tahun ini...(macam sambut tahun baru pula) ialah untuk akhirnya mengakhiri zaman LDM.
It's ridiculous la..married couple are supposedly stays together!
InshaAllah...dengan izin Allah s.w.t.

I bet husband did not notice today's date. hehe..I will win this time!

19 Shaaban, 3 years ago..just a few minutes after we became legal..and I can touch you!haha..
I love you, bebeh! 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Taipei 101

It was Saturday night. The husband just finished his work for today. Despite of Saturday, because this is overseas' assignments, every hour is precious so that the tasks given could be done within the time frame.
It was his second time being posted here, Taiwan, a country much resembles Malaysia. Everybody said that. The one who kept saying that was his wife. Oh, he can't stress enough how noisy that woman could be. She told tale about Taiwan like she's been there. sigh..
Well, he is used to her high pitch, annoying voice for 10 years. Some people will say, that's scary..but he thinks, the scary part is not to be able to listen to it again.
He knows he had been busy for the past weeks. Everyday he got back to a sleeping wife. In a few days he can assure that his wife could be bursting like volcano, asking for attention. He is counting the days.
What can he do to avoid such a disaster from happening?
Well, they married after being committed to each other for almost a decade. he can read her mind so easily. The eruption of volcano is almost definite. However, there's always ways to cool it down before it happens. So basically, his wife is not like volcano. she is more like a nuclear reactor struck by tsunami.
The husband now got a bit of time to enjoy Taipei at night. So, he decided to bring the wife along with him.
The husband has always being one who fond of big, well developed cities. He could be easily stunned by tall buildings and fancy lights. That's why the first place came to mind was..Taipei 101.
Taipei 101 at night.
The husband wanted to make a surprise for his wife. So, he made sure the wife did not see what's coming until the reach the top.
View.From the wife's eyes..
The view was then revealed to the wife. She was starstruck on how beautiful the view are. The husband 'brings' her closer to the glass wall and help her see different angle of the city. She was so happy and burst to tears. Not because the scene is too pretty it makes her cry. It was the fact that..she can't kiss the husband's at the cheek and say 'thank you'.
'Us' at the entrance of Taipei 101
Although it was just a few minutes, it felt so real. It feels like she was standing next to him, but in real..she is stuck in the screen.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tunggu sekejap..

Another reason I don't favour husband's posting overseas is..
he will tend to get stress coz the workloads are usually triple in amount.
The aftermath, the time he'll have for me will be limited, and..I don't have the privilege to complaint..
cause..sebaik sahaja we start skyping..he'll go first telling me about how terrible his day was, 
giving hint that my nagging which is about to start..has to be put on hold, or just cancel if I plan of doing it.
And the rest of the night, I have to tenung wajah kesayangan hamba yang berkerut buat kerja.
I know he is not happy with the workloads too, what can a wife do?
Although my angin lintang is especially strong during his long absence, I can't release the kraken la..
I have to be all sweet and supportive ok? We have to not make things worst.

But, I'm not all the time angelic.
Although I will be all nice, and patience on the weekdays, but I expect him to repay my 'kindness' on the weekend, I know he will have a day break. hewhew..
But this time was different. Maybe because he has to go alone this time, 
so, every work he has to do by himself. 
He also working on that Sunday, the day I woke up, expecting a full time husband...
despite of him just stay in my monitor T_T
So, he woke me up, so cheerful and..said.."I've some work to do."
So, I told myself, it's ok, i've been waiting for days, it wouldn't hurt to wait 1 or 2 hours..
2 hours passed
He was still berkerutan..
I fell asleep..
I woke up...
He went out for lunch..
I wait again..
He's back!
"I have to finish this a little bit more..ok?"
I fell asleep again.
I woke up..he's still in front of monitor.
I reach out for a pack of chocolate (they are just everywhere around me) and said..
"I nak merajuk la" with eyes half opened munching on the white day's chocolate.
And I meant it.
He answered, "Tunggu jap. Jangan merajuk dulu" "Jap jap.."Kejap...seminit.." "Ok..sikit lagi."
And that time I was a little mamai..and when he said tunggu sekejap, jangan merajuk lagi..
I was stunned (I remember, my action was literally stop when he said it).
It's like I just obey and nod??
I can't believe myself..I was like being hypnotized!
 How he did this to me?

