Visar inlägg med etikett Magnolia 2019. Visa alla inlägg
Visar inlägg med etikett Magnolia 2019. Visa alla inlägg

söndag 17 november 2019

My day for some inspiration at TOMIC - A little winter inspiration just for you.

 And welcome back to my day here at TOMIC.

I´m so happy to have you here at my little place.

Today i want to show you a card that i made for Hochanda 
earlier this year.
And it fits well with some winter inspiration now.
And this card is also a DT card for Magnolia.
* * *
I have made a card that measures 15x15 cm.
I have used a die from Magnolia Vintagebox vol 4 "A Merry Christmas".
I used Bazzill card stock,
and the sweet pattern paper from  Maja Design and Pion Design.
I stamp the bird with "Versafine-Onyx Black".
Me and My Snowman från: "Aspen Holidays Collection 2016"
Distress ink:
Skin: Vintage photo och Tattered rose.
Hair: Antique Linnen och Walnut stain.
Clothes: Weahtered wood, Bunded sage.
Snowman: Black soot and Tea Die.
The motif is painted on Langton paper with a synthetic brush in st 00.000.
The snowstar is a die from Magnolia. I have put some stickles on it,
just to get a shimmering touch on it.
Some of my decorations that I used on the card is:
Lace, cheesecloth, halfpearls
doily…and  stickles, sisals, m.m and some white color.
This beautiful flowers comes from Wild Orcild craft and Prima.
The leaf die is from Magnolia.
*F l o w e r s*
I love flowers in different colors... so it is a must on my cards.
But todays flower is most in blue and white.
I usually paint on my flowers with white color, 
and put some stickles on.
I think it is so beautiful.
And i put some "sissel" under the flower to.
I like to build my cards with layers and layers.
Under the motif I have added corrugated board as I first
chalk with walnut stain.
Then I painted with white decoration paint,
to be recalculated with Weathered wood.
During this I added white doily and some cheese cloth.
And a little more white decoration color.
Something I like is when Pauline make small lyrics for the stamps.
This lyrics is from the same collection as the stamp 
"Aspen HolidaysCollection 2016"
* * *
This beautiful tag is a DooHickey Die from Magnolia.
The name is Tildas Tag.
I Looove this stamp with Tilda and the snowman.
For the snow i have used some frantage,
and stickles.
I hope you love my card.
and find some inspiration to.
"with love from me"

söndag 22 september 2019

My day for some inspiration at TOMIC - For a baby girl.

 And welcome back to my day (a few day late…sorry)  here at TOMIC.
I´m so happy to have you here at my little place.
Today i want to show you a card that i made for my doughter´s  friend.
She has given her little princess the name Ellen.
I have used the stamp:
Delivery from Heaven  from "Special Moments collection 2013".

* * *

I have made a card that measures 15x15 cm.
I have used a die from the GoKreate.
I used Bazzill card stock,
and the sweet pattern paper from  Maja Design.
Vintage Baby - "Flowers for mum"
I stamp the bird with "Versafine-Onyx Black".
I have painted with Distress ink.
The motif is painted on Langton paper ,
with a synthetic brush in st 00.000.
* * *
All edges are inked with Distress pads "walnut stain"
The edges around motif and patterns papers are
sewed with my sewing machine.
Some of my decorations that I used on the card is:
Lace, cheesecloth, halfpearls
doily…and  stickles, sisals, m.m and some white color.
"This small tower dies is from DooHickey box vol 9"
*F l o w e r s*
I love flowers in different colors... so it is a must on my cards.
But todays flower is most in pink and white.
Just perfect for a little princess ;)
I usually paint on my flowers with white color, 
and put some stickles on.
I think it is so beautiful.
And i put some "sissel" under the flower to.
I like to build my cards with layers and layers.
Under the motif I have added corrugated board as I first
chalk with walnut stain.
Then I painted with white decoration paint,
to be recalculated with Weathered wood.
During this I added white doily and some cheese cloth.
And a little more white decoration color.
This lyrics is from stempelgledje .
The princess castle is a die and comes from Magnolia.
" The die Castle from Once upon a time collection 2013 "
This is how i decorated the back of the card,
with my personal stamp.
I hope you like  my card,
and find some inspiration.
"with love from me"

fredag 19 juli 2019

My day for some inspiration at TOMIC - Magnolia Day Art Stamp Kit.

 And welcome back to my day (a few day late…sorry)  here at TOMIC.
I´m so happy to have you here at my little place.
Today i will show you a card, that i made with one of the stamp kit
 from Magnolia online day.
This card is a DT card for Magnolia.
* * *
I have made a card that measures 15x15 cm.
I have used a die from the GoKreate.
I used Bazzill card stock,
and the sweet pattern paper from  Maja Design.
Vintage Romance- "Walk with me"
I stamp Tilda with "Versafine-Onyx Black".
I have painted Tilda with Distress ink.
She is from Magnolia Day Art Stamp Kit.
The motif is painted on Langton paper ,
with a synthetic brush in st 00.000.
* * *
All edges are inked with Distress pads "walnut stain"
The edges around Tilda and patterns papers are
sewed with my sewing machine.
* * *
Some of my decorations that I used on the card is:
Lace,cheesecloth, halfpearls
doily…and  stickles, sisals, m.m and some white color.
*F l o w e r s*
I love flowers in different colors... so it is a must on my cards.
But todays flower is most in pink and white :)
I usually paint on my flowers with white color, and put some stickles on.
I think it is so beautiful.
And i put some "sissel" under the flower to
I hope you love this little birdhouse to.
I think this die will be mine topp 1 this summer.
I just loooove it...
I like to build my cards with layers and layers.
Under the motif I have added corrugated board as I first
chalk with walnut stain.
Then I painted with white decoration paint,
to be recalculated with Weathered wood.
During this I added white doily and some cheese cloth.
And a little more white decoration color.
Something I like is when Pauline make small lyrics for the stamps.
This lyrics is from the Pop-up box-"Midsummer Nights Dreams" 2019.
"If friends were flowers, i´d pick you"
except "I  would rather have…." 
it´s from  Magnolia Day Art Stamp Kit.
* * *
This beautiful tag is a DooHickey Die from Magnolia.
The name is Tildas Tag.
I hope you love my card.
and find some inspiration to.
"with love from me"

