Showing posts with label Random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Random. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2013

Cleaning up!

So last month I upgraded to Strava Premium and stopped using Daily Mile, I am a bit of a training site whore, I originally used Nike+, that became Runner+ then Buckeye Outdoors, then Go Wagon, then Motionbased, SportsTrack, Garmin Connect, Training Peaks and now Strava!

So as you can see I have training data everywhere! I don’t mind so much as I rarely go back and look at it but at the end of the year it’s nice to review and it’s useful to track the mileage on various bits of kit’ wheels, shoes, chains and the like.

So I decided to go back to Strava to try and clean some things up as I was faced with a history page like this!


Fortunately I can reconcile it with other sites and as all my Trainer Rides are based on using TrainerRoad rides so it’s pretty easy to go back and clean things up.


Yep that’s 7 days spent on a Trainer!

Now one thing occurred to me as I was going through the Strava data that there is a pretty simple way to add a quick note to the ride, thanks to Social Media and in particular Instagram, take a photo and it is attached to the ride, in fact I noticed that I had done that a couple of times,

imageIt’s usually a photo of some horrible power curve or something…anyway if you follow me expect to see some odd (well odder than usual) photo’s in my stream…like these!

  image image


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Claret and the Blue

This is not a post about West Ham United Football Club! This is however a quick post about the, well Claret and Blue!

The Claret, if you saw this post you will have noticed I bought myself a new bike, a sexie fixie! The rational was to have something to ride with kids. They are almost off of training wheels (the youngest who is 4 has almost got it, but his stupid bike is also a fixie and he forgets to keep pedaling when going round corners and grinds to a halt!) I see a new bike for him coming real soon! I did not want to take $xxxx worth or carbon fiber to the park so I spent literally $250 and you know what happened on the the first ride it got scratched, kinda proved my thinking but inside of me a little piece really did die. I contacted the manufacturers to see if they sold touch up paint, they didn’t! So off to CVS I went and twenty minutes later I left with two bottles of nail varnish and taa daa one matched! If you need to know it’s #670 Violet Top Speed (who knew you could have fast nail varnish) by Revlon


The Blue, so on the back of my Tri bike is this elaborate hydration system, a frame is bolted to the seat rails, inside of it is a holder for C02 cartridges, outside of it is two water bottle cages. I had previously fitted it to the stock saddle that came with the bike and when I undid it I broke the seal on all the Loctite on the threads, this is the blue seal that stops you nuts from coming loose, something you do now want to have happen on a bike (or anywhere mind you!). I noticed that the frame had slipped down a lot after last weekend’s ride and when I checked all the nuts were loose! So thanks to Amazon Prime 48 hours later I have my tube of Henkel Loctite Blue 242 to recover the threads and make my nuts secure again…yes please feel free to comment away!

What colors work for you?

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Get off your ass/arse!*

Sitting is Killing You
Via: Medical Billing And Coding

Thanks to Lindsay for the original Posting

*apply as applicable in the US, Canada, NZ vs. UK, Australia and thanks to Kelownagurl, (Canada) JayDub (Australia) and Louise (New Zealand) for confirming what get said where! Gotta love Twitter!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Randomocity; miscellaneous musings…

A bit of a slow start to November on the old blogging front. Super busy week at work put the kybosh on most things #socialmedia, once again I am behind on my reader, a half edited Podcast sits on my mac and my training is, well, really a bit of a joke!

So in time honored bullet point fashion here we go…in no particular order:

  • Rode my longest ride on the new bike on Tuesday; 55m in 3:18 I was a fraction shy of a sub three hour 50 miles
  • Also on the bike front I nearly hit 20 miles in an hour on the road…well nearly means I was 5 minutes over…but I was pleased
  • I am on saddle #4 and struggling to find that perfect fit, was a bit numb after Tuesday!
  • Rode for the first time in a Bib (rather than shorts)…it felt what I imagine control hose feels like?!?
  • Running…yeah been meaning to do some of that…#fail!
  • Despite my best attempt I did not overdose on candy and crap at Halloween…I really did give it a good try through!
  • I still haven’t booked my ferry ticket to Catalina for next weekend’s Eco Marathon…yeah I am totally going to hurt after that race!
  • I haven’t signed up for the race the following weekend either…that I am not so worried about; I know the RD!
  • Come the end of November this year is wrapped up…well I might do a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving or something. If I do a 5k I will have raced everything from a 5k to a 50k this year…but let’s not get ahead of myself!