Is it because..he's actually a French?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Teatime order menu

perfect combination for a Sunday evening tea time <3

can I have an add on?

I want...

Him :')




Saturday, March 23, 2013

Isteri tukang jahit.

During my student year, not the uni one, when there's a long holiday, I will try doing many things so I don't feel bored. Plus, I can't stand mystery. So, everything that I find curious, I want to get the answer myself.
Mystery in here means should I put it?
For example, I always curious how does it feel of driving? How can people find courage and how finally one can drive? Something like that. That time, I was so curious to try...sewing and crafting!
You know, no one in my family understands what I was doing. But I remember every cloth I used for my sewing project was from my own. Usually I'll use the pants materials to sew pouch and phone case. I also make pencil box out of my baju kurung. All because I don't want to ask money from my parents. All the pocket money I have, I had it spent to buy the sewing kit.
Although I finally had them in shape, they did not look special. Particularly, due to them originating from old cloth. Then I tried to 'beautify' them by patching and embroidery. Mostly I did embroidery because the process made me focus, and I'll forget the trouble I might be having:) I made many cases for my family members and that time I was happy whenever they say 'cantik' and get their old case/pouch replaced with mine:)
No one taught me all that. I just did with trial and error. So, until today, I don't really know the right way to do it.
It's been a long time since I last sew.
Until, I got married.
Boys, they always tore their pants!

How can I live away from you anymore? :'(

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Seoul searching

Husband is now in Seoul. He has been going there back and forth since beginning this year. Some people might be questioning what's the fuss about him going overseas? It's not like we are living together and is he's going away will make so much difference!?
Trust me, it makes a whole lot more..depressing. Especially when both of us don't have the authority to determine our schedule anyomore >,<
Anyway, husband keeps asking me what do I want. Like many times.
I can't think of anything.
Attires? He doesn't like me in Korean baju.
Make-up? I'm not a make-up person. I only apply basic make-up which are all Japan's made :D
Last time he brought back loads of sweets. How much could I eat? I ended up distributing them in my dept. :p shh..don't tell him :p
So, this time,what should I tell him to get for me? dear K-pop fans? :D
Nami Island, July 2012 <3

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Men are from Mars..

I was so serious in starting a life under one roof with him.
I even came out with a detail plan of what to do every month until the day that I finally leave this city to finally live together as husband and wife as it meant to be.
To list pros and cons between Hiroshima and Toyohashi, the only pros Toyohashi has husband live there. Hiroshima beat Toyohashi in many ways to be honest. I don't know if it's because I live here most of the day, so I found comfort in here more than in Toyohashi. But, I'm not kidding, this city is breathtaking and so peaceful.
So, I started slow. I proposed for our house to have a sofa coz I always found myself in bed. Because I am not comfortable reading, watching TV while sitting on the floor. How can you do that for the whole 2 hour movie? right? But, that was just a proposal. We don't have to get that so soon. 
I request for him to throw away as many things as possible. I consider him a mild hoarders? He likes to keep things!arghhh >,< I don't know how many times I made him throw away his collections of speakers. Can you imagine he's been keeping many kinds of speakers at every possible storage area in that tiny Japanese house?  
*don't try to question about my wardrobe collection okeh!*

Anyway, I listed a few things we should get so that I can turn the house like a home. 
I was surprised because he did not at all disagrees to the proposal. He was instead..excited to go find them like at the very moment. I can see he is also can't wait to be with me in the same house, that he would do anything to make me happy :')
Yea..probably only part of his eyes..another reason for his excitement was..because the second hand shop around was having a bargain :| well, whatever it is, I consider that as rezeki:)

