Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hard-hit by the global crisis, the INDONESIA value of EXPORT in 2012 could be down 20%


Weakening global economic conditions worsened in Europe and the United States (U.S.), making the Ministry of Commerce (Ministry of Trade) must prepare a worst case scenario that the exports of 2012 will go down.

Director General of Foreign Trade Ministry of Trade, Deddy Saleh, said that, if the debt crisis in Europe continues to drag on and the budget deficit in the U.S. is still a constraint weakening demand from Indonesia, the performance of the export value in 2012 could drop up to 20%.

Ministry of Trade predict the realization of the value of exports in 2011 could reach U.S. $ 200 billion. That means, the value of exports in the next year could be only about U.S. $ 160 billion. "But the optimistic predictions of our exports in 2012 will only drop 10% or at least stagnate it is good," said Deddy.

The manufacturing sector is predicted to be the sectors hardest hit by the global crisis in the next year. Meanwhile, exports of primary commodities such as crude palm oil (CPO) can still continue. Because Europe must inevitably take the CPO so that they must continue to import.

Impact of world economic slowdown on the Indonesia export performance is starting to look real. For instance, the total export value in October 2011 decreased 4.2% to U.S. $ 16.8 billion than the previous month. However,realization of export from January to October 2011 is still up 34.9% over the same period in 2010.

Meanwhile, Indonesia's exports to the EU in October 2011 rose 6.2% compared to September 2011. And Indonesia's exports for the same period to the United States is still growing 17.2%.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

INDONESIA’a woven fabrics and apparels subject to additional DUTIES


Woven fabrics and apparels products from Indonesia subject to additional custom tax by the Turkish authorities because they are flooding the Turkish’s domestic market. Though the two products were not manufactured locally Turkish industry.

"Indonesia is actually fills the market products not manufactured by the Turkish domestic industry," said Director of Trade Security International Cooperation Directorate Ministry of Trade Ernawati.

Woven fabrics products from Indonesia was subjected to an additional import duty of 18% with minimum requirement of U.S.$ 1 per kilogram (kg) and a maximum of U.S.$ 4 per kg. As for apparels products by 27% with minimum requirement of U.S.$ 4.5 per kg and a maximum of U.S.$ 18 per kg.

Imposition of additional duties assigned by the Department of Safeguards in the Turkish Ministry of Economics on September 15, 2011 following the announcement of the results of the safeguard investigation on these products. Safeguard investigation was conducted at the request of the petitioners who are representatives of various members of the Turkey Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

According to Ernawati, the Indonesian government has given in writing and direct rebuttal hearings held on the Turkish authorities on March 7, 2011. The charges are given at two products from Indonesia, she said, is not coupled with a strong foundation for the investigation of security measures (safeguards). Therefore, there is no evidence of serious loss or threat of loss experienced by the local industry.

In addition, she continued, Turkish authorities should limit the accusations against cotton products just because the results of industrial production in Turkey's domestic cotton. In fact, Indonesia exported woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers/synthetic filament.

Actually, during the investigation that took place since January 13, 2011 the government has coordinated with the exporters and producers from Indonesia represented by Indonesia Textile Association (API). In fact, when answering the questionnaire, Indonesia was cooperatively run it according to specified time Turkey.

According to data Trademap, the export value of woven fabrics from Indonesia to Turkey in 2008 is U.S.$ 197 million. That number increased slightly to U.S. $ 199 million in 2009. The export value also jumped to U.S.$ 292 million in 2010. For apparels product, export value in 2008 amounted to U.S.$ 12.6 million. That value had dropped in 2009 to U.S.$ 9.6 million, but rose again to U.S.$ 17.5 million in 2010.

Turkey, Ernawati said, was not the main countries of export destination both products. However, the country has a potential market with a market share of around 30% of Indonesia's total exports. Indonesia's largest export market share for products woven fabrics are Japan and China. While Indonesia's largest export destination for apparels products are the United States and the European Union.

Monday, October 3, 2011

INDONESIA's exports in August 2011 hit a record U.S. $ 18.81 Billion


The value of Indonesian exports in August 2011 hit a record of U.S. $ 18.81 billion. Indonesia's exports hit a record last history in May 2011 which reached U.S. $ 18.33 billion.

This was stated by Deputy Head of Distribution and Services Statistics BPS-Statistics Indonesia, Djamal at his office, Jalan DR. Soetomo, Jakarta, Monday (10/03/2011).

"Exports in August reached U.S. $ 18.81 billion. Increase 37.05% compared to August 2010 reached U.S. $ 13.72 billion. This is the highest figure over the value of our exports," said Knopf.

He said the Indonesian oil and gas export value in August 2011 reached U.S. $ 4.09 billion and non-oil exports reached U.S. $ 14.72%. "Total exports from January-August 2011 reached U.S. $ 134.85 billion. Up 36.58% over the same period in 2010.