So there you go…it’s really not that interesting it is…oh well, normal service will be resumed shortly. As per my last post I have a bunch of giveaways coming up along with a ton of stuff I am reviewing including the new(ish) Kinvara from Saucony!

Oh yeah and if you’re running NYC tomorrow…what the hell are you still doing awake!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday Adminstrivia…

This is one those posts that covers everything and nothing all at the same time, so in shotgun bullet fashion here we go, a quick summary of the last week.

image* Finished week one of training, missed one day but trained six so not all bad

* I swam my longest swim ever 1825m (1.15 miles) in 1:01…yeah it’s not fast, but hey, I am a runner

* Had a green smoothie everyday, (Naked Green, Acai juice, carrots, spinach, kale (or chard), apple (or pear), avocado and two big spoonfuls of spirullina…this replaced lunch and snacks during the day Mon-Fri and was supplemented by grain, nuts and dried fruit, it was…interesting! I lost zero pounds!

* I finished this book and I am so confused I need to read it again, I also received this book which I ordered four months ago!

*Managed to stay on average in Zone 2, although I did max out at 175 during a quarter mile TT

* Nearly bought a new bike; torn between this and this or to keep saving for this…thoughts anyone?

* Spent the weekend in the gym, so no photos of verdant vistas, see above taken by my wife of me wear testing the Salomon XT vest, I had the treadmill at 3%, for nearly an hour, and dropped in a couple of walk breaks at 14% at 27 and 40 minutes


* Went to a spin class! First time in forever, the gym has a Kid’s Club and our kids love it so it’s a win-win all round

* Remembered how much I hated SPD pedals, compared to my Speedplays

image Speedplays on my road shoes vs. SPDs on my MTB shoes…no float!

* Finished off the RW; How Fit Are You? Here are the results

  1. Core strength – hold good form while doing a plank; 1:49 – Good
  2. Upper Body Strength – as many standard push-ups as possible; 22 Great (by 1!)
  3. Lower Body Strength – squat down until your glutes graze the seat of a chair. Return to standing; got bored at 57! – Great
  4. Flexibility – how straight can you get one leg while lying on your back; Good, just I think…super tight hammies!
  5. Balance – how long can you hold tree pose, do each side and average; got bored at 2 minutes – Great
  6. Speed – 400m flat out; result 1:28, disappointing – Fair – lots of controversy on the message boards on this one!
  7. Joint Mobility – this is way to complicated to explain so here’s my lovely assistant demonstrating it…me I am only Fair


So my results in total (the other two tests results are here) Good, Fair, Good, Great, Great, Good, Great, Fair, Fair…hmm so basically I am kinda great at pushups, standing up and almost sitting down and standing on one leg…whoop de f#$%^+*g d0!

Ok enough of this nonsense and let’s talk about a real winner and some real results, yesterday I tallied all the entries into the Catalina Island Eco Marathon and worked it all out, I assigned each entry a number and then used the random number generator

image Very hi tech, no?! image

And so the winner is Lisa! Drop me a line Lisa to and I will send you the entry code, congrats and I will see you in November! The runners up was Penny and third place was West picked in case Lisa has to drop out. Again a big thank you Amanda and Spectrum Sports!

Ok that’s about it for now then, later!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to me…

third Well to the Quadrathon Blog! 3 years old today!

Well what started as a little commentary to my shenanigans with Nike+ has grown into quite adventure. Had you asked me three years ago this is not the place I envisaged I would be!

Two marathons, five 50ks, two (nearly three) 50 milers and almost a 100 miler! And at the other end of the spectrum a sub 20:00 5k! Lots of miles run, lots of miles ridden, lots of laughs and a few tears along the way!

Needless to say it’s all, well nearly all been fun, I have seen stunning vistas, run through deserts and forests, hills and beaches and through sunrises and sunsets, I have learned loads, made a ton a great friends…my wife just laughs at my Facebook friend list and my Twitter follows, there’s plenty more to come I am sure!

Now I know you’ll all be itching to get me a little something well instead howsabout popping over to this page and making a little pledge towards my fundraising efforts for Pancreatic Cancer Research for next weekends race…yeah I know it’s super last minute but it’s a good cause and every little helps!