I don't know if it's just my husband, but I think most men are very good at bargaining. So, we finally get a very cheap sofa. Verry cheap! Alhamdulillah..but I need a sofa cover. And it costs us 5x the price of the sofa itself. I pay quarter part ok. I'm not that mean la :'D 
Besides sofa, I finally get all the racks you need to organize the kitchen. Husband is also very kind buying me everything I need so that I enjoy my cooking time. I cannot any more stressing you on this lady, buy cooking utensils that you like, so that you enjoy your cooking experience. When you happy, the whole family will be happy too! I can't thank husband enough for not interrogating me on this one :') 

The only thing I lack was..a steamer. I know right??how can I live without one??ahaha..It's not easy.
I tried so many ways from you tube, but it wasn't as simple as..having one. lol xp
So, this one day husband went to the second hand shop to find a paper shredder that he has been longing for for so long. He has been surveying for 3 months for it. yes, a paper shredder. Don't ask me on how long he is surveying for a car or a TV. You do the extrapolation yourself >,<
I mentioned before the shop is having a mad sale for clearance. Everything are so cheap, and that's also including paper shredders. the selections..are not many if according to his long list of favorable (!) shredder.
I felt like forever inside the shop listening at his dilemma of choosing the best shredder. I am now so pakar in selecting shredder. I don't have the privilege to make faces, cause according to will make him stress even more and cannot decide :| I finally have to transform myself to an incredible hulk. Giving him the final say. haha..sometimes, this guy ha..he wanted to hear it from us, woman. It's not like he doesn't know that I only use my brain for study. Not shopping. gosh >,< 
Ok, now is the final step..interrogation. The salesperson would have to face him. I always purposely leave the scene. My husband made the person to test in front of him, shred many kinds of papers and even learn the trick to clean any kesan-kesan gam on furnitures or anything. Usually, at the end of the process, the person could be his friends know..somebody that the kedai do not welcome. haha.

Interrogation took so long. The salesperson has to like disassemble the thing to answer whatever question husband is having. sigh..
I got bored. So, I went around the kedai and I found a wide range of..steamer! and they!yey!!
My hand (yea..brain wasn't working at time like this) immediately grabbed one that I like (of course Tefal :')).
And I came back to husband and the salesperson with the sweetest smile of that day. The salesperson look at me and laugh. haha..
Husband was

Excuse my fashion disaster.
Anyway, I can say my kitchen and house are now complete with basic things I need for it to be like home.
All that is left to do is for me to move in..permanently.
I am so happy for the whole week coz the house...feels more like home!
Until..on Friday, I got an e-mail that we will possibly need to move to Hiroshima instead. sigh..

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


The last time I have like some sort of emotional break down was..5 weeks after husband sent me away to Hiroshima. The deal was, I will have to cross this country to go back to him once in a month for the longest of 3 nights. So, I came home after being separated from him for 5 weeks, and that time we have just got married. I was supposed to be staying for a few days, but instead, I stayed for a week. My husband had to arrange many things to be able me to stay :') I'm a typical princess wannabe female. Deep down, all I want in life is to live happily ever after with my prince charming. Forget that I have responsibility to my family and ummah. I wish I can be less lenient on myself on this matter. I want to enjoy life, but in a hard way I guess. Life is too short. I want to live my life to the fullest. 

Last week I did it again. But this time, my absent was carefully..and professionally engineered engineer..that is my husband! >,< The difference is..this time, it wasn't me who had the break was the engineer who engineered my disappearance for 12 days! And the victim of the crime..was happy to follow the plan :') hahahaha!!I am so so so happy! 
I had my ultimate girlish time ever! With so many bribes by the engineer who engineered my disappearance (short: EWEMD). He bought me anything that I want (even I'm just saying). Can't you see how chronic he was??
Gosh..this one time I said I need a crocs, and he bought me two! (without interrogating me and the salesperson like he always did).
I dragged him to 5 cake shops to buy my baking stuff and he did not try to change my mind!:') And my mission to bake as many as possible just partially successful due know..I never think about how the product would be consumed. So, I had to stop baking after I made carrot cake with cream cheese frosting coz..the portion of the cake is quite huge and EWEMD does not like carrot cake >,< why la..sedap kan?? The carrot cake was made on Tuesday..Can you imagine how depressed I was the remaining of the week?
It's okay, after this I can bake without having to come out with various reasons to make him drive me to the cake shop.
Chocolate bread pudding
Banana Chocolate Chip Muffin. 