While non-oil exports for January-August 2011 reached U.S. $ 107.3 billion. The source of our exports are mineral fuels which reached U.S. $ 16.98 billion, then fats and animal oil / vegetable reached U.S. $ 13.96 billion. Indonesia's export market share currently dominated by China U.S. $ 12.83 billion, then Japan for U.S. $ 11.97 billion, the U.S. amounted to U.S. $ 10.65 billion, then the remaining exports to ASEAN amounted to U.S. $ 22.09 billion.

While the value of imports in August 2011 reached U.S. $ 15.05 billion. Rose 23.68% over the same period in 2010 which reach U.S. $ 12.17 billion. Oil imports in August 2011 reached U.S. $ 3.81 billion and non-oil imports of U.S. $ 11.25 billion. "If compared to July the value of our imports fell 7.12%," said Knopf.

The value of imports from January to August 2011 reached U.S. $ 114.84 billion. Rose 30.9% over the same period in 2010. Special non-oil imports on January-August 2011 reached U.S. $ 87.99 billion.The biggest contribution was on the import of machinery and mechanical equipment, and electrical equipment.

Indonesia imports the country of origin in the period from January to August 2011 is the China of U.S. $ 16.37 billion, Japan U.S. $ 12.1 billion, and Singapore U.S. $ 7.07 billion. Based on the class type of goods, 74.96% of Indonesian imports were raw materials, capital goods 17.42% and 7.62% is the finished goods or consumption.

Djamal said, Indonesia August trade balance surplus of U.S. $ 3.76 billion. This is due to the value of exports rose and imports fell. From January to August Indonesia trade balance surplus reached U.S. $ 20.01 billion.


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Indonesia's export volume increased and the highest record


Indonesia's export performance in May 2011 has a new record in history. The realization of exports in May exceeded the previous history which occurred in April 2011.

Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS-Statistics Indonesia) recorded, the realization of Indonesia exports in May through U.S. $ 18.33 billion or exceed the performance in April 2011 which reached U.S. $ 16 billion. "Export is a supreme achievement, a new record because it can penetrate more than U.S. $ 16-17 billion, ie U.S. $ 18.33 billion, "BPS chief Rusman Heriawan said on Friday (1 / 7).

Export performance has increased by 45.29% compared to same period previous year. When compared to April 2011, exports increased 10.76%. Indonesia's total exports for the calendar year 2011 or January-May 2011 reached U.S. $ 80.28 billion, growing 33.37% over the same period the previous year.

In terms of commodities, the largest portion is still held by mineral fuels with a value of U.S. $ 9.75 billion, followed by fats and oils of animal / vegetable which reached U.S. $ 8.09 billion. Rusman admitted, an increase in export performance is inseparable from the rise in world commodity prices, particularly the surge in oil prices or crude palm oil (CPO).

In terms of export destination countries, Japan is still the largest with a value of U.S. $ 7.35 billion. The second xxport destination is occupied by China amounted to U.S. $ 7.01 billion, followed by the United States U.S. $ 6.56 billion, the ASEAN countries amounted to U.S. $ 13.77 billion and the EU amounted to U.S. $ 8.68 billion. "Despite the tsunami, Japan is still the largest market share," he said.

Based on the sector, exports for January-May 2011 dominated the industrial sector 61.74%, up from earlier that only 60.43% in the previous month. Improved export performance is also coupled with heightened realization of import in May 2011. The value of Indonesian imports for May 2011 reached U.S. $ 14.83 billion, an increase of 48.54% over the same period the previous year. "The month on month (mom) in total imports fell 0.42%. But for non-oil rose 0.24%. That oil imports are down, "he explained.

If refer to the calendar year, total imports from January to May 2011 reached U.S. $ 68.51 billion, an increase of 33.86%. Non-oil imports reached U.S. $ 52.53 billion, and the largest portion of the mechanical engine of U.S. $ 9.1 billion. Imports from China amounted to U.S. $ 9.74 billion, while Japan is only U.S. $ 7.08 billion and Thailand at U.S. $ 4.28 billion. Imports from China are the largest imports.

Rusman added that overall, the trade balance in May 2011 still recorded a surplus of U.S. $ 3.51 billion and for the period January-May 2011 amounted to U.S. $ 11.77 billion.

Director of Distribution Statistics BPS, Satwiko Darmesto add as much as 61% increase in exports boosted non-oil industries. "Commodities are mineral fuels, vegetable oils, rubber, rubber goods, machinery and electrical equipment, seed crust and metallic ash," he explained.

Meanwhile, foreign trade balance for the month of May amounted to U.S. $ 3.059 billion. "As for the difference in the trade balance from the beginning of the year to May amounted to U.S. $ 11 billion," he said.

Satwiko claimed Indonesia export performance in May is the greatest achievement in history. "The record is not only alone but the total exports of the sector also increased as oil and gas exports of U.S. $ 4.1011,9 billion, and especially non-oil hit a record U.S. $ 14, so that 222.2 and a total of U.S. $ 18, 334.1,"lid.