If you don’t fancy that check out some of my more choice moments:

Running is a Contact Sport!

Ultra Tshirt Etiquette

My first 50 Miler; The Leona Divide

Ich bin ein Flatlander!

and finally 22 miles Photog!

Fun times…stay tuned like my profile says “be warned I keep moving the targets in much the same way as the horizon keeps moving…such is the lot of a runner”!

Friday, January 15, 2010

This ‘n’ that…

It’s late so here’s a general round up of the week:

Took Monday off after last Sunday’s race.

Nailed my Intervals on Tuesday 6 x 800m all within my 6:25 - 6:47, I am still short of my target pace but I am getting there, slowly but surely

Wednesday; I hit the pool, pushed for time as there was a lesson waiting, it was drills, legs, float, fins on, fins off, up down, up down, 1000m done! Not far by tri training standards but hey!

Thursday; met up with Billy (LARunr) for a great mixed tempo run on the beach path, 8 miles, again short of target pace of 6:35 by about 20 seconds, but again I am getting there.

Tonight; Sufferfest time! An hour on the trainer having my butt kicked on the Downward Spiral…it’s brutal and that’s all I have to say, I’ll be posting a review next week and have two copies to giveaway in a competition; enter at your own risk!

In other news, I am having issues with my Kayano 16s, not long after I got them I developed a pain in my heel, not while running but the next morning or after being in chair for a while when I started walking it would be tender. I have reverted back to my 15’s and I picked up another pair in the sales. I’ve also been running in my flats with some effect and focusing on both form and function, I find myself going back time and time again to the Newton website…hmm we’ll see!

Tomorrow I have an 8 mile tempo run, an hour on the local roads and that closes out this week of training. I only have 4 weeks left on this plan. I’ve decided to do the 10k at the Redondo Beach Super Bowl race rather than the 5k, it’s one week ahead of the end of the training plan but it is the race where I set my current 10k PR, no predictions yet other than an improvement!

I fell off the wagon in my own Situp/Pushup/Squat challenge but I am back in the saddle, talking of challenges don’t forget to email me your start weight if you signed up for the 20lb/$20 Challenge…move over Howie Mandel! There seems to be some confusion mostly caused by me! The basics are it’s a percentage loss challenge not pounds. Everyone buys a $20 RRS card and each week one person will win one from someone else…you only buy one each and when they are all gone it's over, if you’re still confused, don’t worry you’ll get the hang of it as we go!

Finally I’ve a whole bunch of reviews in the pipeline, but I am going to eek them out one a week or so…lots of good stuff for y’all!


PostScript from Saturday Jan 16th

I had an awesome 8 miler today, even after Friday nights Sufferfest I managed to just miss the 8 miles in an hour by 36 seconds, that the fastest I have been in a long time and was 40 seconds faster over today’s hillier course than last weekend’s race!

1-17-2010 12-14-01 AM I also nailed my SPS Trifecta tonight…yep I am back in the saddle!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday Grab-bag!

I am woefully behind; here’s a Grab-bag of stuff!

* Haven’t run since last Sunday!
* But I ordered some cool new running togs during the week!
* Haven’t biked either!
* But I did go into a bike shop and had a good nose around; SRAM Red and Dura Ace 7900….yummy!
* I am resting my knee; it’s still not 100%
* Started new job on Monday – yay! Have a 110 round trip commute – boo!
* Start work at 7:15am – yay! Supposed to finish at 3:45pm – yay! Hasn’t happened yet- boo!
* I have one more long run on AC100 course this weekend then taper baby – phew, just in time; 3 weeks of tapering!
* There are two fires burning around the course; keep your fingers crossed
* Good luck to Ray and Erin both are racing at Ironman Canada this weekend, and anyone else of course!
* If you listen to my random podcasting there’s a twofer coming this weekend…hopefully!
* I do plan to catch up on the 341 unread items in my Google Reader and comment, honest!
* Today’s my Birthday!
* Still in the same age group; which is good but no extra time for a BQ; which is bad – yeah I am thinking about it!
* And planning out next year’s stuff already; I’ve got some crazy adventures on my radar!
* Thank you everyone who wrote on my Facebook wall or Tweeted me; you guys rock!
* Going to see new Tarantino movie tonight then dinner with my beautiful wife!
* Ok that’s more than enough exclamation marks. I’ve more work to do….HaGW/E!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