The scrumptious Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

The time I really think EWEMD is in chronic condition was when..he bought me a branded handbag without interrogating me like a criminal in prior to buying. our husbands used to do >,< 
I was like..what??I even offer to pay that myself, but he seems like not listening (the trick slowly?lol xp).

Anyway, the point is..he was in terrible condition after coming back from Korea. He is posted there back and forth for now. Every posting could last for 3 weeks. In fact, now he is assigned for Taiwan and Korea. I will only get to see him in April. I wanna feel pity for him, but I know, he is happy chasing his dreams and learning new things everyday. He is happy, so I am happy.for.him. I am still husband-sick!

Loads of Korea's souvenir for his wife:) *anyway, actually lagi banyak..tapi beliau dah telan T_T*
The EWEMD I just described:') 

And omaigod!!!being a housewife is so nice!It's even nicer when you have child I guess :') 
I was having a great time, that everyday feels like very short. In the morning, I prepared breakfast, after he left for work, I will make a cup of coffee and a slice of whatever cake I have in the fridge and do my work while curling in selimut on our newly bought sofa! (yes, you read it right, I even made him bought a sofa for our house. And he did not think twice. Maigad!!I almost made him bought me a bicycle..and I changed my mind when he was about to pay).When I feel tired and sleepy, I will do work out out and re-arranging stuff which I never had time to do for the house. I'll feel satisfied everytime I managed to clean 1 corner of the house and transform it to look more like...a home. When I feel happy, I'll feel more energetic to continue with my study. After Asar, I will start cooking. Best kan? I'm officially jealous of the house maker >,< arghh!
Bagel night!And at 10, I was crying of hunger >,<

Nasi tomato...was not the hightlight. I just unwrapped my noritake couple set :') Nasi tomato tu tak sedap pon..sebab makan atas noritake terus rasa nasi tomato chef wan :') air kosong jadi air sprite :'))

Soto! (just to find reason nak makan dalam bowl pula :'))

Soto and kuah kacang for his colleague.

His favourite breakfast! Homemade nuggets!

All I can say is..everyday of the past week are sure memorable.
I'm looking forward to do this..forever.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Frozen juadah iftar..not for sale


Berbuka makan apa you ols?
Sesungguhnya, untung sungguh orang Malaysia. Kadang-kadang, bukan makanan berbuka tu yang menyebabkan kita seronok didatangi Ramadhan, tapi melihat semangat jiran tetangge menyambut Ramadhan bersama tu yang best. Bertukar juadah, turn moreh. Tu semua aktiviti biasa jiran rumah saya la senang cerita. Kalau tak sempat sangat nak masak berbuka tu, janganla risau..bazaar Ramadhan merata-rata kot. Restaurants, hotels, semuanya memudahkan umat islam untuk berbuka. Alhamdulillah..budaya yang tak dapat kita lihat kat mana-mana.
Tapi malang sikit untuk kami di sini..
especially untuk yang keje kat kompeni nippon la kan..
contoh terdekat suami saya lah tu.
kesian sangat balik almost everyday pukol 11mlm T___T
So, sebagai usaha untuk mendapat title isteri mithali, maka berperanglah yours truly kat dapur menyediakan juadah berbuka untuk beliau sobs..kesian makan makanan frozen -___-"
I always said to him, if you have time to eat outside, please do. So, you'll get more variety. The most I could do 4 types. He'll for sure got sick of them by second week:(
Given him yang tak fussy, he still eat the same food I froze for him so far everyday. I hope he can tahan another week before I return:) 
Ganbatte ne bebeh..Gomen I can't provide a good iftar and sahur for you :(