lördag 1 juni 2019

TOMIC Challenge #4 for June & July #4 Summer & Sea

 And welcome back  to us  here at TOMIC.
It´s time for our fourth challenge here at TOMIC, which is 
Summer & Sea
I loooove summer...
Do you?
* * * 
Here is my inspirations card for You
Today i want to show a little old stamp from Magnolia for you.
The stamp is from 2012.
Isn´t she cute…?

I have made a card with Magnolias heartdie from Vintagebox 5
I used Bazzill card stock.
and the sweet pattern paper from  Maja Design -"Celebration - Jubilee"
I stamp Tilda with "Versafine-Onyx Black".
All edges are chalked with Distress pads "walnut stain"
And the edges around the motif and the pattern paper are
sewn with sewing machine.
I have painted Tilda with Distress ink.
Her name is:
Waterlily Tilda from Summer Memories Collection 2012
Most in the blue color this time :) 
Distress ink:
Skin: Vintage photo och Tattered rose.
Hair: Antique Linnen och Walnut stain.
Clothes: Weahtered wood, Frayed Burlap, Old paper.
Flower: Fired Brick, Aged Mahogany.
Tthe most of the die on this card is from the 
Vintagebox vol 5 - "Bluebird"
Some of my decorations that I used on the card is:
Lace, cheesecloth, halfpearls, flowers,
doily…and  stickles, sisals, and some white color
Something I like is when Pauline make small lyrics for the stamps.
This lyrics is from:
"Summer Memories Collection 2012"
"Vintage 3 box från Magnolia"
This beautiful tag is a DooHickey Die from Magnolia.
The name is Tildas Tag.
I like to build my cards with layers and layers.
Under the motif I have added corrugated board as I first
chalk with walnut stain.
Then I painted with white decoration paint,
to be recalculated with Weathered wood.
And a little more white decoration color.
This flower i have made with a DOOHOCKEY die from Magnolia.
*Sakura Waterlily from Sakura 2015
A close up of the beautiful waterlily.
I hope you love my card.
and find some inspiration to.
"with love from me"

onsdag 29 maj 2019

Hochanda (nr 2) - Tilda Clown from Le Cirque Collection 2018

Välkommen tillbaka till mig och min blogg.
Idag tänkte jag visa er kort nr 2, som fick vara med i Hochanda.
Så roligt att mina kort fick vara med i Engelsk tv.
 * * *
(Nu blir det många insperationsbilder att se på)
Här har vi Tilda Clown.

Som kortbas har jag använt Magnolia DoHickey´s 
* Vintage frames and tags.
Jag har lagt den lite omlott så det bildas en bas.
Jag har använt Bazzill cardstock.
och mönsterpapper från Maja Design.

Alla kanter är chalkade med Distress pads "walnut stain"
Och kanterna runt motivet och mönsterpappren är 
sydda med symaskin.
Tilda Clown från: "Le Cirque Collection 2018"
Distress ink:
Hud: Vintage photo och Tattered rose.
Hår: Antique Linnen och Walnut stain.
Kläder: Weathered wood, Black soot och Walnut stain.
Skuggor: Frayed burlap, Hickory smoke.
* * *
Jag har stämplat motivet med "Versafine" - Onyx Black.
Motivet är målat på Langton papper med en syntetpensel i st 00,000. 
Här är den fina dies som jag använde mig av som kotbas. 
Den minsta dies passar utmärkt att använda som små tags att fästa på sitt kort.
Du  finner den  HÄR

Övriga dies som jag använt till mitt kort kommer från:
* The Vintagebox vol 2 - "Cirque"
Dekorationer som jag använt till detta kortet är bl:a 
Spets, halvpärlor, kakservett, sissel, wellpapp,doily,
brads, blommor och vitfärg, band, gasbinda, 
Det fina tidshjulet är från 
The Vintagebox vol 2 - "Cirque"
Jag brukar måla med lite vit dekorations färg på mina blommor.
Sedan stryker jag på stickles.
Jag bygger gärna mina kort med lager på lager. 
Under motivet har jag lagt wellpapp som jag först 
chalkat med Walnut Stain.
Därefter har jag målat med vit dekorationsfärg, 
för att åter chalka med Weathered wood.
Under detta har jag lagt en vit kakservett och lite cheese cloth.
Och ytterligare lite vit dekorationsfärg.
Jag har använt den vackra DooHickey Die from Magnolia
som heter "Tildas tag"
Dom fina texterna kommer även dom från Magnolia 
* Le Cirque collection 2018.
Blommorna kommer från WOC.
Under blommorna brukar jag fästa lite "sissel"
* * *
Här har jag först dekorerat blommorna med vit dekorations färg.
Jag har sedan lagt på stickles.
Ger en fin effekt på blommorna.
Jag har använt mig av den minsta diesen till en liten tag.
Passade bra med ett par bards, har inte använt det på länge.
Tack... för att du tittar in till mig.
"with love from me"