72 Hours!

Well what a difference 72 hours makes! Nice scabby knees, elbow, hands and shoulder a’la school playground, face is almost back to normal, chin’s a bit scabby, but I managed to shave today; a goatee really doesn’t suit me, as is my left eye and upper lip, my nose looks the worst but it’s fine really. The swelling inside my mouth is almost gone, I’ll spare you the ‘oral shot’, suffice to say it’s several delightful shades of black and blue, biting is delicate but doable and a straw for drinking is optional, time to put this little incident behind me and move on.

It's things like this that make me glad I am a quick healer!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Well, that was the week that wasn’t!

And so with this week’s long run falling into last week, my knee giving me issues on Tuesday and my trip and fall yesterday this week is just a write-off! That being said I did manage to go to the, wait for it….pool! Yes you read that right a very ungainly 800 yards; yeah I know it’s not far, in 25 minutes or so; yep not fast either!

Oh well some days you just have one of those weeks. Looking forward, hopefully, I’ll be set for my long run Sunday which kicks off next week’s training plan, it’s a night run on the trails so I’ll be taking a few flashlights, maybe the LAPD will fly over me and highlight the trail?

As for my face, well, firstly thank you to everyone for you kind words, I think yesterday’s post is now my highest commented one which is testament to the solidarity of the running community (ok that’s enough soap boxing), but seriously to everyone who took the time to comment here on Facebook and Twitter (c’mon I have to milk this for all it’s worth!) thank you. Everything is slowly scabbing over so now my face has taken on a kind of crunchy feel, the swelling inside my lips has started to go down; although biting is a real no-no for now; my diet is softish food and I am drinking through a straw which sucks; literally. I am so so grateful for not smashing my teeth, nose, jaw, eye socket you name it, all things considered I got off lightly. Taking a shower is interesting; note to self do not use Tea Tree body wash on road rash; stings like a mother…Oh yes and I can't shave my chin, so I am now looking like some undertrained enforcer!

As you can see, fortunately, my sense of humor retains intact, unfortunately this weekend is my wife’s birthday and we’ve had to cancel our dinner plans! Maybe we’ll go to mall where I can scare small children or tell inquiring parents about my UFC career! We’ll see, have a good one and watch out for manhole covers…little bastards!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Running is a contact sport…

Well it is when you decide to headbutt the sidewalk. So there I was merrily minding my own business thinking that my knee was feeling better, plodding along at a sensible pace and wallop I am down, errant man-hole cover! I’ll spare you the list of road-rashed body parts but suffice to say I won’t be going to the ball at the weekend! Of all the bits that hurt the most annoying is that I have managed to mash up the inside of my lips and now they’re really starting to swell…oh yeah that and the fact the brow of my nose won’t stop weeping! From memory I seemed to literally have swallow dived into the pavement face first, with the forward momentum of running I had zero time to put out my hands and thereby I broke my fall face!

Of course this does make for an interesting blog post…this was one my earlier thoughts, after, phew all my teeth are there and good, my nose is not broken.

A kind Samaritan stopped and gave me a lift home, thank you whoever you were.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ultra T-Shirt Etiquette

In the ultra running community the wearing of race T-Shirts has become a sign of accomplishment and fashion. Choosing just the right T-Shirt for that special occasion can be a daunting and difficult task. The following guidelines have been compiled (in fun) to help the responsible T-shirt wearer avoid potential embarrassment and/or elevate their status.