A day before we left for Seoul, I had time to cook this much. It's tiring though..but thinking the least I could do, is this. then I pack them in freezer bag in small amount each and froze:)

So, LDM is doable. If belum ada komitmen yang banyak like babies, and you have target to what extend the process need to continue, etc. Oh, and provided if you are not hysterical like this woman (me)!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

We are 2


We are two!Already 2. Actually I forgot. Eh, we forgot to wish each other on the date if follow kalendar masihi. But we did celebrate ikut muslim calendar. Okla tu:) Actually I just remembered that we missed it until...I browse through my photos in the phone -__-" then i remembered and it has already passed for almost a week. lol lol XD kami mmg mcm tu..tarikh bile declare wassoeve tak perenahnye nak ingat. apetah lagi hitung-hitung bagai. 
For those who follow me on twitter or instagram, mesti pernah tengok gambar kat bawah ni?:D

Prepared this on Syaaban 20th. He was home at 11pm then -__-;. 

Happy Anniversary to us!weeee!!!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Three Arrows

Today I'm wearing a purple top. Well, not really purple. A plum purple (un)matched with a purple tudung.
Anyway, there's one sensei who always complimenting (commenting) on my appearance everyday which apparently so colorful!lol XP 
He is one of anak jati Hiroshima la boleh kata. He always proudly tell me stories about Hiroshima, always encourage me to go to Hiroshima exclusive shops, anything Hiroshima he will recommended me to try.
So, boleh kata he is so patriotic gitu.

It happens, the purple that I'm wearing at the moment is the color of Sanfrecce (read:san-frec-ce).
I know right??I was at first so synical about the name. 
Can you guess what is Sanfrecce?
It's the Hiroshima soccer team. 
San means three, and frecce means arrows. Sanfrecce as a whole means three arrows.
According to my sensei, the emperor of Hiroshima during the edo period was famous with his three arrows, hence the name of sanfrecce.
geez..I know, the rhythm doesn't feels right especially when we want to cheer for the team!lol!
Oh, and purple is apparently a Japanese red.

Anyway, I went to a sanfrecce match last weekend.hehe..
Apparently, Sanfrecce is now at second place!sugoiii!!!
My husband was so excited that I got him the ticket. hehe...He said Sanfrecce is strong. So, the game must be really exciting.
Turned out, it was exciting!!No time for your adrenaline to be degraded. lol!

The game was held at the Big Arch, Hiroshima. So easy to go anyway. The exciting part, when we reach the station, there's bus in lines to pick up the Sanfrecce's supporters (us!). So systematic. Even the bus drivers were wearing Sanfrecce's jersey. Banyak gila bas la. All for Big Arch.

When we arrived, with me looks so purple (hehe), I was instantly caught the attention of the journalist., you know, they invited me for interview and photo session. They were so teruja gitu looking at especially my XD
Tapi yang over gila jawab soalan wartawan...sape lagi..kan..mamat yang pegi tgk sanfrecce pakai baju  Cantona, Manchester United T___T tak malu sangat T_T Padahal wartawan tu tertarik ngan bini beliau yang sangat purple -__-" 
At the end of the conversation, the journalist remind us to get the magazine which will be out in XP

How's Sanfrecce?
That day, Sanfrecce faced Saitama ( XD)
I think Sanfrecce is so strong. They keep attacking the whole game. Seriously!The players were like playing just at one side of the field, i.e the Saitama's side. lol XD.
However, so frustrating though. So many climax without finishing.
Despite the performance being so satisfying, the game ended with nil for both.

Tapi Sanfrecce memang sugoii!

The Big Arch, me in now-turn-to-sanfrecce's top, and hubby in Cantona's Manchester United jersey -__-"

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A vs B=dilemma

A: source
B: source

A to B wa dochira ga ii?
Between A and B, which one is better?