1. A shirt cannot be worn unless the wearer has participated in the event. (crew, significant others and volunteers are exempt)
2. Any race, less than a marathon distance, shouldn't be worn to an ultra event. It simply doesn't represent a high cool factor and sends a red flag regarding your rookiness. If you set a PR at Pikes Peak Marathon, definitely wear that shirt whenever possible.
3. When returning to a race in which you previously finished, then wear the shirt from the first year you completed the race. Don't short change yourself by wearing the shirt from the year before. It doesn't adequately display the feat of accomplishment or the consummate veteran status that you are due.
4. Never wear a race shirt from the race you are about to run. It displays a lack of running integrity and might put the mojo on you.
5. Wearing a T-shirt of the race, while currently running said race, is discouraged. It's like being at work and constantly announcing "I'm at work". Besides, you wont have the correct post race shirt then.
6. Never wear a shirt from a run that you did not finish. To wear it is to say I finished it.
7. A DNF'er may wear a race shirt if... the letters DNF are boldly written on the shirt in question.
8. During a race the wearing of shirt from a previously completed year is acceptable. Wear the oldest T-shirt you have (see guideline #3). This is probably a good practice because you now have no excuse to drop out since you've done it before.
9. Runners should buy all crew members and, as appropriate, significant others (they let you run the race in the first place) T-shirts which can be worn without regard to running the race. (see guide #1)
10. Volunteers have full T-shirt rights and all privileges pertaining thereto.
11. No souvenir shirts therefore friends or anyone else not associated with the race may not wear a race shirt. If mom thinks that the Leadville shirt is lovely, tell he to send in her application early for next year so she can earn her own.
12. Wear the race shirt of your last race at the current race pre race briefing. The more recent the race the better. This is a good conversation starter. However avoid the tendency to explain how that it was a training run for this, and this is just a training run for the next, etc. It just sounds like your rationalizing mediocre performances. Sometimes it's best to live in the here and now. ("I've never been more prepared for a race! this is the big one!)
13. It must be clean (dried blood stains are okay)
14. If you've finished Hardrock 100 then wear it as often as possible, since the race is so damn hard.
15. Never wear a T-shirt that vastly out classes the event you're running (exception: see guideline #14) Example: Never wear a Western States 100 T-shirt at, say, Cool Canyon. Too many roadies will feel put down.
16. It's okay to wear a WS100 or Leadville or Wasatch T-shirt at ultrarunner cult events such as Gibson Ranch or Jim Skophammer 24. It's probably not okay to wear your Trans-America footrace T-Shirt to your local around-the-lake Fat Ass 50k unless you want to psyche out the competition.
17. A corollary: never wear a blatantly prestigious T-shirt downtown. People will just think you have a big head, which you do.
18. If you don't know what things like DNF, WS100 or Crew are then you shouldn't wear any race shirt until you know what they mean.
19. T-shirts must be used sensitively. Worn responsibly, they can help expand one's consciousness and immerse you in a great conversation with your ultra brethren. Worn stupidly, they can cause blisters, vacant stares, sprained ankles, and cause social anxiety.

NOTE: Publicly these guidelines will be denied and possibly ridiculed by ultra runners, but privately and when discussed confidentially, they sing a different tune.

Borrowed from Kevin Sayers.

FYI this is the one from AC100 collection.
At mile 80, a few miles out of Chantry Flats on the heavily canopied Upper Winter Creek Trail, he lurks around the next bend in the trail in the Danger Zone, the shirt reads: "Legend has it that the Rhino Chaser were a breed apart, fierce competitors who challenged only the toughest of big game"

Sunday, June 7, 2009

A conversation with a non-runner...

So I took our kids to a birthday party this morning, (seriously who has a kid’s birthday at 9:30am on a Sunday; but I digress). Chatting to one of the parents I had a conversation that went something along the lines of…

Parent; so do you watch sports?

Me; no, not really the Tour de France if I can but that’s about it I guess

Parent; oh so you don’t watch soccer…but your British?

; no, sorry, I run a bit and ride a road bike

Parent; oh do you race?

Me; yes, not to win though, just to finish

Parent; do you run 10ks then?

Me; no, I like longer races

Parent; oh?

Me; well I ran a couple of 50kms and a 50 miler earlier this year

Parent; oh…

Me; and I have just started training for a 100 mile race

Parent; oh…so have you run any marathons?

Me; yes I’ve run a couple, I ran LA last year

Parent; wow, running a marathon, now that’s a long way

Me; um yeah!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

You know your weekend is too short when...

After a day at work and a brisk 7 mile run in the evening you go home with a bit of sore throat, put the kids to bed, have dinner decide that an early night is in order but have to stretch and foam roll you IT bands before hitting the hay. Half an hour later you wife finds you asleep on the bedroom floor snoring in some sort of pseudo contorted stretch…I am that man!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What are the odds?

Check out this word Google stalking me?

I suppose if they were it would be 'runfar', just to pander to my ego, even so, spooky or what!