Dochira mo ii (both are fine)
But after looking a little deeper, I prefer B T_T
But it's too late already T_T
I wanna go B T_T

*wiping tears*

If it's you, which one would you choose?

Monday, June 18, 2012

The cons of a decade relationship

Almost a decade before we finally got married.
Honestly, I did not really ready in many ways to be a wife.
But, the situation lead us to that. It`s totally kerja yang maha Esa yang menyatukan kami.
If jodoh kita sampai, mashaAllah..banyak sangat clue2, dorongan yang akan memudahkan kita ke arah itu.
Alhamdulillah mine is a smooth-sailing. Hiccups usually came from the unnecessary dunya things lah kan. The prep and all. Alhamdulillah juga I did not really made it a big deal except us got to nikah.
It is a wise decision at least not to care about how people would think my majlis is. That would be the case why people really want a `beautiful` majlis. 
Anyway, this writing is not about that.
You know how I live in here alone. Some weekends I would be busy with appointments with friends. A few times I went to baking class, piano lesson, read books, experimenting in my kitchen, `partying` with my friends at my house, cleaning, going to labs, shopping, cooking for a week stock (like baby starting solids:P).
Note that everything I do at home I was not entirely alone. My husband is always on skype.
We always argue, singing along, screamed at each other (ok, it`s just me who did that:|), listening about our day (again, I usually have so many stories in one day that I had only a tad memory about his days if ever he managed to tell me anything:| I think I have to improve on my timing since we don`t have all day to listen to my rambles:|) or even watching movie together (me through skype..sigh). The point is, we are always on skype! I think if my neighbor could listen to me, they might have been worry about the possibility of having a schizophrenic lady next door.hehe..

No, this condition however does not improve my loneliness, does not really help me ease the pain of being away from him. I know he feels the same way too. This has done us nothing, instead making our heart grows fonder for each other every minute. Alhamdulillah...I pray the feelings will be refreshed even more as we are aging and when we finally managed to live by each other`s side later, inshaAllah.. 

OMG, I did drove you out of the topic am I?tsk.

 Not just I talk alone in my house, I always appear to be talking alone while walking, cycling and shopping.
Sometimes when I don`t have confidence (read as trying to hide my jejak from hubby), I decided to go jalan-jalan (read shopping) alone without first telling him. gahahaha..Woman, you should understand me.
This shopping kicks comes at random. You cannot simply fight this feeling ok. Especially when malls are just across the roads at every point of your turns!

So, I go la..usually when I have 1 or 2 hour of free time. I just follow my heart kan which at the time I came to my conscious, my bakul already penuh..then the phone rang. 
"Wani..put back all the things you grab. Menyesal nanti" guess who this was, girls:|
I usually feeling a little annoyed, "But this small kettle is so cute (it was not even compatible with my induction stove). And this food processor (which looks like a trophy deserved to be kept in glass box) is cute too!!I don`t have food processor. Also, you should see this coffee set (price absurd with only one cup and a silver tray)." sigh..if it wasn`t because of him, I may have by now filled my house with many useless stuff and perhaps no savings!>,<
We have to admit that men are wiser at this area. Or is it just the case of us? >,<
Sometimes, when I was walking (fast) heading to the mall just 5 minutes from my house, my husband will call me and asking "ha...nak pergi mana tu??" He wasn`t said hello or moshi-moshi yet>,< I suspected that my body may have been planted with some sort of tracking device:| agree?

Worse, he could predict what my gift will be a year ahead T_T

So, what to get him for our anniversary>,< Tak lama sangat lagi ni T_T
I tried not to speak of anniversary or birthdays, but at times this topic occur and I felt a little offended on how he is looking down on my `talent` of giving him present. Yes, for a decade we have been together. 
Is it the worst record...ever?:|

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Current project

My current project;

sneak peek...
I hope I can finish this soon...
Now, the problem is, how can I cuci and make it like a photobook as the end product?
Kalau di Malaysia, panjang sikit langkah, here errr....
I wanna do this fully on my own if I can. Taknak mintak tolong bebeh T_T

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Onomichi. Sigh..

Why am i sighing here?
How can I forget!Last year we could not had hanami together since yes, no money for going back that frequently. So, I just had my first with a bunch of Malaysians by the river of Hiroshima City. Nonetheless it was one superb hanami with magnificent view I have ever seen in my life.

So, this year, I had it well planned (konon). Hubby is required to arrive at certain weekend in April with her wife did not care how he will have to do it. Hehe..I lantik diri sebagai master plan for our first hanami.
I chose Onomochi as the location since that place has left me an image for the best hanami spot (ever that I know..although I am very sure that hanami could be done anywhere as long as there's sakura tree!).
Well, knowing me..I always overreacting. It's like all or nothing gitu:P

Because I am so pandai like menu was..adelah kan..tapi sempat buat cucur badak je T___T (first timer cucur badak pula tu T__T). So, gentel2 sorang2..tetibe dah pukul 1 T___T
So, siapnya cucur badak jela. Lol XD. And I already told lunch till we got there T__T (I oso cannot eat..have to show good example as master of the plan:|)

After about 1.5hrs of train ride, we finally arrived at Onomichi station.
The he started showing me the spot where he used to lepak during his student year..the tangga he used to run carrying luggages, catching up with trains to the airport, the ferry he used to ride..the et cetra.
So, what is the point I bringing him here T__T *saya konon nk jadi tourist guide for south visit you know...since he now lives in the north:/*
It's okay...I told myself coz he told me although he familiar with Onomichi, he never gone up the hill. *grin*
So, we walk along the main road looking for the ropeway (cable car). I would not dare to walk up the steep hills again. Once is enough, although he tried to dragged me up using the scary looking stairs. No! >,<

When he was about to doubting my proposal into taking a ropeway, we saw the station just a few meters away. pheww!!
Kalau daki sendiri, it'll take 45minutes to arrive to top. That's if you are not stopping along the way for photography session. People preferred that due to the many attractions offered along the way whereby you can find numbers of art museums and temples classified as world's heritage. Also, you can find a breathtaking view of sakura along the way:)Priceless, I know. But..I passed:P

Here's some of the view from the ropeway I managed to capture since the ride took only...3 minutes:/
The houses and temples are builts by the hill. Macam kt Greece tu:P I wonder mcm mana lantai dlm rumah derang...Lol XD

Onomichi is a place famous for its port. From the top of the hill, you can see kilang buat kapal:)

That's the temple, classified as one of the World's heritage. I had once been there, I swear the view from there was magnificent!

Another island across ^_^

Somebody is going into the light?

Cucur badak baru masak (nak mention juga), bihun (semalam) and grapes :D

Here's the climax.
No sakura T___T Very few sakura tree T__T 
To wives, when you face a situation like this, first thing first, show your husband 'the face' so he won't start any commenting and try not to stare at his 'try-to-tahan-smirk' face. It's not helping.
It's a stressful situation I must say..hmm..

Inilah rupa pokok sakura tanpa dgn putik sakura T___T

Adela sepohon dua yang dah tumbuh..kalo nak sepohon dua..depan rumah pon ada T___T


So, what I do was just find the spot (apparently there were so few can park yourself anywhere..anywhere.sigh..). And eat. Well, my husband is good. He tried to make a point and made me laugh..well, I was eventually made fun of myself T__T.
Onomichi ni..huuu...why you no follow other sakura ler??>,<

The cable car.

Despite sakuraless (again)..we did have fun time in Onomichi. He brought me visited places where he had once been. How does the place connected to us..(lol XD). So, I discover other part of Onomichi other than the hill where I always called "syurga sakura" (over kan>,<).

We went back, tired. Next day, we went around cycling enjoying sakura..kat Hiroshima City jek:/
Still, we had fun and..sun burnt >,<


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